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Old 2007-07-23, 01:32 AM   #1
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Default Ungodly fast Porsche 930T

So I got my doors blown off by Duck Fuson's 930T at the last Trials (not that he's in my class)... here's him passing me, and my attempt to keep up.

The Porsche is about 1000 lbs lighter than my WRX, plus he's making 550 hp (if not more), and he's got way better aero and full slicks on the car... so I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about being slower.
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Old 2007-07-23, 06:23 AM   #2
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No, I won't work on your car. F* your car

Holy crap! that thing's fast!

I think I've seen that car before, only recognized by the huge wing
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Old 2007-07-23, 07:02 AM   #3
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Wow, that car is insane. Very COol. Dude, your trackvision setup is awesome, I love that.
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Old 2007-07-23, 07:15 AM   #4
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"I'm sideways and in control... I look good."

Fuckin' baller with the trackvision. That's friggen sweet.
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Old 2007-07-23, 07:21 AM   #5
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Yah, the Trackvision is awesome. You were going ~120 into the S's and accelerating.

Nice work keeping him in your sights for so long. :beer:
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2007-07-23, 07:21 AM   #6
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Wish in one hand and sh*t in the other...

I think you hung with him pretty well in your 4-door hopped-up grocery getter.
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Old 2007-07-23, 07:57 AM   #7
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

It is fast, but you are faster in some of the twisties and slower in others from what I could see.

Would you like some critique on those two laps?
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Old 2007-07-23, 08:16 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Dean View Post
Would you like some critique on those two laps?
You mean you have finished giving advice to formula 1 drivers?
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Old 2007-07-23, 08:19 AM   #9
Nick Koan
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I could swear I saw that car on the back of a truck Friday night near downtown, and I was actually wondering if it was here for the Time Trials.

Guess I was right
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Old 2007-07-23, 08:20 AM   #10
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Originally Posted by MikeK View Post
You mean you have finished giving advice to formula 1 drivers?
Yeah, I've talked to all the F1 drivers that read SECCS. Those are the ones that don't crash!
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Old 2007-07-23, 08:40 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dean View Post
It is fast, but you are faster in some of the twisties and slower in others from what I could see.

Would you like some critique on those two laps?
Absolutely, I'm always open to critique if it can make me faster. I think I could hang with him in only the very tightest corners, and it seemed like I had a bit of an advantage under braking... but all of that could simply be that he wasn't pushing hard at all. I know in talking with him that he was out there just to break in some new bits on the car. He was running 2:00-2:10 laps all day until the last session... so I can't imagine he was getting all of it in his first session of hot laps.

FYI everyone else... you can knock Dean around for his F1 opinions (I know I do! ), but he's still probably the fastest guy on four wheels around here.

And my Trackvision sync was a little off... the telemetry is just ahead of the video. You have to manually sync it up and I was off a bit. I didn't notice it until I noticed the shifts vs. rpms were off... which is what I'll use next time to make sure it's right.
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Old 2007-07-23, 10:33 AM   #12
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

First: I am nit picking. You look great...

Critique: OK, I can't see your head, and you may be doing some or a lot of this, but I include it for other's edification.

Turn 23: Gotta at least kiss the rumble strip. The dip on the inside acts like a sling shot, Can't see your head, but you should be looking at the starter stand before the braking zone. Part of it might have been due to the pass though. Don't watch the car that just passed you...

General: RELAX!!! breath, wiggle your fingers on straights and loosen your grip and use more of the flatter rumble strips.

1: Slow the hands down and see above.
1A: Kiss the strip
1A-1B: Turn less while car is light... wait for the car to land before completing the turn in.
1B: Use the whole last 1/3 of the strip and maybe 1/4 tire width of dirt off the trailing edge.
1C: Use the whole thing and maybe a 1/4 tire in the dirt before and after. Look for the apex of 3!
2: Brake straight into the inside strip and then hug it to the apex. (It is rough so stay off) You have the right idea, just shift left another couple feet. Eyes to apex at 3, Gas and track out more.
3: Brake, turn, gas and lots of inside rumble strip & track out... You don't appear to set the front with a brake and/or are early and/or understeer at exit. 3 is tighter than 2, braking is required. timed downshift might also help rotation at entry. Eyes to apex @5.
4: If you can't run foot to the floor from 3 to 6 a single brake (Left foot?) at entry of 4RH may make it possible. Use more inside rumble strip on right hander and Kiss the strip at least on the left after it. Eyes up th hill way before 5.
5: Anticipate and countersteer smoothly in the air, don't wait for the car to land. Eyes to 8.
6: You have time, move 2-3 feet further right before entry to be later here and then faster through 7.
7: Aim straight for beginning of rumble at 8, don't overturn this. Look for the turn in of 9!
8: Brake, turn, gas. For this config, early apex hug to 1/2 car off the strip.
9: Brake, turn earlier, gas, late apex, use 1/3 inside rumble strip.
9D?: Tap the brake, make the apex (Maybe), eyes to track out at 9C
9C: This apex/and 1/3rd of the rumble strip are more important than 9D and a must hit. Brake at 9D entry sets it up and makes it possible to power through this whole 9D-9C corner. Type 1 corner!
Short chute: Pick up T18 track out behind worker station on right.
18: Apex rumble strip! If you are late enough, you should be on the floor by then. Type 1 corner!!!
16-15A: Turn in earlier and straight line them more, it helps avoid some of the bump. Brake between rumble strips, just missing them. If you really nailed 18, you may need a left foot tap before turn in at 16. Type 2 corner... how far can you carry that speed? Great track out onto straight and smooth transition into 21! Almost nobody does that right. You could have caught the inside rumble strip though...
21: Can't tell if you really broke or just lifted. Gas deeper and brake is better. Good line, apex and track out!
22: UNWIND! and track out left! People love to scrub speed here by keeping the wheel turned right. You have tons of time to get right before 23.

