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Old 2010-05-01, 06:27 PM   #1
Clippersfan86's Avatar
Real Name: Michael
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Default Selling good video games and a PSP Go.

Hey guys so I'm trying to make some cash if you can't tell by all my threads. Here are my things for sale. All games are for Xbox 360.

1. Splinter Cell Conviction, only played twice. No scratches or anything. I would like to get $50 (14 dollars savings from new one with tax).

2. PSP Go system. Just came out in October, every game has to be purchased offline. It was 270 new, now they are selling for 195-200 so i'll sell mine for $140. also in great shape and not played often. This is very negotiable since I rarely play it anyways.

3. Import Tuner Challenge. Street racing game with all the top cars and over 5 million combinations of modding available. Wrx's are in game guys! ;p $10

4. Resident Evil 5. Amazing game. Best Resident Evil since part 2 on the N64 by far! Full story mode CO-OP. Among the most impressive graphics I've ever seen on the 360. Very unique and legit storyline. $25

5. Left 4 Dead 2. I don't need to explain why this is a great game to anyone who plays video games. Badass co op and online play is all I need to say. $30

Anyways hope you guys like. These are all great deals that you WILL NOT find at Gamestop. So if you've been wanting to try these games... may as well get them cheap!

I also have Dragon age, Mass Effect 2,Fallout 3 and a few others.. but unless someone offers me a price I can't refuse, those aren't leaving.
What's a library, dad?"
"Oh, it's just a place where homeless people come to shave and go BM."
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Old 2010-05-07, 10:44 PM   #2
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My son would like the Import Tuner. He loves any racing game. Still got it?
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