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Old 2010-06-07, 04:38 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Nick Koan View Post
Well, like Juice said above, its comes down to actions. Obviously, I disagree on his stance homosexuality, but he is right on the topic of people's actions. People can't really chose what they are attracted to, but they can choose to act on it or not act on it. Strange as it may seem, there are pedophiles out there that know its wrong and chose not to participate, or even view child porn because it exploits children. It's true they may always be attracted to children, but as a society we only prosecute on actions, not thoughts. If no actions take place, then there is no issue.

And you can definitely have rape fantasies with a consenting adult. Actual rape, though, is altogether another story.

Regardless, this isn't the same as homosexuality. Homosexuality is practiced between consenting adults. And in my mind, that's all that matters (morally). Just "being into it" isn't an excuse if there isn't consent between adults.
Obviously, I'm merely arguing for the sake of the conversation, but we aren't arguing legality, we're arguing morality. If homosexuality were illegal, it wouldn't change your view, would it? And if consent is all that it takes, why can't a girl get effed by her german shepherd on her kitchen floor? Or a horse?
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Old 2010-06-07, 04:43 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I don't know why you keep illustrating sexual preference as synonymous with choice of race. A person may not be able to change the way they feel inside but, we always have a choice when it comes to our actions. What if you are talking about a man who keeps cheating on his wife. Would you say "oh well he can't help it, he didn't choose to be a heterosexual male."? Obviously not.
Morality of an action comes from the effect that action has on another. Cheating on your wife is immoral because it hurts your wife. Gay sex is moral because it's consensual and doesn't hurt anyone. I don't need the word of god to tell me what's moral and what's not... if that's what the Bible is supposed to be for, then it's extremely poorly written, as demonstrated by this very conversation. The golden rule of simply treating others the way you wish to be treated is all you really need in order to determine morality of an action, or more accurately, the golden rule should be "treat others the way they wish to be treated". Outside of that, all the other rules and laws in the Bible are essentially detailed enumerations of actions stemming from the golden rule, or stuff tossed in there because it was common practice of the era and religion was the de facto mechanism for government/societal norms, so it got written down too.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Yet you refer to homosexuality almost as if it is a condition inherited from birth.
I'm sorry if I sounded like I almost said that. Because it was my intent to exactly say that. Sexuality/sexual preference is just something hardwired into you at birth, and it's not a cut and dry straight/gay... some people are way off to either side, some are somewhere in the middle... it is quite literally the same mechanism that results in all the variations in skin tone you see in the people all around you.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Some people feel that they would prefer to have sex with children or animals. Our current society doesn't tolerate that so does it mean we are all imposing our beliefs upon those individuals?
It's the right of society to impose limits on behavior when said behavior harms those that can't protect themselves. Human society is our greatest achievement and the reason why we're the dominant animal on the planet... we have the ability to protect those that would otherwise fall to the anarchy that comes without morality.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
When is a person even considered gay? When they say they are? When they hold hands with someone of the same sex, kiss them, have sex with them?
If a person says they're gay, that's good enough for me, after all who's in a better position to decide if someone's gay than the person themselves? Being gay isn't defined by action. It's an inherent trait of a person. At least that's what the science points to, and that's what gay people themselves say. And you can make the argument that rapists, molesters, etc. too are inherently what they are... but again the difference is their actions are harmful. Plus the science tends to show that people with those sorts of deviant behaviors have a history of abuse that made them into a person like that, whereas gay people come from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and appear to be about 10% of the population regardless of environment/society/background/race/etc.

Originally Posted by Highdesertsuby View Post

You of course have the right to your opinion, and it was not that opinion that I had an issue with. I do however have a very dfferent viewpoint about the bible than you do. I do not judge the worth of the scriptures based on what ignorant people have done with them, or by how people have "interpreted" them over the years. Nor do I see any "contradictions" in the bible that cannot be reasoned through with some in-depth study. I have had lots of discussions with other people about the whole "contradiction" issue, and there are none. That can be seen if you are wiling to thoroughly study the bible with the idea in mind that it was not originally written in english.

