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Old 2010-07-11, 09:46 PM   #1
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Default Dear spineless coward...

...with the white car that decided to total my SVX last night in the Silver Legacy parking garage.

Sure, you probably didn't intentionally decide to be a totally inept retard of a driver and purposely drag your right front bumper across my left rear bumper, wheel, tire, and fender while trying to jam your car into the spot next to me clearly labeled "compact". But by not leaving me your contact info and running from the scene, you're basically on par with the common dickless vandal in my book.

Next time, man up and take responsibility for your ineptitude, you fucking coward. Certainly your insurance would be able to fix my car because it was your fault... but I can pretty much guarantee my insurance will just total out my car even if the damage is only a few hundred dollars, what with my SVX booking so low in value.

So since I'll probably have to fix this out-of-pocket, thanks a ton for stealing a wad of cash from me you little bitch. I hope some other vandal smashes all the windows out of what ever pile of shit you drive, though you'll likely just tape trash bags up and soldier on because clearly you don't seem to give two shits about respect for property or you would have a) not run like a little bitch after hitting me, or b) probably would have learned to drive less like a reckless douche and not have hit me in the first place.


The guy that's going to fuck you in small claims court if the Silver Legacy happens to have video from the parking garage.
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Old 2010-07-12, 06:20 AM   #2
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Oh Man, I'm sorry Scott. Hopefully there is some video. wow.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:04 AM   #3
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No, I won't work on your car. F* your car

Holy shit dude. I fucking hate people. Sorry Scott.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:07 AM   #4
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Oh no, Scott. I hope there IS video. In the meantime, we're keeping our eyes open for a car with a dented in right bumper -- color left behind? Also, put one of those ads in the paper or CL - asking for any witnesses?
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:09 AM   #5
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Oh man that sucks! Sorry. Best of luck with getting video.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:22 AM   #6
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If there was not video of the accident there should at least be video of him entering/leaving the garage.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:34 AM   #7
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Terrible situation man, sorry. Hope they find that fucker.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:56 AM   #8
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That sucks so bad. People are the worst...

I know they fucked over the wrong guy though. Sperry will stick it to them if it's at all possible.
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Old 2010-07-12, 08:44 AM   #9
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Well, Silver Legacy security told me they have video of all the parking garage floors and they save them for around 2 weeks. But they won't release it without a subpoena. The guy suggested that I contact my insurance company and have them attempt to sort it out... .

The problem is that I bet I'll have to file a claim w/ AllState before they would attempt to research it. My goal was really to leave my insurance totally out of the loop and got straight to the dipshit that hit me's insurance. Does anyone know if an incident like this is covered under comprehensive, or is this a collision?
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Old 2010-07-12, 08:51 AM   #10
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It will be in Allstate's interest to get the spineless coward to pay. Hopefully this means that they take care of everything for you with no negative side effects...
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Old 2010-07-12, 09:03 AM   #11
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"pedal on the right"

Maybe just hire a lawyer?

seems to me like you should be able to do this with out your insurance company. or at least a visit to the country clerks office this week on lunch break (today if possible) would be in your best interest.

Uber Shitty.. at least it sounds like you have a few good options for recourse .

insurance lead efforts,
self lead claims court
lawyer up.

Maybe get an estimate to fix everything asap, if its over 5K i think that's over the small claims limit.
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Old 2010-07-12, 09:03 AM   #12
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"pedal on the right"

also maybe just filing a police report we cause the police to subpeona the tape , if they go to investigate a hit and run.

Get the cops to charge him with that, AND sue him in claims court.
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Old 2010-07-12, 09:23 AM   #13
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Unfortunately, I think this situation is far too commonly solved with "just file a claim with your insurance, that's what it's for" for anyone to be interested in helping me out with these more complicated plots. Really, if this had been any car but my SVX that's worth so much more to me than the insurance value, I would just claim it on my insurance... I just don't want it totaled out over what's really just minor cosmetic damage.

