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Old 2010-01-24, 03:48 PM   #51
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They're worth every penny. I have Basics on the STi still because I've been too lazy to bolt on my Prodrives. I tucked the rears in slightly, but they're awesome - install is easy and uses quality parts. The Basics are the same shape, but only run $50, if you can't pull the $125 for the urethanes. They've curled a little in the wind over the last 3 years, but still do the trick.
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Old 2010-01-24, 04:54 PM   #52
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I can handle $50 to protect a rattle-can paint job.
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Old 2010-02-02, 02:29 PM   #53
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Ah hah! the project is not yet dead! Trip Plastics has a sheet of material that's 18 by 36 for $18.70. Plans for pre 08 are located here on post 112. Plans for the 08+ wrx/impreza are located here on post 326. There are no 08+ plans for the STI.

Also: I've received a circuit drawing for my LED project. Anyone want to help me take apart my center dash and splice into my 12v line in my HU?
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Last edited by Jeikun; 2010-02-02 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 2010-02-02, 02:43 PM   #54
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Wish I would have read this at the beginning of winter before my paint got all chipped up.....DAMN IT!!
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:06 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by WRXlerate View Post
Wish I would have read this at the beginning of winter before my paint got all chipped up.....DAMN IT!!
I wish you could see what happened to my paint.
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:07 PM   #56
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Cars that won't be driven on Dirt shouldn't have mud flaps !



*shakes his head*

You all amuse me (like a clown) !
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:08 PM   #57
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I drive on dirt whenever I go up to northstar or boreal and they've laid down dirt on the road.
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:13 PM   #58
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My fenders and lower doors are both pretty bad. Unless you have been out rallying in the dirt (not directed towards A1377)I doubt it is worse than mine. For some reason it seems that subaru's silver paint chips extremely easily. I commute to CC, roundtrip is over 80 miles so the past few storms have really tore it up. It's crazy how one winter can take off that much paint!!! And it's not even over Going to look at ordering something to keep the road sand off, I can't believe we can't order OEM ones.
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:19 PM   #59
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Same here. My paint is so effed up it's not even funny. it's been marred and chipped by rocks and dirt mainly kicked up my other cars but since I run wider than stock tires, my car kicks up dirt onto my doors. >.<
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:21 PM   #60
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You guys are funny. It sounds like 2001 up in here.

Newsflash: there's no such thing as a Subaru with nice paint. At least not a Subaru more than about 3 months old.
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Old 2010-02-02, 03:25 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Jeikun View Post
Same here. My paint is so effed up it's not even funny. it's been marred and chipped by rocks and dirt mainly kicked up my other cars but since I run wider than stock tires, my car kicks up dirt onto my doors. >.<
I've got the same problem, 235s on a wagon=no paint on doors or fenders. I ran 205s on my honda I had put over 30k miles on and it had less paint chips than this 10yr newer car that has 100k less miles...lame

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Old 2010-02-02, 05:01 PM   #62
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Ya Everyone is right on here.. When i bought my sti in 06, I told myself i could only buy the car knowing my paint would be completely ruined (at the time my only plans were driving to ski resorts) but trucks/suvs have a way of throwing out the snow,slush with Catrans provided sand and rocks right about mid door level.

Also watching my rear-view in my rally car / STI It's amazing how on wet roads 90% of your spray can be eliminated by some flaps! I've even noticed that if i cut inbetween cars the guy behind me will often turn off his wipers shortly after! (not that they Want me to cut em off) boot!

boot anyways... ya *out of his mine* I expect everyone with mud flaps to show up at a rallyX this year , how about the SCCA National challenge event that Should be just over in Sac!! *hears crickets chirpping*
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Old 2010-02-02, 05:08 PM   #63
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I'll bring the Solo car to a Rally-X, provided I have appropriate wheels and tires for it.
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Old 2010-02-02, 05:40 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
Also watching my rear-view in my rally car / STI It's amazing how on wet roads 90% of your spray can be eliminated by some flaps! I've even noticed that if i cut inbetween cars the guy behind me will often turn off his wipers shortly after! (not that they Want me to cut em off) boot!

boot anyways... ya *out of his mine* I expect everyone with mud flaps to show up at a rallyX this year , how about the SCCA National challenge event that Should be just over in Sac!! *hears crickets chirpping*
You just gave a great reason for running mudflaps on a daily driver. Then you resume talking shit about anyone who doesn't rally it.......