I also was not trying to imply that, being the moderator, that you could not express your opinion...just that it could be done in a way that is more sensitive to other people's beliefs, especially on the subject of religion. I understand that the comment was not directed at me personally, but because it was an apparently unjust criticizm of the God that I believe in, and you holding the position within the club that you do, I found it a bit rude. You apparently intended it as a joke, but to me it didn't come off that way...and being sensitive to other beliefs, you might have realized that it would appear that way.

Lastly, IMO being gay is not something that you are born with, but it is a lifestyle choice based on giving in to a specific kind of temptation. Therefore, your replacing "homosexual" with "black" analogy won't work for me. I also do not consider there to be any difference between a "black" person and a "white" person (it's just skin pigment anyway)...being dark skinned isn't a sin, but homosexuality is a sin according to the bible that I believe in. I do believe that gays can stop being gay, just like a thief can stop stealing, and an adulterer can stop being unfaithful. I believe this based on what the scriptures teach about the nature of sin. Even though I am a Christian, I have never considered myself to be "morally superior" to anyone else. My life has had more than it's share of mistakes and bad decisions, so I am no different than anyone else out there. It is very unfortunate that many so-called Christians do feel that they are somehow better than others, because that is not what is taught in the bible. "Christians" who try to twist and misinterpret scripture to justify their hatred are not true Christians, nor are they actually following anything taught by either Jesus or God directly.
I guess all I can say is that I'd rather err on the side of allowing gay folks to live their lives as they choose, than to try to force a different morality on them, since they don't seem to think they're doing anything immoral and they're not hurting anyone with their lifestyle. Certainly I'm not going to change your mind on this, and there's nothing you can quote from the Bible that will change mine because, while I view the Bible as an interesting document from both a historical and moral point, I don't believe it's more relevant to determining the way anyone should live their lives than letting people determine for themselves what it means to be a good person.

Really if god wrote the Bible to instruct his people, why would he make it so hard to understand? Why would he only tell people in the middle east and then expect them to convert everyone else on the planet? Why would he stop talking directly to people 2000 years ago (or 3500 years ago if you're Jewish, or 1300 years ago if you're Muslim, or 180 years ago if you're Mormon)? I just don't see the evidence that the Bible is anything more than an assembled index of documents about morality inspired by god but written by man, some of which is timeless and guiding, and some of which is dated and useless as anything but historical reference. I'm not trying to dump on the Bible, I'm just pointing out that I think it's counterproductive to try to interpret the whole thing literally because you get lost in the act of trying to account for all the discrepancies rather than focus on the spirit of the document. One error in the Bible does not invalidate the whole thing, except to folks that buy into the idea that the Bible is supposedly the literal word of an infallible, omnipotent god.
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Old 2010-06-07, 04:45 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
Obviously, I'm merely arguing for the sake of the conversation, but we aren't arguing legality, we're arguing morality. If homosexuality were illegal, it wouldn't change your view, would it? And if consent is all that it takes, why can't a girl get effed by her german shepherd on her kitchen floor? Or a horse?
Animals don't really have the mental capacity for consent. I disagree with your assertion that an animal acting on instincts is the same as proper informed consent. But, if you can actually prove conscious consent, then as long as you don't make me watch it, what you like to do is your own deal and none of my business.
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Old 2010-06-07, 05:28 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by MikeK View Post
If a person inside feels that they want to be with people of the same gender, then why wouldn't they act upon it?
The world today has the "if it feels good, do it" and "don't tell me what I can and can't do" mentality.

Nothing is wrong with having a strong relationship with a person of the same sex. I have male friends that I love and would give my life for. It is natural to have love for a person of the same gender. It is unnatural to have sexual intercourse with them. It all comes back to a persons actions. Everything you do in life has consequences. For those that believe the bible, homosexuality has serious consequences.

For those who don't believe the bible, take God out of the equation. Medically speaking there are numerous risks involved with same gender sex. Not only that but, the human body is not designed for it.

