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Old 2009-02-06, 06:13 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Wow. That could have cost you a TON more money. I think at that speed the can even tow your car and give you a reckless driving. Plus its normally $10 for every MPH over the speed limit.
Yeah, he said he decided to be nice about it and only give me a ticket. But the next cop wouldnt be so nice.

As for the "flaming", I really don't give a shit. I get it a lot cuz I do stupid shit. I'm used to it so it doesnt bother me. Plus, the whole time I was "showing off" I told her little brother to ABSOLUTLY NEVER DO WHAT I DID. Told him like 20 times, especially when I got pulled over. He's not a stupid one anyways.

Also to clarify I don't usually drive like a douche. It's a pretty rare thing for me. Usually if I drive fast its on empty roads, or late at night in the abandoned areas of my neighborhood (which my neighbors dont care, they actually encourage me doing it on private roads.

Yeah, I'm gonna shut up now.
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Old 2009-02-06, 06:15 PM   #52
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Also, I didn't know that this was looked down upon by you guys, I'll keep it to myself from now on.
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Old 2009-02-06, 06:25 PM   #53
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"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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Old 2009-02-06, 08:23 PM   #54
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Dont sweat the petty... Pet the sweaty.

^ lol.

And for Arrows. Well i dont think you are looked down upon, really. I just think that you may have pissed off a few people by admitting to what you did and making it as something that didnt matter. We have all done stupid stuff. And probably stupid stuff in our cars. So we would be stupid if we ragged on you too much. But just dont do stuff like that again and you will gain more respect driving safe and normal, rather than bragging about your speeding ticket.

But that's just my 2 cents
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Old 2009-02-06, 08:27 PM   #55
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I got a ticket once. It said admit one.
I hope that after I die, people will say of me: 'That guy sure owed me a lot of money!'"
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Old 2009-02-06, 08:32 PM   #56
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"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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Old 2009-02-06, 08:36 PM   #57
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Pain doesn't affect me, I affect pain.

Wait till I see you on the streets.
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Old 2009-02-06, 09:36 PM   #58
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Lol at your tagline moose.
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Old 2009-02-06, 09:47 PM   #59
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Pain doesn't affect me, I affect pain.

haha Thanks. Don't worry though, I will get you that money.
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Old 2009-02-06, 10:32 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Arrows View Post
Also, I didn't know that this was looked down upon by you guys, I'll keep it to myself from now on.
You, out of the gene pool!
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2009-02-06, 10:49 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Yes, Sir...
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Old 2009-02-06, 11:01 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Dean View Post
. We will not hold this post against you if you understand where we are coming from.
Yeah, come out and race for reals this spring
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Old 2009-02-07, 12:29 AM   #63
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werd. STi's are awesome for autox, what with the diffs and IC sprayer.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2009-02-07, 08:13 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Arrows View Post
Also, I didn't know that this was looked down upon by you guys, I'll keep it to myself from now on.
well my "two cents" you will go to jail FOR surely if you double the speed.
and had to drive a friends car home or (be towed by cops) off the freeway between keystone and McCarran and then go bail his ass out of Parr blvd for doing 112mph. Also it's a cops discretion anything over 90.. Happens on the road to Vegas daily..
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Old 2009-02-07, 09:31 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by van View Post
Yeah, come out and race for reals this spring
When is that going on? I would love to.
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Old 2009-02-07, 11:17 AM   #66
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RE: AutoX, click on Season Schedule under Solo Homepage.

RE: PDX at Reno Fernley Raceway, click on Season Schedule under Race Homepage

Join the forum from the link I gave too.

I highly recommend both but PDX is a ton of track time and good solid instruction so if you can afford it, definitely give it a go.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.

