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#152 | |
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Real Name: Joel Join Date: Oct 2006
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Looking at it from the evolutionist side, weigh the risk to benefit ratio of the explanation you posted. Developing emotions and having a big mostly useless brain while having an extremely long and vulnerable adolescent period of life. vs. Being devoid of most emotion while still being able to communicate to a high level with a smaller brain and having a short adolescent period with less chance of being snuffed out before you are an adult. I would have to argue that evolution would choose the later as it seems to have done with 99.999% of all other life. There are millions of animals that thrive with a fraction of the brain we have. I feel that the theory of evolution is similar the way some bibles were translated. Many men who were bible translators had an idea already in their head before starting to translate. When they came upon scripture that didn't fit with what they already believed, they changed what was originally written to suit their own purpose. I feel that evolutionists very easily find new information through honest science and simply chalk it up to evolution either because they don't want to believe in creation or they don't want to be proven wrong.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#153 |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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Evolution doesn't create anything for any reason. It means that mutations were created along the way. If the mutations survive and pass it on to the next generation, then the mutation stays. It is survival of the fittest, not necessarily creation of the fittest. So just because humans survived with their emotions, don't mean they are a benefit.
Look at field mice. Their diminutive stature is definitely no benefit. But they learned to work with it, so they are still around. |
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#154 |
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If evolution doesn't create anything, then what creates these mutations? Why are these mutations created? Is it just luck of the draw at to what mutations each creature gets? Is it a case of survival of the fittest with all living creatures or only those in the animal kingdom? As far as humanity goes, I would venture that the fat, stupid, and lazy are reproducing at a much faster rate then the healthy, smart, responsible humans.
When you say that a field mouse has learned to work around being very small in stature, what do you mean by learned?
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#155 |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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Darwinism applies to all living things.
It learned to burrow to survive threats, and whatever else they do to survive. I'm not a mouse-ologist, but it was the first small animal that came to mind for that example. Some of the survival traits are passed on via instinct, others via learning from their elders. As for fat, lazy humans, I'd say that human compassion has made us defy "survival of the fittest". I'd say it originally rewarded the strong by allowing them to be the only ones to survive to breeding age. Or, like lions, only the strongest were allowed to breed, because the strong wouldn't allow the weak to touch the women. This also happens with other pack animals. Again, not a biologist, so I'm not gonna get too far into this, but I'd say exemptions are hard to list. Eventually, human compassion and medical advances meant that nearly everyone can survive to breeding age. Now, only the ability to breed is rewarded with furthering the species. If you've seen idiocracy, you've seen this idea at it's most ludacris, and yet it drives the point home pretty clearly. Basically, those concerned with being financially capable of raising a family are cautious and patient to do so, and only have a small number of children, if any at all. These are generally the smartest people. The people who don't concern themselves with things like "success" and "well-being" have children young, and they have a lot of them. Since doctors basically don't allow natural selection to run its course, when these people blow their genitals off with fireworks, doctors save them so they can still mate. There is no natural selection anymore, just people breeding and breeding. |
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#156 |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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Oops, forgot to address a couple things:
Yes, the mutations are luck of the draw. Natural selection applies to all living things, even plants. The biggest, tallest trees weather the most storms, and block the sun of the small, weak trees, killing them off. Etc, etc. |
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#157 | |
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#158 | |
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Salt water does not "destroy" soil...just lok at the coastlins of both Oregon and Washington...100 foot redwood trees growing in rocks right next to the ocean, and frequently soaked with salt water. Also, regardless of "seed-producing seasons", seeds are in the ground all the time. They fall off the plants and wait until conditions are right to sprout. Seeds are also spread by wind, birds and animals even today, so having a variety on different continents isn't an issue. |
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#159 |
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Would you say that these mutations are still happening today? If so, what would you say one of the more recent events would be? The reason I ask is because I think most evolution theorists, similar to you, refer to animals as having learned and instinct being passed on. Shouldn't that still be happening with animals? What mutations would you say, if any, have happened with humans in the last few thousands of years other than continual learning?
