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Old 2009-07-06, 09:13 AM   #1
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Default GrimmSpeed MAF Block Off Plate - All WRX/STi Including 08+!

When you upgrade your Subaru to a Blow Through System you will need a way to block off the location where the old MAF Sensor was located, well GrimmSpeed has the answer. GrimmSpeed MAF Block Off Plate allows you to do just that! Compact design that features black anodized aluminum for a very clean finish. We have taken it one step further and matched the bottom of the plug to the diameter of the Subaru intake piping so the plug is not in the way of flow!!

- Easy to Install. Under 2 minutes for installation.
- O-Ring for a perfect air tight seal.
- Compact, clean, and proudly displaying the GrimmSpeed Logo.
- Logical Design. Plate is curved to fit piping for no intrusions into the flow path.


Price: 39.99
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Old 2009-07-06, 09:14 AM   #2
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Damn... that's the nicest alternative to duct tape I've ever seen!
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Old 2009-07-07, 09:02 AM   #3
Real Name: Matt Taylor
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Nice product. I almost came out with the same thing but decided there wasn't enough demand for it. The blow-thru MAF thing has kinda peaked IMO, but still it is nice to have this piece available. The speed density crowd are also potential customers for this too.

Couple important comments:
  • I think the curved end to help flow is silly overkill. Consider a couple things... What diameter is it curved for - 65mm, 70mm, 73mm, 76mm, 83mm? Also more importantly what depth is the curve at, as you will find intakes vary quite a bit from size to size and manufacturer to manufacturer? I have 50+ part numbers for intakes and I can tell you that what works for the stock intake will not work for others. This is pretty nitpicky and it would be easy for somebody to just sand or grind down the end or add stacks of washers under the plate.
  • The shaft looks way too long. It will protrude into the airstream on many (if not most) aftermarket intakes, and that kinda negates the whole curved-end advantage. It will surely protrude into a LegacyGT stock intake (which is 70mm) - prolly almost 1/8". On an APS 70mm intake it will protrude almost 1/4". On a KSTech 73mm intake it would protrude more than 1/4" into the airstream. The curved end won't help in these (many) cases.
  • The location of the o-ring is too far down the shaft. When people grind down the end so that it doesn't protrude into the airstream they will sometimes need to grind farther than the o-ring groove and that is a problem. Stacking washers under the plate to raise it up is a better option than grinding. The location of the o-ring will also cause sealing problems on many aftermarket intakes anyway because it is down near the hole in the tubing which is rough cut before the machined flange is welded on.
  • Basically based on the points above, I think this piece will only work without modification on the stock WRX/STi intake (which is 99.99% never used on BTM or SD cars that need it) and some aftermarket 65mm intakes. It will protrude a little on KSTech 65mm intakes and probably on the APS 65mm and AEM CAIs. It will protrude on any LegacyGT 70mm intake, both stock and aftermarket. It will protrude on all "big MAF" aftermarket intakes like the KSTech, Perrin, and APS. I could be wrong, but keep in mind I have every intake mentioned here in my office within 10 feet of where I am sitting right now.
  • Based on the above I would include washers and instructions on how to stack them to get the piece's fancy "logical" curved end out of the airstream. If people start grinding then some will run into trouble with the o-ring. This all takes more than the 2 minutes quoted to do btw. Personally I think this is kinda cheesy and it would have been better to keep the shaft short (and flat to save cost) to work for all intakes without the trouble.

Oh, and that's a nifty logo but personally the first thing I would do is hit it with the belt sander or spray can to get rid of it.

Last edited by knucklesplitter; 2009-07-07 at 09:32 AM.
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Old 2009-07-07, 09:08 AM   #4
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Old 2009-07-10, 06:40 AM   #5
Real Name: Matt Taylor
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Thumbs up

So I bought one of these, because I need one instead of the burned-out sensor I usually use to plug the MAF sensor hole. I feel a little dumb writing that diatribe above. Grimm did a nice job with the snout length and split the difference between all the intake combos I checked. It is not flush on a 65mm intake, it is very nicely flush on 70mm & 83mm intakes, and it only protrudes like 2mm on 73mm & 86mm intakes. The o-ring does extend past the machined flange on some of the intakes, but it is so tight I think it would seal fine. The o-ring is very very tight in the bore, so much so that you need the screws to pull the plate down into the intake. Not sure I like that but it is better than too loose. I may post some pics sometime.

Shipping was fast - 2 days after I ordered it it was tossed onto my porch by the friendly postal worker who doesn't like all the packages I ship.
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Old 2009-07-10, 11:10 AM   #6
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Haha we'll glad you like how it turned out in the end.

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Old 2009-07-10, 11:13 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by GrimmSpeed View Post
Haha we'll glad you like how it turned out in the end.

In the future, you should post up all your parts with complete manufacturing schematics and size diagrams so kuncklesplitter won't jump the gun.

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Old 2009-07-10, 11:23 AM   #8
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Haha. In reality they were honest concerns but we spent a lot of time with R&d on this and we produced what we feel is the most effective all around unit for all applications.

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