Last edited by cody; 2009-02-07 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 2009-02-13, 12:53 AM   #67
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So my cousin is in town from out of the country where he lives currently. So tonight we had dinner with him and one of our friends. So we left the bully's over in damonte ranch, and and were going to my house. So over on Veterans by RC Willey, there's 2 turn lanes and one lane to go straight. My cousin being gone for over a year didn't know about the two turn lanes at the stop sign, so he accidentally pulled into it, and I went into the lane to go straight at the stop sign. So we both stop and i let him cut over to get in front of me, and then i go, and my friend goes behind me. About a half mile down the road, I see red and blue lights flashing, so me and my friend pull over, thinking that he is going for my cousin for getting overtaking a vehicle or some crap like that, so my cuz pulls over, and the officer parks in the middle of the road and blocks us all in.

He slams his door getting out of the car, and goes and gets my cousins stuff. Then he comes to me and starts talking in a really loud ass whiney tone. This is our convo:

Cop: What the hell are you doing?
Me: Im following my cousin to my house.
Cop: Well if its YOUR house why are you following him?
Me: Well, he got in the wrong lane so I let him get in front of me.
Cop: Thats not what it looked like to me..
Me: Well officer, what did it look like? (sarcastic tone)
Cop: It looked like you 3 fuckers were racing.
Me: Well, honest to god sir, we weren't. I was actually doing 40mph, and the speed limit is 45 through here... So unless the new craze for street racers is going under the speed limit, I dont really see the problem here.
Cop: How old are you?
Me: 17 sir.
Cop: Yeah, 17.... Do you know what happens to you if i charge you for street racing?
Me: yea, i lose my license.
Cop: Yea, smart ass. Thats right. Stay here...

So he goes back to my cousin car (06 VW Passat). He goes back to make sure our stories match. Then He makes my cousin drop his key on the ground.

Then he comes back to me:

Cop: Take your keys out of you ignition.
Me: Yes sir. (so i throw them on my passenger seat)

He goes to my friend (05 STI). He gets on his radio and puts in the plates of his car. and looks at mine, and my doesnt have plates yet, just the paper from the dealer on the back so he just describes me as a blue subaru car...

He comes back to me:

Cop: Get the hell out of my site, and get off my street. And take your fucking Subaru friend with you. tell him to follow you.
Me: Aye Aye, sir!
Cop: You are a fucking smart ass for a 17 year old.
Me: No sir im not. I just dont appreciate your hostility and anger, and FALSE CHARGES.
Cop: Kid, i aught to take your car for street racing.
Me: I wasnt street racing! nobody was. Just because we all 3 have fast cars doesnt mean we are racing!
Cop: Well you guys were going over the speed limit.
Me: Can you prove it? Did you get any of us on radar? Or were you just estimating our speed?
Cop: In the academy I was trained for months how to judge speed without radar.
Me: I dont doubt that at all. But unless you had a radar reading on us, i dont honestly think you can do anything about it. Cuz we will all just fight it anyway, and it will be a waste of all our time, including yours. ( i know he didnt have radar on, cuz i had my detector on and it was dead silent).
Cop: Like I said earlier, take your damn subarus out of my sight. Im going to have a talk with your cousin.
Me: Ok, have a nice night sir.
He just looked at me for a second and walked away.

So about 30 min later my cousin comes home with a $150 ticket and a court date, after he will already have been gone back to south america... He told us that he tried to explain what happened to the cop and why he did that, and the cop told him "no, shut the hell up. you dont have the right to say anything".

That was possibly the worst cop i've ever dealt with... I just felt like sharing how much OFFICER D. STEPHAN of the NHP is a dick.

So then my mom, was pissed about all this, at the cop, so she took my frinds STI down to the road to look for him and talk to him. haha. he wasnt there though. she was all disappointed that he wasnt there.

SO if ever traveling on Veterans road, watch your driving, no matter what it is. Because he's ALWAYS there. I see him all the time.

are cops allowed to cuss that much at you?
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Old 2009-02-13, 08:35 AM   #68
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Cops are just people. Some are amazing humanitarians doing a thankless job. Some are complete power hungry dick heads with prejudice and small dick syndrome. Sounds like you ran into the latter.
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Old 2009-02-13, 10:11 AM   #69
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What friend of yours has an 05 sti? I don't see how anyone could be a dick to Brent.
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Old 2009-02-13, 10:33 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by GusGus91 View Post
Me: Well officer, what did it look like? (sarcastic tone)
This is the worst idea ever, and will do nothing but escalate a stop and get you in more trouble than you should be in.

