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Old 2007-05-07, 09:12 PM   #1
(40 percent vodka)
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Default Internet Scam FTL

When I was first looking to buy my wrx back in september I ran into about 4 internet scams. I really couldnt believe how many criminals are out there trying to rip people off. One of these scammers emailed me with such a lame story that I just had to run with it. Its so sad to see what people will tell you to try and steal your money. These emails have not been edited in any way. And it is a long read so wait until your at work.
Rated PG-13 for strong language

I'm from Longmont, CO and the car is there in my garage. Currently I'm in Rotterdam,Netherlands where I'm staying with my son and his wife. My son had a heart attack and needs a triple bypass,and this is why I decided to move here with my wife to help his wife to take care of him.He may not make it after operation so I have to stay here.I want to sell the car because I don't want it here.If you are really interested to buy the car (the total price is $6200,this price includes shipping and insurance),I will come back in US no longer than two days, so we be able to close the deal.So if you are serious interested, please let me know and we will discuss the payment
options and maybe we can get to a deal!
Waiting for your reply.
Have a nice day


Ok, im very sorry to hear about your son. Please call me when you have a
chance because I am very interested. Or perhaps since you are out of the
country we should just communicate through email. its up to you, my # is
775-757-0456. Also does the car have a salvage title? Could i get the VIN
# as well. Thanks

This is the VIN #: jf1gd70614l512179 .
I want to tell you that the car is in US, Longmont, CO .This car is like new, STATE OF THE ART, completely working, no scratches, no dents, never been abused,always well taken care of .Here's how the deal will take place... We will use Das-Transporter ( It is an escrow-type shipping company which also manages the payment.
Here's how it works: The car is already in their custody, they will e-mail you the transport information and tracking# so you can see that the vehicle is really being shipped. After you receive this info, you will have to make a $2,000 deposit to one of Das-Transporter's agents(NOT to me) so I can be sure that you are serious about buying and I am not shipping the car for nothing. The agent will keep the money in a trust fund until you receive the car and are sattisfied with it. You will have 7 days to inspect and test drive it upon arrival with no obligation to buy. Should the car not be exactly as described, you can send it back at my expense, and get a full refund of your deposit. If everything checks out and you decide to keep it, you will pay the rest directly to me. I understand you that you really want to see the car in person but please understand me that the car is at the shipping company (CRATED) where is ready to be shipped.If you wish to go on, please mail me back with your FULL NAME AND SHIPPING ADDRESS so I can open the deal.
P.S : If you are still intersted plase contact me back for more info's like VIn #, photos and what you want to know


Hey John, Actually I dont care to do a $2000 deposit because i know how
good Subaru cars are. So I will just pay the whole amount so its less of a
hastle. I know that your probably going through a ton of stuff right now.
And actually it will be a lot easier then you think because my parents live
in Fort Collins and I am going there for my moms birthday this next week.
So i will just pick it up to save on shipping charges. Whats the address of
the warehouse where the car is at? Also before we do it I would like to see
some more pics of the car to see any body damage. Thanks for
the quick response, i think this will work out well. Are you firm on the
$6200 or will you take $6000 even?


I understand you but now you have to understand me that i can't wait until then because i already have 2 possible buyer in this moment that want to buy the car now not next week.I can let the car at the price of $5900 if you are ready to buy now because those guys want the car for $5700 but i can't do this only if i will not have any possible buyer.So if you are ready to start this transaction please contact me with your personal details.If not sorry but i can't wait until then.
Hope you understand that my son need that operation asap.
Have a great day!


Hi John, I understand that its important for you to sell it soon. I
normally like to really think about what im buying before i buy it, but its
a really clean car and I need one. So Im trying to change my flight to
tomorrow night late, its the earliest one I could find. I really want the
car, so I can run into the bank tomorrow on my lunch and do a wire transfer
I guess. I would just need your account info. I would just give you my
credit card # but I only have $1200 on that which isnt enough for you. So
just tell me what you would like to do as far as payment. You dont have to
worry about shipping though since I am flying there tomorrow night. Please
email me back asap!! Thank you for being so patient with me, I hope your
son is ok.

Then give me your address and your name so i can start the transaction with Das-Transporter and i think those $1200 is more then enought to prove me that you are realy interested to buy.I am waiting news from you imediately so i can contact the shipping company.