Originally Posted by MikeK View Post
Imagine this. A gay person tells you that you weren't actually born as a heterosexual, you are just choosing to be that way. They tell you that if you weren't so sinful you could choose to have sex with people of the same gender.

How would that make you feel having someone tell you something like that. How would you even feel about the thought of having sex with someone of the same gender?

Now how do you think your ridiculous intolerant attitude makes a gay person feel?
I don't think I have ever told anyone how to live their life or imposed my own belief on them. There are however, many that do. Look at it from a different angle. Think back to when you were a kid. I am sure that at one time your dad told you not to play in the street. Did he say that because he wanted to suck all the fun out of your life? No, he probably said it to keep you safe from harm.

As children we don't always understand our parents rules and guidelines. As we grow older and mature it becomes clear that many of the things our parents did were for our benefit.

As imperfect humans it is impossible to understand all of God's thoughts. We do however have his word that is filled with guidelines to help us live a happy fulfilling life. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God "does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."

I could be a real pain in the butt when I was a kid. There were many times that I disobeyed my dad and he would discipline me. Some times I even got spanked for the crap I did. Did that mean my dad didn't love me? No, quite the opposite. My dad cared about me a great deal and wanted me to grow up to be a good man. This is the same as our relationship with our heavenly father. Hebrews 12:11 says "True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous; yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness."

hows that for long winded.
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Old 2010-06-07, 05:32 PM   #30
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I will give $20 to anybody for every quote they can find from the Bible attributed directly to Jesus of Nazareth that mentions homosexuality specifically.

Quotes by Paul of Tarsus do not count. He never even met Jesus.
.. and he was probably gay...
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Old 2010-06-07, 05:40 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
For those who don't believe the bible, take God out of the equation. Medically speaking there are numerous risks involved with same gender sex. Not only that but, the human body is not designed for it.
Medically speaking, it's all just nerve endings getting stimulated, and reportedly it feels pretty good. And, just like heterosexual sex, there aren't any risks that can't be mitigated with proper protection and techniques.
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Old 2010-06-07, 05:45 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
The world today has the "if it feels good, do it" and "don't tell me what I can and can't do" mentality.
That's not new. As long as humans have had advanced language and "society" there have been those in power, and those who think they suck.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Nothing is wrong with having a strong relationship with a person of the same sex. I have male friends that I love and would give my life for. It is natural to have love for a person of the same gender. It is unnatural to have sexual intercourse with them.
What does "unnatural" mean?

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
It all comes back to a persons actions. Everything you do in life has consequences. For those that believe the bible, homosexuality has serious consequences.
Does it? Many churches believe otherwise.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
For those who don't believe the bible, take God out of the equation.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Medically speaking there are numerous risks involved with same gender sex. Not only that but, the human body is not designed for it.
Those risks are identical to heterosexual sex... if you account for specific sex acts. The "not designed for it" line is bullshit too. There's a right way and a wrong way of doing anything you want to do to your body.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I don't think I have ever told anyone how to live their life or imposed my own belief on them.
You're quoting the Bible to support anti-homosexual views. So this statement is patently false- you are indeed telling people how to live their lives, because if they don't do it you're way you think they're going to hell.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
There are however, many that do.
Also nothing new.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Look at it from a different angle. Think back to when you were a kid. I am sure that at one time your dad told you not to play in the street. Did he say that because he wanted to suck all the fun out of your life? No, he probably said it to keep you safe from harm.
Erroneous application of your analogy. It assumes that homosexuality is "bad" and "wrong."

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
As children we don't always understand our parents rules and guidelines. As we grow older and mature it becomes clear that many of the things our parents did were for our benefit.
Not sure what your point is here. Anybody that wants to modify your behavior is a "parent" and has your best interests at heart?