Certainly, I'm not interested in hiring a lawyer. The cost of a lawyer just to get the video subpoenaed is probably more than the cost of the repair, and I have no guarantee I'd be able to get the license of the car that hit me off the video in the first place.
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Old 2010-07-12, 11:25 AM   #14
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"pedal on the right"

What color is your car again?

what color(s) were left behind?

so damage to their front right (or maybe their left rear if they tried backing in) ?
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Old 2010-07-12, 11:31 AM   #15
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Svx is red. The car that hit me is either white or silver.
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Old 2010-07-12, 11:54 AM   #16
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Just tell them you have reason to believe the person was attempting to shoot a judge from the back of his car. That should get things moving.
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Old 2010-07-12, 01:32 PM   #17
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i think i saw your car in the silver parking garage on saturday if you where there if that was you, clean car man and sorry to hear what happend
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Old 2010-07-12, 01:49 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by 03wrxwagon View Post
i think i saw your car in the silver parking garage on saturday if you where there if that was you, clean car man and sorry to hear what happend
Did you go to see Daniel Tosh too?

Also... what color is your car?
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Old 2010-07-12, 01:59 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Unfortunately, I think this situation is far too commonly solved with "just file a claim with your insurance, that's what it's for" for anyone to be interested in helping me out with these more complicated plots. Really, if this had been any car but my SVX that's worth so much more to me than the insurance value, I would just claim it on my insurance... I just don't want it totaled out over what's really just minor cosmetic damage.

Certainly, I'm not interested in hiring a lawyer. The cost of a lawyer just to get the video subpoenaed is probably more than the cost of the repair, and I have no guarantee I'd be able to get the license of the car that hit me off the video in the first place.
So let them total it out and just buy it back? Then you will get your money and the car.
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Old 2010-07-12, 02:17 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by JC View Post
So let them total it out and just buy it back? Then you will get your money and the car.
A clean title on that car is worth more than the $1000 I'd probably get from having it totaled out.

With a clean title, I can probably sell the car for 6 or 7 grand as long as I was patient on waiting for an SVX enthusiast to buy it. With a salvage title, I'd be lucky to sell it for $2000. Plus, if it ever really got wrecked in the future, I'd get nothing for the car. I think I'd rather pay out of pocket to fix it now, than lose out on a couple of grand in the future if it actually got totaled.

Plus, the damage isn't really that bad. I took a better look at it today in the sunlight. It's more of a scuff than real paint/body damage. Mostly this thread is me bitching about people who don't respect other's property and take responsibility for their actions. The damage probably isn't enough to total the car, even with it's low book value.

I'm gonna take some pictures of the damage, then try to buff it out... As long as there's no damage to the wheel, the rest may be repairable enough with touch-up paint to get me by until I can't stand the sand damage on the front end and repaint the car again. The only shitty thing is that I really figured the next time I was going to drop money on body work/paint, I'd be fixing the 4 year old damaged fender/bumper on the WRX.
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Old 2010-07-12, 02:35 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Did you go to see Daniel Tosh too?

Also... what color is your car?
i have a sedona red wagon i had to park on the top and i noticed about 20 subies while making my way to the top,alot from cali
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Old 2010-07-12, 03:20 PM   #22
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Ask the sec. supervisor for video...cameras all over parking garage.
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Old 2010-07-12, 03:38 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by murphy View Post
Ask the sec. supervisor for video...cameras all over parking garage.
Yeah, that's what the guy I talked to said. But he wouldn't release the video "without a subpoena". My guess is they probably would release it to an insurance company though, which is why he told me to file with my insurance and have them call the casino.
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Old 2010-07-12, 04:06 PM   #24
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So how was the show? I really like Tosh.O. I'm supposed to see him in Santa Rosa next month I think.
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Old 2010-07-12, 04:24 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
So how was the show? I really like Tosh.O. I'm supposed to see him in Santa Rosa next month I think.
It was pretty decent. A lot better than the last big-name show I was which was Dave Chappelle that got ruined by hecklers that wouldn't stop yelling "I'm rick James, Bitch!". Tosh's opening act was some dude named Jasper, who was actually pretty funny too.
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