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#160 | |
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#161 | |
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#162 | |
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Main Entry: 1ir·re·spon·si·ble Pronunciation: \ˌir-i-ˈspän(t)-sə-bəl\ Function: adjective Date: 1648 : not responsible: as a : not answerable to higher authority <an irresponsible dictatorship> b : said or done with no sense of responsibility <irresponsible accusations> c : lacking a sense of responsibility d : unable especially mentally or financially to bear responsibility How does my viewpoint involve any of these definitions? Is something bad going to happen to the world because I choose to believe (based on some darn good evidence) that the earth isn't old and that we didn't evolve from a rock 3.4 billion years ago? The use of the word "responsible" in any form implies that something important is hanging on my opinion about the age of the earth and of our origins...so please explain why you chose to use that word. |
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#163 | |
Candy Mountain
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![]() Aren't there a multitude of examples where animals have evolved? Aren't there moths and flies that have such short life cycles that by simply changing their environment, their color or their wings change accordingly, etc? I just saw a show this week where they showed a bird that only lives in Hawaii and they showed the bird it supposedly evolved from and their bills were complete different due to the food sources available in their respective environments. Is the National Geographic channel lying to me? ![]() And Joel, I imagine that mutations are actually encouraged by evolution, since they are part of the recipe. Mutation is a trait just like any other that evolution controls. If there weren't mutations, we couldn't evolve. And don't let language like, "encouraged" and "controls" bug you. It's not intended literally, at least to me. Evolution is a force of nature and is lifelike so it's easy to speak of it figuratively. Also, it's hard to identify mutations because they are slow gradual processes. Fish don't just sprout legs overnight. But slowly over time, they do.
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#164 | |
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Those who study such things think the last major leap in human evolution was between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago, whereupon we became Homo Sapiens. To answer your question specifically, there haven't been any significant changes in our biological makeup in that time, though there have been many, many changes in how the average human falls into the ranges our genetic code allows. We are much, much taller on average than we were even 1,000 years ago because of changes like better diets, better medical care, etc. Our genetic code hasn't changed, but many environmental factors have.
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#165 | |
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What I find irresponsible is the insistence by people that the Bible is infallible despite the overwhelming evidence that mankind is anything but. More importantly, your God can happily coexist with what the vast majority of what science currently believes to be true regarding the age of the universe and the processes that led from whatever the very beginning was, to where we are now. Very little of what I view as good science can coexist with what the Bible says. Nothing in modern-day science indicates that there is not, cannot be, or even probably is no infallible, omnipotent God. Trying to make empirical research fit your conclusions is most definitely irresponsible. Lastly, since it seems important to you, no I did not learn geology and biology from cable TV. What I know of geology I learned from Dave Boden, and what I learned of biology and evolution largely comes from my high school biology teacher. I've added to both of those topics among many, many others over the years simply by being curious about the world around me. I've never, ever tried to make what I learn fit a preconceived notion. I'm not going to try to debate you on the Truth About Geology, because I don't need to. You've obviously had this discussion more than once with people who have educations equal to yours, or better, and still you take a contrary position. Neither of us is going to accept the other's position as closer to the truth, so there's nowhere for the discussion to go but down. The best we can hope for is to agree to disagree, and hope to maybe find some common ground in the next thread about a "taboo" topic.
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#166 | |
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There's one example of "information" being added to DNA. You're supposed to have 46 chromosomes, paired off. Where did the 47th that 1 in 500 males are born with come from? Neither of their parents had it. So is it so hard to see where a different change in the single copy of genetic code that one individual of one species has one tiny flaw in it? And how on very, very rare occasions that tiny flaw results in some new characteristic that is beneficial to that individual and the progeny that inherit the flaw? And how repeating this process a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times can result in fantastically complex creatures?
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#167 | |
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Macro-evolution is his theory that all life came from a common ancestor. Honest science does not back this up as of today. They are still searching for the "missing link" or fossils of a creature that appear to be in that transition phase or half-evolved into something else. There are over 7 billion people on earth today. Living every type of lifestyle and in almost every climate. Why have we not seen (at least to my knowledge) any examples of humans evolving into something other than human? Wings, gills, scales, another set of arms or legs? If you take into account the number of different living creatures and how diverse they are, we should be seeing evolution popping up all over the place. Shouldn't we?