23: Better, but not quite. Turn in earlier, but slower will get you in there at the right angle. Eyes down the straight before turn in really makes a huge difference! Still over a car width of track to the right at track out...


1: Better, but hands could be slower/smoother.
2-4: Look ma, no apexes.
5: better, but slower?
6-8: same comments
9: Made the apex, but why? Doesn't look like you braked, just slower through/from 8 and maybe earlier turn in?
9D-23: very similar. 18 looked even slower. No Apex and earlier?

Again, you are doing great, and it is easy to be dissect this stuff siting on my couch.
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Last edited by Dean; 2007-07-23 at 10:57 AM.
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Old 2007-07-23, 10:42 AM   #13
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Thanks for the feedback... I'm gonna have to get out a track map, and the video and go over it all!

For the most part, I'm normally a bit better hitting my apexes. I was off the rumble strips more than I would normally be... I was driving too hard and it was making the car pushy. Plus, for some reason the whole day the car didn't seem to want to rotate on-throttle the way it had in the past. Perhaps my suspension tweaks I made to help with the bumps reduced my power-on oversteer. I actually went two wheels off out of the horseshoe in the morning... pushed right off the track.

On the video lap, I was late braking after the esses which is why I was off the rumble strip on the 1st of the double apex, and why I was slow through the rest of the corner.
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Old 2007-07-23, 10:58 AM   #14
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

For t2 it should read hug to the apex, don't hug for full length. Fixed in original.
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Old 2007-07-23, 12:20 PM   #15
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I know Duck personally. He was not pushing it as he was breaking in his new CV shafts. That car is much faster, but regardless, I find Scott's performance impressive.
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Old 2007-07-23, 12:46 PM   #16
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Btw, duck said he took a look at your wing and thinks it's too low to do much good in all that dirty air behind your car. He recommended a wing that had a higher center to get it into some clean air.
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Old 2007-07-23, 12:53 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by ivanko View Post
Btw, duck said he took a look at your wing and thinks it's too low to do much good in all that dirty air behind your car. He recommended a wing that had a higher center to get it into some clean air.
The wing is pretty much for looks alone. My car is in need of an aero makeover... a splitter and useful wing are planned... but it needs the motor fixed first.
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Old 2007-07-23, 12:58 PM   #18
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Weird thing happened to my Syclone about a block from my house, the power steering box took a dump and puked all the power steering fluid onto my driveway. Now I have to bust me knuckles and fix it before the next event.

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
The wing is pretty much for looks alone. My car is in need of an aero makeover... a splitter and useful wing are planned... but it needs the motor fixed first.
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Old 2007-07-23, 03:18 PM   #19
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How well do you think you do agains Kent Jordan in his Mullerized Evo?
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Old 2007-07-23, 03:51 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by ivanko View Post

How well do you think you do agains Kent Jordan in his Mullerized Evo?
I hear that's the guy in ITE to beat... which is the class my car would be in. According to Greg and Matt Benson, my car just needs a healthy motor, some aero help, and much bigger tires to be competitive in ITE. So I'd guess that I'd get whupped by Kent right now... and then just plain beat if I followed through on the motor/aero/tires until I learn how to race.

But after watching that race from '05... I gotta think that EVO is making significantly more power than me...
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Old 2007-07-23, 06:52 PM   #21
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Scott, you need a wing like this.

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Old 2007-07-23, 07:24 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
The wing is pretty much for looks alone. My car is in need of an aero makeover... a splitter and useful wing are planned... but it needs the motor fixed first.

Works damn good.
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