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
As imperfect humans it is impossible to understand all of God's thoughts. We do however have his word that is filled with guidelines to help us live a happy fulfilling life. 2 Peter 3:9 tells us that God "does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."
You can't use the Bible as an argument when debating people who don't fully believe in the Bible as the the true Word of God.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I could be a real pain in the butt when I was a kid. There were many times that I disobeyed my dad and he would discipline me. Some times I even got spanked for the crap I did. Did that mean my dad didn't love me? No, quite the opposite. My dad cared about me a great deal and wanted me to grow up to be a good man. This is the same as our relationship with our heavenly father. Hebrews 12:11 says "True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous; yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness."
I still don't believe in the Bible the way you do, so your point is still invalid in this arena. As I don't believe that God is sending people to hell for crap like loving one person who happens to also have a penis, and I see no other negatives to me personally or society at large for their relationship, I therefore see absolutely no reason to discriminate against them.

Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
hows that for long winded.
Not particularly so, by the standards of debates on this forum.
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:15 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
(1 Corinthians 6:9) What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men,
Quote by Paul (fka Saul) in his letters to the Corinthians, not a quote by Jesus. Paul never even met Jesus and converted to Christianity after Jesus was long gone. Anything he says is secondhand at best.

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Old 2010-06-07, 06:24 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Morality of an action comes from the effect that action has on another. Cheating on your wife is immoral because it hurts your wife. Gay sex is moral because it's consensual and doesn't hurt anyone.
Then you would be basing your morality of gay sex on an individual basis? You say that adultry is immoral because it hurts your wife(emotionally). What if your wife never finds out, is it then moral because she was not hurt? How many gay people have supportive parents? If their actions hurt their parents(emotionally) then does it become immoral? Most importantly you are forgetting about God. It goes against God which would be hurting his feelings.

You have made it clear that you do not believe the bible is the word of God and that's fine. I am not trying to sway your view. The original conversation started with God which takes you into the bible, that I believe. So that's where I am coming from when I post. We are having a discussion and the last thing I want is to make anyone upset. So I am fine with continuing this as long as we keep it a discussion and it doesn't turn into a shouting match.

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
I don't need the word of god to tell me what's moral and what's not... if that's what the Bible is supposed to be for, then it's extremely poorly written, as demonstrated by this very conversation.
I would disagree that it was poorly written but, I would add that it has been poorly translated and twisted by many people. There are many versions and translations resulting in much false information.

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
The golden rule of simply treating others the way you wish to be treated is all you really need in order to determine morality of an action, or more accurately, the golden rule should be "treat others the way they wish to be treated".
What you are referring to is called the Platinum rule. I don't understand what you would do differently between the rules unless a person wanted you to treat them like a king and kiss their ring.

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Human society is our greatest achievement and the reason why we're the dominant animal on the planet... we have the ability to protect those that would otherwise fall to the anarchy that comes without morality.
I agree that man has made many advancements but there are still extreme problems that man has yet to solve. 16,000 children die every day because of hunger. If this society was so great that statistic would not be there. There is enough food to feed those people but due to politics and government it can't reach them. Who is here to protect them?

Originally Posted by sperry View Post
I guess all I can say is that I'd rather err on the side of allowing gay folks to live their lives as they choose... I don't believe it's more relevant to determining the way anyone should live their lives than letting people determine for themselves what it means to be a good person.
I agree about not forcing belief or morality on another individual. However, I feel that there is nothing wrong with talking about beliefs like we are doing now. I personally feel that mankind ruled under a single government with a single set of rules for everyone would work much better than everyone just choosing their own definition of right and wrong. This is what the bible teaches and I do believe it. Again, this is just what I believe.
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:27 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Nick Koan View Post
Medically speaking, it's all just nerve endings getting stimulated, and reportedly it feels pretty good. And, just like heterosexual sex, there aren't any risks that can't be mitigated with proper protection and techniques.
Medically speaking your rectum is designed as a 1 way street. It is not designed for things to be inserted into it. I think a lot of you just like to argue. "uh well a round peg fits into a round hole huh huh huh"
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:36 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
What does "unnatural" mean?
...Those risks are identical to heterosexual sex... if you account for specific sex acts. The "not designed for it" line is bullshit too. There's a right way and a wrong way of doing anything you want to do to your body.
Natural means found in nature. A toilet plunger is designed to unclog a toilet but I guess you could use it as a soup bowl if you wanted to. You could also use a level as a hammer but it would be the unnatural use of that object.

Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
You're quoting the Bible to support anti-homosexual views. So this statement is patently false- you are indeed telling people how to live their lives, because if they don't do it you're way you think they're going to hell.
I have never once mentioned hell. You are assuming what I believe rather than reading what I say I believe. I do not believe in a hell of everlasting burning torment for bad people. I am not telling people how to live their lives. I am telling people what the bible says and that I believe the bible. What you believe is your choice. I have said numerous times they are MY beliefs.

I don't feel that I have been arguing or trying to force my beliefs on others. I am sorry if that is what I have done.
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:48 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Medically speaking your rectum is designed as a 1 way street. It is not designed for things to be inserted into it. I think a lot of you just like to argue. "uh well a round peg fits into a round hole huh huh huh"
Uh, anal sex isn't a strictly a homosexual activity.
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:49 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I personally feel that mankind ruled under a single government with a single set of rules for everyone would work much better than everyone just choosing their own definition of right and wrong.
If things continue the way we are going, that may happen, but the rules will be from the Qur’an, not the bible.
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:53 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Natural means found in nature.
In nature you will find lots of Homo Sapiens - hairless (relatively that is) apelike m-f'ers. And so by definition anything they do and/or produce is natural, right? They do the kewlest things... like anal sex, oil spills, and VX nerve agent! Ooh, ooh... that thing with the atoms too!
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Old 2010-06-07, 06:53 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Nick Koan View Post
Uh, anal sex isn't a strictly a homosexual activity.
Very true Nick. Did I say that heterosexual anal sex was any different? No. We have been talking about anal sex in general not "ghey anal sex vs. straight anal sex".
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Old 2010-06-07, 07:04 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Very true Nick. Did I say that heterosexual anal sex was any different? No. We have been talking about anal sex in general not "ghey anal sex vs. straight anal sex".
Exactly, and the important words are "anal sex" not "homosexual sex". Homosexual sex isn't inherently bad for the body, but certain sexual acts can be potentially dangerous for any two parties (although it's very easy to minimize the risks).
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Last edited by Nick Koan; 2010-06-07 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 2010-06-07, 07:15 PM   #42
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Right. Sorry. I did not mean to imply that only homosexuals having anal sex was potentially dangerous. I guess I just ran with the assumption that when most people hear the term "homosexual sex" we would be referring to anal sex. I was not very clear.
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Old 2010-06-07, 07:26 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
I will give $20 to anybody for every quote they can find from the Bible attributed directly to Jesus of Nazareth that mentions homosexuality specifically.
Okay, I'm raising the bid to $40. Surely since this topic is so important to Christianity, that Jesus (aka. <whatever they actually called him in his time>) should have spoken frequently and in great detail about the subject and how vile it is.

Also will give $.01 for every Jesus quote about feeding the poor.
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Old 2010-06-07, 09:55 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
You're quoting the Bible to support anti-homosexual views. So this statement is patently false- you are indeed telling people how to live their lives, because if they don't do it you're way you think they're going to hell.
He isn't quoting the bible to support "anti-homosexual views". His views (like mine) are based on the scriptures because we believe it to be the word of God, no matter what anyone else thinks. You also misunderstand our point...we are not trying to tell people how to live their lives, nor are we trying to forceably impose our morals onto other people who aren't interested in them. That is not our job. Besides, it's not "our way" that we talk to people is God's way. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Him when you see Him...don't shoot the messenger just because you disagree with the message.
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Old 2010-06-07, 10:09 PM   #45
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This is going to take crackerjack timing...

Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
Okay, I'm raising the bid to $40. Surely since this topic is so important to Christianity, that Jesus (aka. <whatever they actually called him in his time>) should have spoken frequently and in great detail about the subject and how vile it is.