When dealing with LEO's, stay calm and don't give them attitude. Sure, it sucks if he's being a dick, but he's got all the power and you have exactly none. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Keep your head down and you'll get sent on your way sooner and with much less drama.
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Old 2009-02-13, 12:20 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey View Post
This is the worst idea ever, and will do nothing but escalate a stop and get you in more trouble than you should be in.

When dealing with LEO's, stay calm and don't give them attitude. Sure, it sucks if he's being a dick, but he's got all the power and you have exactly none. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Keep your head down and you'll get sent on your way sooner and with much less drama.
Bam. There's the troof.

Most cops I've either run into on the job or in my personal life are really decent guys, but when you're facing someone that's either got a chip on his shoulder, or having a bad night, or has the wrong idea about what's going on, you absolutely have to take your ego and swallow it as far down as possible to help the cop out and get out of the stop w/o being raped.

The cops that actually want a confrontation are few and far between, so chances are if he's being confrontational it's because he thinks he needs to be. You have to show them you're not looking for a fight. If the cop is really going to violate your rights, that's what the courts are for. Fight the battle later.

I live off Rio Wrangler, and I can't tell you how many times I've had douches in EVOs and STis try to race me in my slow-ass SVX. Stupid street racers are going to kill someone on that street one day. So I'm glad there's a cop on the street putting the lock-down on the guys that drive like idiots (not implying you guys were).
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Old 2009-02-13, 01:00 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
What friend of yours has an 05 sti? I don't see how anyone could be a dick to Brent.
Yea, I know. Brent is like one of the nicest people that you can meet. Brent was calm the whole time. And it's our friend Chris Houghton from fernley.

Yea, I've seen people racing down there, and I see a cop there most of the time on that road. I'm not the kind of person to be a jackass to somebody, and looking back at I realize it wasn't the best thing to do, cuz the past 5 times I've been pulled over, I've been really respectful, and it has worked out all fine. I know to get respect you need to give it. And I've had experience with nice cops and mean ones. I don't know what made me be a sarcastic jerk last night, because that's just not really me. But we were all laughing about It later. I guess I just get to learn from my mistakes.
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Old 2009-02-14, 11:46 AM   #73
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While this is very serious, I don't know anyone on this forum that can honestly say they haven't done anything stupid on public streets (getting ticketed or not for it). I definitely know I have. Attempting to speak for everyone... We are being harsh, because we don't want people to repeat the same mistakes as we have, and we definitely do not want someone to make a bigger mistake. Think of this ticket as a lesson learned. Humans are creatures of habit, we just have to hope that that habit can be tamed.

Just my .02 cents.
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Old 2009-02-17, 09:36 AM   #74
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So I got my first ticket in over a decade for a supposed 70 in a 65 getting on the freeway and doing nothing but matching speed for safe entrance and wham there he is mr. nhp. he put actual speed 80 and sighted speed 70 But want some feedback because he wrote i was in an impreza when it's a legacy? ALSO put a class C license when i got an A? i plan on fighting it but wonder if it's gonna be dismissed because of these errors? anyone know???
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Old 2009-02-17, 09:47 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Jcjentz View Post
So I got my first ticket in over a decade for a supposed 70 in a 65 getting on the freeway and doing nothing but matching speed for safe entrance and wham there he is mr. nhp. he put actual speed 80 and sighted speed 70 But want some feedback because he wrote i was in an impreza when it's a legacy? ALSO put a class C license when i got an A? i plan on fighting it but wonder if it's gonna be dismissed because of these errors? anyone know???
Those discrepancies probably won't get you out of squat. But if you can make the case that you were in fact going 70 in order to merge safely, that should do it. But good luck getting the judge to believe you over the officer.
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