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Old 2015-08-26, 02:00 PM   #1
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Default 2.5i down...

It's been awhile guys I apologize, life and 2 kids has caught up with me and I quit modding my Subaru cars a few years ago after the WRX life and finding my now ex-wife was pregnant. After finding she was pregnant in 2009, I have had a 2009 Impreza sedan (no turbo haha) which I traded in my pretty silver WRX for. I bought the 2009 brand new then and payed it off in December 2014. All maintenance was done on time and well/religiously throughout it's life. I replaced the clutch about a year ago that was going so replaced the flywheel/bearings in there along with a clutch while it was opened up and the tranny unattached from the engine. I also replaced a battery and alternator recently and that concludes things gone wrong in the car since 2009 until last weekend. I was up for an oil change when I went camping last weekend but was just going to camp with my kiddos right outside Truckee on the Yuba River so not too far away. Checked all fluids and everything was good except the oil was about a quart low. Added oil, packed the car, checked the tires, and was on my way from NW Reno. The car sat at the campsite backed in without moving for 2 days while we camped.

Upon leaving and packing the car I checked fluids and everything once again. Low on oil again just above the L on the dipstick, and got underneath to find no noticeable leaks of oil under. Added the 1/2 quart leftover before leaving back to Reno got almost to Truckee and the car's oil pressure light came on, so I let off the gas and coasted down the hill to where I-80 opens just before the Central Truckee exit. The car started chugging and making not nice noises so I shut the engine off, put it in neutral, and coasted to a stop. Girlfriend was driving behind me and saw no smoke or anything coming out and nor did I driving. After pulling over first instinct was to check the oil obviously which was not even reading on the dipstick now. Sent the girlfriend to the auto parts store in Truckee to get some oil. Next I think to check the coolant but wait for the radiator cap to cool down first. Still burned my finger putting my finger in the radiator and coolant to try and check if there was oil in there and even stuck the tip of a white napkin from camping in there to make sure, and no oil in the coolant. Added oil after girlfriend returned and car would not turn over.

Got a friend with a car hauler to pick me up and drop the car off at my house where it has been sitting since out front because we couldn't get it up the steep driveway into the garage. My same good friend came over with an inspection camera yesterday so we could try to see anything in there. He wanted to see if the pulleys were moving when I tryed to start it, so I tryed starting it, and after about 5 or so seconds it actually turned over. The car was not happy at all running though (you could tell) and made some not good running sounds in the very very short time before I turned the key to off (was almost startled it actually turned over and turned key to off immediately). I was thinking worst case and thought the motor was seized before it turned over... After that we take the spark plug boot out on the front driver's side of the motor and oil came out of the sleeve the boot was in... Took all of the boots out and they all had oil residue on them. Took the spark plug out and it had oil on the top, but not on the treads of the spark plug (so figured a valve cover gasket kit is in store for me regardless and depending on how bad it is). Stuck the inspection camera in after getting the spark plug out and everything looked good as far as we could see inside. He wanted me to take stuff out to get better clearance at the spark plug locations via removing the intake, battery, etc., so I did that last night and was going to drain the oil tonight after work per his request as well to test further. Also put a code reader on there when finished and it is throwing a P0026 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Range/Performance Bank 1 and also a P0028 Intake Valve Control Solenoid Range/Performance Bank 2.

If you made it this far in the read, was just curious if there was anything else to check or that we were missing, or if any of you guys had any insight or help before I go post on Nasoic or just get a new engine (which is a whole other conversation I know haha), because a bunch of you guys were very knowledgeable with this kind of stuff. Noticed not a lot of activity as well on here recently, but figured it would be worth a shot with old friends as smart as you guys are. Thank you in advance and hope to hear from you guys soon!
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Last edited by Kavid; 2015-08-26 at 02:08 PM. Reason: misspelled words, puntuation to help read
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Old 2015-09-01, 07:35 AM   #2
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No responses but almost 70 views so figured I'd update just in case. Drained the oil completely out and no metal flakes or chunks whatsoever. Anyone?
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Old 2015-09-02, 08:40 PM   #3
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Sorry man, this board is pretty dead these days. Local folks have moved on to non-Subarus or have taken their car club discussions to or Facebook.

Anyway, my first guess was your first guess: head gasket. But if the coolant is really clean, it seems unlikely. You might want to do one of those hydrocarbons tests on the coolant.

Otherwise, could you have lost a ringland? I didn't think that was common on the non-turbo cars. But I guess it's possible to burn a ton of oil with little smoke in the exhaust... at least until the cats burn out.

The oil being clear of metal is a good sign, you may not need to rebuild it. But the fact the motor was lugging after the oil light came on sounds pretty bad. So who knows. If you're DIY enough to do the head gaskets, that's what I'd do. If it doesn't work, you're just out the relatively low cost of parts plus a weekend of your time. Plus if the heads are off, you'll get a good look at the ring lands.

On the other hand, if you're handy enough to do a motor swap, a used 2.5i motor can't be that pricey. And you'll probably be good for enough time to drive it a bit or trade it in on something newer. Then again, that plan might work after just doing the head gaskets.
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Old 2015-09-03, 07:00 AM   #4
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I Want My WRX Back!

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Sorry man, this board is pretty dead these days. Local folks have moved on to non-Subarus or have taken their car club discussions to or Facebook.

Anyway, my first guess was your first guess: head gasket. But if the coolant is really clean, it seems unlikely. You might want to do one of those hydrocarbons tests on the coolant.

Otherwise, could you have lost a ringland? I didn't think that was common on the non-turbo cars. But I guess it's possible to burn a ton of oil with little smoke in the exhaust... at least until the cats burn out.

The oil being clear of metal is a good sign, you may not need to rebuild it. But the fact the motor was lugging after the oil light came on sounds pretty bad. So who knows. If you're DIY enough to do the head gaskets, that's what I'd do. If it doesn't work, you're just out the relatively low cost of parts plus a weekend of your time. Plus if the heads are off, you'll get a good look at the ring lands.

On the other hand, if you're handy enough to do a motor swap, a used 2.5i motor can't be that pricey. And you'll probably be good for enough time to drive it a bit or trade it in on something newer. Then again, that plan might work after just doing the head gaskets.
Thanks for the response sperry. Sorry to hear the forum has died for the most part that is unfortunate After posting on NASOIC the other day I have heard that with the two codes P0026 and P0028, that it automatically and immediately puts the car in limp mode where it runs like crap and limits your rpms which makes sense with the power loss I was getting after the Oil Pressure Light and the CEL, but I fear something internal has gone bad as well with the sounds it was making when it was running when it turned over at my house for a second. Almost makes me think about a bent rod or something to that nature but can't be sure until digging further into it. I am at a standstill though, I have to now wait for my friend Chris to get back from his week long camping trip with his family to get the inspection camera and his expertise as well to hopefully figure this out next week sometime.

Me and Chris are definitely handy enough to do a used motor swap no question, I have found some used 2.5i motors for my car with warranties for between $1650 and $2600 depending on mileage and what not with shipping included. I have been heavily contemplating trading my car in its condition on a lease for a new Impreza at Lithia though. I don't drive much so the mileage thing that bites everyone usually wouldn't apply and having a monthly payment again would suck because I just payed that thing off in December. But it would be a low monthly payment with little to no worries about the car going south being under warranty and trading my car in on it would take care of any up front money for the initial signing and any service needed for free. Decisions, Decisions...
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