Also will give $.01 for every Jesus quote about feeding the poor.
Your challenge has a built-in fault that I will try to explain. No, you will not find a direct quote from Jesus in the gospel accounts saying anything about don't worry, you won't have to fork out the $40. However, Jesus DID comment on sexual immorality, which would have included homosexual behavior according to the Torah (by the way, Jesus was a Torah-observant jew), so by His staement, Jesus was in fact condemning any activity that fell under "sexual immorality" as defined in the Old Testament. Here are the verses...

Matthew 15:18-20...18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' " Show me how "sexual immorality" did NOT include homosexual behavior as part of it's definition.

The other thing to consider is that Jesus WAS God in the flesh, as shown by John 1:1-14 and many other passages. Jesus himself made the claim so often that it was the primary reason the Jews tried to have Him killed (John 10:33 "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.") Jesus did not deny this charge, nor the claim from Thomas (John 20:28 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!") So, based on this information...ANYtime the bible spoke out about homosexuality (or any other sin for that matter), it was in fact Jesus speaking. When God laid down the Law on Mt. Sinai, it was Jesus who was speaking to Moses...God and Jesus are the same.

How about that $40?
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Old 2010-06-07, 10:15 PM   #46
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This is going to take crackerjack timing...

Originally Posted by MikeK View Post

Imagine this. A gay person tells you that you weren't actually born as a heterosexual, you are just choosing to be that way. They tell you that if you weren't so sinful you could choose to have sex with people of the same gender.

How would that make you feel having someone tell you something like that. How would you even feel about the thought of having sex with someone of the same gender?

Now how do you think your ridiculous intolerant attitude makes a gay person feel?
Actually, they can tell me anything they want's a free country. I would expect them to give me some reasons for what they believe though, if they want to try to convince me of their point of view. Just a point of fact, I do not spend my time running around telling gay people that they are sinners. If you go back to my original post, you will see that what I had an issue with was Sperry's "god hates gays" comment. Do I think that homosexual behavior is a sin? yes I do, because my God says it is a sin. How does that make me to have a "ridiculous intolerant attitude"? Did it occur to you that, as a Christian, I am supposed to be intolerant of sin? Would you speak out against theft, lying, adultery, rape, murder? Of course you would. Are they sinful behaviors? yes they are. God included homosexuality in with that list of sins (along with many others). I am not going to stop seeing homosexuality as a sin just because many people don't agree with me (or God for that matter). You dissagree with my beliefs...doesn't that make YOU intolerant?

Last edited by Highdesertsuby; 2010-06-07 at 10:27 PM. Reason: wrong button
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Old 2010-06-07, 11:10 PM   #47
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The subject of homosexuality is a really really small part in the bible. Normally I would wonder how something so small got blown this much out of proportion but, this is completely "natural" for seccs. We all have different beliefs and that is our right. Even though Highdesertsuby and myself have the same belief on this subject, I do not share all of the beliefs he does. Namely his belief of Jesus and God being the same. It wouldn't be right for me to criticize his belief anymore than it would be for him to criticize mine. We are all imperfect and have no right to judge one another.
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Old 2010-06-08, 05:38 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Highdesertsuby View Post
You dissagree with my beliefs...doesn't that make YOU intolerant?
No, that doesn't make anyone intolerant. No one has the same beliefs, so if that were true, everyone would be intolerant (including you).
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Old 2010-06-08, 10:30 AM   #49
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This is going to take crackerjack timing...

Originally Posted by bigrobwoot View Post
No, that doesn't make anyone intolerant. No one has the same beliefs, so if that were true, everyone would be intolerant (including you).

Which was my point exactly...I got accused of being "intolerant" because my views were different. The term "intolerant" gets thrown out into the conversation anytime someone (usually a Christian) presents an opinion or viewpoint that is different from the mainstream. Once again, being called intolerant doesn't bother me, but the double-standard employed by those people doing the name calling is a bit troublesome, and more than a bit hypocritical.
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Old 2010-06-08, 11:36 AM   #50
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I think life's too short. If you find someone you can connect with during the eyeblink you get, great. I find it unfortunate that people are willing to spend time and effort condemning same-sex relationships.
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