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Old 2011-12-06, 07:31 AM   #1
SECCS Brewmeister
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Default What's wrong with my power steering?

2006 Forester. Earlier this summer it started making a whining sound.Only when backing out of the driveway and turning the wheel, losing power too. If I revved the engine a bit it wouldn’t happen and once the car warmed up it would be fine. I figured the pump was going out so I replaced that along with new belts and fluid.
Everything was fine for a couple of months but now it’s starting again. The thing wines like crazy when cold and is apparently very tough to turn. When it warms up it’s fine. I flushed the fluid again on Sunday with Dexron III ATF but that didn’t help much.WTF?
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Old 2011-12-06, 01:09 PM   #2
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Are you getting any bubbles in the reservoir?
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Old 2011-12-06, 04:09 PM   #3
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I'll have a look when I get home. Would that be a sign of a leaking hose/fitting? How long would the bubbles stay in suspension, does the car need to have just been driven?
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Old 2011-12-06, 04:40 PM   #4
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"pedal on the right"

When i got air into one of my power steering rack systems (maybe my 02 wrx) I had to go from full lock to full lock a few times with the car running in order for the system to "burp" itself. once i did that, the steering got a lot easier .

But i don't seem to recall having any noises when i had that issue. soo I think your description sounds like something else, but try going full lock to full lock a few times. my problem wasn't affected by how warmed up the car was ...
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Old 2011-12-06, 06:27 PM   #5
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The bubbles hang around for a little bit, especially if you go lock to lock a few times the fluid should look a little foamy. I would check the hose on the bottom of the reservoir for wear. If one of the hoses is pulling in some air then the pump may be catching little pockets at a time making steering difficult. Once the fluid get warms it could force the air out and fix the problem temporarily.

Another thing to check is the metal elbow on the top of the pump...the o-ring in there has been known to go bad and pull in air.
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Old 2011-12-06, 07:22 PM   #6
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Check for leaks / seepage at the rack as well. The fittings on the passenger side at the top of the rack are a bitch to get to, and are known to leak...
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Old 2011-12-06, 07:47 PM   #7
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I checked for bubbles when I got home from school, the car had sit for maybe 30 minutes and there were none. I replaced the O-ring on the top fitting and then went and drove around the cul-de-sacs for a while but it's still squealing when I get close to full lock. This also seems to be worse when I turn right. I checked for bubbles again and there was nothing. I'll check at the rack tomorrow.
Thanks for the input guys, I'll let you know what I find.
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Old 2011-12-06, 09:26 PM   #8
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In my research of my power steering issues nothing having to do with the o rings or line leaks were related to noises, only the loss of power assistance and significant effort to turn.

Only other car that I've dealt with power steering issues has a box set up, and only time I had any sort of noises was due to fluid level, and typically needed a decent "bleeding" lock to lock a dozen times. My jeep liked to over heat fluid a lot, causing weapage and bubbles often. Found the pump and box were just both on the way out.
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Old 2011-12-07, 02:21 PM   #9
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"pedal on the right"

to piggy back on a what's wrong with my power steering thread,

anyone have a clue what's wrong with mine?

If i turn the wheel a lot to the right (a full rotation) after straightening my steering wheel , it tries to go right (if you let go of the wheel it turns a bit to the right) and there's a constant "tug" trying to turn the steering wheel.

If i then turn a full rotation left, after i straighten my wheel , it tries go to left.

Usually this happened in parking lots , and once the steering Wants to go a certain direction that pull seems to stay until the next time i can turn the steering wheel a lot to the other direction. so if i cause it directly be hopping on the freeway i'm stuck with it for a while.

It happens during rallies, and it sucks.

My car was doing this on the old rack (original 93 FWD steering rack) we switched to a remanufacturered RS steering rack mid season this year, but the problem is unchanged.

My power steering lines Are currently leaking . I'm on a 99 RS 2.5 power steering pump which does not make any noises.. could leaking lines be causing my problem?

has anyone ever heard of that problem? I was thinking it was my old steering rack (which was also leaking pretty bad) but we've changed racks ...
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Old 2011-12-07, 05:10 PM   #10
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How are your rack bushings and tierod ends? That memory effect sounds more like an issue with something being loose and not related to the power steering.
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Old 2011-12-07, 05:47 PM   #11
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Yeah, that sounds more mechanical than hydraulic. Start checking for play in the linkage & mounts. Jack up the front end and have someone steer lock to lock while you look for things shifting, etc.
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Old 2011-12-07, 07:49 PM   #12
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I had a weird steering memory issue too a while back, with a bonus random click(Impreza).
I changed my destroyed steering rack bushings with some Whitelines and installed coilovers in the same weekend and haven't had the problem since.
The radial diameter of the o-ring I installed last night on the Forester was too big, I destroyed it upon install. I replaced it with a properly sized one this evening and drove around for a bit. I had some noise lock to lock but that went away. Hopefully that's it. It's too damn cold to work on a car right now.
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Old 2011-12-07, 11:03 PM   #13
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+4 on steering rack bushings.
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Old 2011-12-09, 08:06 AM   #14
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The pump is fixed. It was the 0-ring.
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Old 2011-12-09, 09:44 PM   #15
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Holy shit! I was right about something!
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Old 2011-12-29, 02:30 PM   #16
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"pedal on the right"

I'll have to check my steering rack bushings. I think we re-used my old ones when we replaced the steering rack. thanks ... and i'll check the endlinks... i haven't really done my off season inspection / maintenance yet

I was also super low on fluid which seems to have helped (a bit) but its still acting a lil funny.

I'll check the tie rod ends too... (those get abused for sure during a season)
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