Ok i went down and made the payment with my credit card. I tried to fax my
info like das transporter said but im not sure if it went through. My fax
machine is pretty old. I dont know what to do next, do you?

Hi Joel,

I didn't received any payment confirmation from them but you can try again from another fax machine or you can send the attachment directly to them on . After i will receive the payment confirmation from them i will tell them to start the shipping process.
P.S : I am waiting news from you.


Hi John, I do have some news for you... SUCK MY MUTHA FUCKIN DICK BITCH!!
Who did you think you were dealing with? An old man? You think you can
make up some buuuulshit story about your son having a heart attack and
then needing a triple bypass. I work in the medical field and a triple bypass
is a walk in the goddamn park. And how old would you have to be for your SON to
need a triple bypass. Your such a dumbass, in one email "my car is in the
garage" in the next email "the car is (crated) in a warehouse" who the fuck
crates a car right before they leave town. Such a dumbass. And I pulled the
phone# off of the window of the car in your pics. Turns out that person
sold the car a long time ago and they were not too happy to hear you were
using their car for a scam. So they informed of your fraudulent
ass. Oh and trying to sell an STI for $6200 and then dropping it to $5900
when i didnt even offer that low, what a fucking douche bag. I have been
stringing your ass along like a 13yr old girl. You were so predictable from
the first email.
Oh and your moneygram "agent name", that shits been turned
in too. So id hide under the bed if I were you bitch, because the cops
are gonna bust down your door and stick it in your ass. Then they will
stick you in a shitty euro prison where no amount of clapping with bring
your fairy ass back. I hope the hospital will take payments for your sons
surgery, because your ass is only going to be making 25 cents an hour, and
with the trick money your wife will bring in, you might be able to pay them
$100 a month. Hope all is well with you. Waiting to hear some news about
your "son". Try listing your car on ebay, might have a better chance, oh
snap... they dont have internet where your going.

Thanks for a good time.

I think the only one how will suck a dick is you because i have you address mother fucker and i am not in Europe im very close of you.You will meet me VERY , VERY SOON.I will be more then hapy to fuck you in the ass )))))
Hope you feel better now you mother fucker asshole..........


Wow you think I gave you my real address. What a dumb bitch.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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Old 2007-05-07, 09:31 PM   #2
El Matador
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Man I've been trying to figure out who fucked up my scam...dick. I'll see you at the meet thursday.

"Dallas..We have a problem.”
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Old 2007-05-07, 10:05 PM   #3
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OMG Internet!

So did you get the STi?
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2007-05-07, 10:36 PM   #4
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Hooray for the Hook Reference.
A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi.
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Old 2007-05-07, 11:14 PM   #5
Nick Koan
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Watch your cornhole bud.
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Old 2007-05-08, 06:56 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Bob Danger View Post
Hooray for the Hook Reference.
I didnt think anyone would see that.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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Old 2007-05-08, 07:56 AM   #7
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Why is it always the worst English ever?

Originally Posted by retardguy
I am very close of you
"Why do chicks tell you to call and then not gay." "Cuz girls are fags I dunno"
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Old 2007-05-08, 08:40 AM   #8
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I wonder if they teach that in school now?
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Old 2007-05-08, 12:01 PM   #9
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Haha, good jorb.
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Old 2007-05-08, 03:20 PM   #10
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Originally Posted by dknv View Post
I wonder if they teach that in school now?

They should. You only get points if the scammer is made to shell out some dough.
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Old 2007-05-08, 04:08 PM   #11
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Re-scamming the scammer is soooo 2005.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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Old 2007-05-08, 08:00 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ScottyS View Post
They should. You only get points if the scammer is made to shell out some dough.
Good point. You needed to get him to buy you a plane ticket... B+
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Old 2007-05-13, 05:00 PM   #13
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wow, just wow
LOL.. The other White Meat ... lol
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Old 2007-05-17, 08:48 AM   #14
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Anybody else want to play?
FWD is the new AWD
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Old 2007-05-17, 08:59 AM   #15
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS View Post
I am a Commodore PET --- Now get off my lawn you kids...
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Old 2007-05-17, 09:02 AM   #16
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Darn, that was fast.
FWD is the new AWD
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