We've gone over this a million times. You like rally. It's awesome. I agree. I've been involved with multiple teams over the years. Doesn't mean I'm bringing a car on tarmac-type coilovers to play in a rutty field. Why can't you let people enjoy their cars in their own way without talking down to them because they don't share the exact same interest or car prep you do?

For the record, I run mudflaps on the OB because they were OEM on every single car from the factory. I run flaps on the STi to keep big shit from hitting the doors from the front wheels, and to keep spray down from the rears. It's not the fault of the guy behind me that I decided to run wide sticky tires on the street; why should his car get torn up by whatever I'm spitting out? It's common courtesy.
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Old 2010-02-02, 11:26 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by sybir View Post
You just gave a great reason for running mudflaps on a daily driver. Then you resume talking shit about anyone who doesn't rally it.......

We've gone over this a million times. You like rally. It's awesome. I agree. I've been involved with multiple teams over the years. Doesn't mean I'm bringing a car on tarmac-type coilovers to play in a rutty field. Why can't you let people enjoy their cars in their own way without talking down to them because they don't share the exact same interest or car prep you do?

For the record, I run mudflaps on the OB because they were OEM on every single car from the factory. I run flaps on the STi to keep big shit from hitting the doors from the front wheels, and to keep spray down from the rears. It's not the fault of the guy behind me that I decided to run wide sticky tires on the street; why should his car get torn up by whatever I'm spitting out? It's common courtesy.

Talking shit about mudflaps on Subarus just because said owners don't rally is dumb. Sure, they've become a trendy accessory, but they are actually useful as well. You might as well tell all Subaru owners they should remove their AWD and turbos unless they're racing in GrN or the WRC.

Oh wait... Subaru doesn't even race in the WRC... I guess they're not really rally cars at all. Alex, you should get rid of your Subaru and get a Ford, then put mudflaps on it and tell all Ford owners they're not allowed to do the same unless they're rallying.

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Old 2010-02-03, 11:40 AM   #66
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Does anyone have access to one of those computerized machines that you can plug a pattern into and it'll cut it?
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Old 2010-02-04, 04:55 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
I'll bring the Solo car to a Rally-X, provided I have appropriate wheels and tires for it.
Will 14's clear your brakes? I'll loan you some. or you could just co-drive Betsy on rally tires if you want.

Or maybe We can talk Cody into using his tires... maybe let cody co-drive your car if you guys use his tires? sweet!

I might be able to find you someone else with 16s or 17s that would let you borrow them for a few laps!

Originally Posted by sperry
Talking shit about mudflaps on Subarus just because said owners don't rally is dumb.
Its more poking fun at cars/subarus with mud flaps that don't go on mud. One of the roads i drive on i've seen an Audi TT (2008 ) there are smooth dirt roads were high springs rates can be great actually. and yes this is a very dead horse, and if you can't ride it anymore, cook it (ie make light of the matter)
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Old 2010-02-04, 11:26 PM   #68
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I think I will add a set of mudflaps to my car to even out the look. The chrome balls hanging from my rear sway just draw too much attention. Especially when I do a three wheel turn and they scrape.
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Old 2012-07-18, 06:16 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Jeikun View Post
I was thinking of doing a few things to my car over winter break. First, I want to install LED lights in my cup holds and in the back seats. Second, I want to make some DIY mudflaps from Ikea cutting boards and third, I want to paint my tail lights red (search NASIOC if you dont know what I mean).

My idea for the LEDs was to splice into my footwell lighting kit and run wires to the cupholders where I'll drill into the holder to install the lights. I also plan on making a condom like cover for the lights so they're not too bright. What I'm asking for here is advice on my plan and some help splicing into the wires. I've done some research but I'm still not entirely clear how to find how many volts I can get from the lighting kit and be able to run the desired number of LEDS. I'm also not sure how to splice into a wire. Again, I've done some research, but I still dont feel all that confident about doing it. Also, is this plan possible or is there a better way?

For the mudflaps and painting, I've pretty much got that under control. Does anyone want me to get some cutting boards for them?
Your ideas are so interesting......As for the matter for creating a condom i think the brightness is the main thing which will be attracted to others.......hope so i will do some thing special with LED lights and its creative art......thanks....
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Old 2012-07-18, 06:20 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I think I will add a set of mudflaps to my car to even out the look. The chrome balls hanging from my rear sway just draw too much attention. Especially when I do a three wheel turn and they scrape. think better ideas for your car, buddy. I also add a set of mudflaps to my car and for increasing the brightness of headlight to set LED lights.
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