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#168 | |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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http://www.mclol.com/funny-articles/...ve-no-use-for/ Here's an example of a good one: http://mobile.associatedcontent.com/...al_muscle.html here's a fish with "legs": http://imagefrost.com/i/EY.jpg Last edited by bigrobwoot; 2010-06-25 at 05:24 AM. |
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#169 | |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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As for macro-evolution: according to HighDesertSuby, it takes a very specific set of events in order to create fossils. Due to his expertise in the area, I'll take his word for it. If that's true, then it isn't unreasonable that there aren't fossils of a "missing link". I'd also say that 10,000ish years isn't enough for us to have evolved into something different. We are significantly different from cro-magnon man. Our brow is smaller, our faces aren't as sloped, our backs aren't as hunched, we're taller and we live longer. These things can be filed under micro-evolution, IMO. Over time, more than tens of thousands of years, closer to millions, those small changes turn into big changes, and micro-evolution becomes macro-evolution. Other examples of micro-evolution in people, due to environmental differences, are that Asian people are usually shorter than white people, white people have fair skin from lack of a need of pigment, black people have that extra calf muscle (kidding), native Americans have slower metabolisms due to the difficulty of finding food way back when and their lack of industrialization until we forced them to, etc. Maybe the mutations that people have are small things on their way to larger things. Since we have absolutely no idea what the next step of evolution is, we don't know what to look for. If the next step is that people will become 10-foot-tall giants, look to centers in the NBA as proof towards that. If our future is to be 300-lb, gorilla-like monsters, look at people with myostatin deficiencies. And so on. I'd also suggest that if anyone did develop gills or wings in the past, they were killed off due to lack of survival skills, since those things wouldn't have been fully developed. People with wing-hands wouldn't be able to grip anything, which is key to human survival. People with partial gills would have problems breathing, and would be left behind. Another suggestion I would make is that our natural aversion of the "abnormal" is an evolutionary trait developed to pass on only the best genetics. As mean as it is, what is your knee-jerk reaction when you see someone with a deformity? Before all of the PC issues of recent history, I'm sure it would have been near impossible for them to find a mate. |
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#170 | |
Candy Mountain
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#171 | |
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Real Name: Joel Join Date: Oct 2006
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The second link is simply a condition that you wish you had. ![]() The third link is clearly a fish with arms, not legs. ![]() I think perhaps some people don't believe we were created simply because that answer is not complex enough. Its nothing against anyone in this thread but, I will never be able to believe that this fish (regardless of how old the earth is) ![]() was able to eventually turn into this. ![]()
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#172 |
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Real Name: Joel Join Date: Oct 2006
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I think it doesn't exist. Science hasn't proven that it does. To correctly assume the theory, it would probably not be visible if it took as long as scientists speculate. I also didn't mean to imply that you are confused, bad choice of words. I was mainly trying to make sure we are all on the same page. Instead of spending a lot of time arguing that bible thumpers do not recognize micro-evo or the small changes in each family of animals when in fact it is the theory of macro-evo that we differ on.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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#173 | |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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I have neve claimed that I don't have "faith" in evolution just as much as you have "faith" in creation. To do so would be ignorant. You can find as much evidence as you want, but no one is alive long enough to witness any real proof of evolution, it is too slow a process. That is what makes these conversations fun, is that both sides are unproveable. Why is it so hard to accept that mutations carry on like that? Look at sickle cell disease. People can be carriers, but not possess the traits. It takes both parents having the gene in order for the child to have the disease. Same with gingers ![]() |
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#174 |
Real Name: Rob Join Date: Jun 2008
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Some other things to think about regarding breeding:
It isn't necessarily the strongest that pass on their seeds. It is only the ones that survive long enough to breed. If it were only the strongest people that bred, there wouldn't be any engineers ![]() Also, think about what attracts you to someone right when you see them. It is all things to make you want to pass the strongest traits to your offspring. Girls with nice bodies are usually in shape, which means that they would be able to escape danger more easily. Buff guys can defend the girls, and can be more dominant in the pack, and can hunt more effectively. All these knee-jerk reactions towards the opposite sex are attractions to strong evolutionary traits for humans. |
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#175 | ||
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Real Name: Joel Join Date: Oct 2006
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![]() Thinking in terms of evolution ,why are there male and female of most every species? Wouldn't it have been much easier on evolution if there was a single sex that could reproduce on its own or with another member of the same sex? Woman has been dominated by Man since the beginning (whatever that means to each person) and is referred to as the weaker sex. So why are they here? "If you didn't have that womb... something something... voted off the island...". I am not a sexist and I do not intent to hurt any feelings. I find it hard to believe that the first male fish with legs walked up on the beach only to find a female fish walking up on the beach "Hey, whats a fish like you doing on a beach like this? Lets mate so we can pass these legs on to our kids". In swoops seagull, roll credits.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin |
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