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Old 2003-08-07, 10:13 AM   #1
The Doink
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The way out is through
Default Dear Lord, another sign of the appocalypse.

If California wasn't fucked before.... it will be now. Check out the people running for governor...

In addition to Ahnold:

Others looking to join him in the race:

Gary Coleman (news)
The onetime Diff'rent Strokes star stood on a platform on Wednesday of balancing the state's budget, legalizing gay marriage, decriminalizing marijuana, "restor[ing] sanity to California politics" and "drill[ing] for oil in every national park." The 35-year-old's candidacy is being championed by a San Francisco newspaper that, with Coleman's permission, put up the $3,500 filing fee and collected 87 signatures, publicist Mike Casey said. Coleman previously announced a bid for run for the U.S. Senate from California in 2000, but dropped out, Casey said, because he felt the competition was too strong.

Larry Flynt
The 60-year-old magazine mogul declared his candidacy Monday, portraying himself as the "smut-peddler who cares." He told reporters he favored legalizing slot machines and prostitution, and granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. On the first full day of his campaign, Flynt's Hustler magazine called on Americans on Tuesday to ask the "entity of [their] choice" to strike down Fox News Channel star Bill O'Reilly with a fatal brain aneurysm."

Arianna Huffington
The TV talking head and newspaper columnist made her plans official Wednesday on NBC's Today and again at a Los Angeles news conference, declaring herself an unconventional candidate for unconventional times. An anti-S.U.V. crusader, Huffington, 53, said she would require all state employees to drive gas-and-electric hybrid vehicles. She also vowed to fight proposed tuition hikes to the state's two university systems. Huffington's ex-husband, onetime failed U.S. Senate candidate Michael Huffington, also has taken out papers for a potential gubernatorial run. The two Huffingtons split in 1994 when Michael Huffington announced he was gay.

Reached Tuesday as she motored along in her trademark pink Corvette, the famous-for-being-famous Los Angeles fixture said "would rule California with two pink gloves." That quip was "just being cute," Angelyne quickly added, noting she was more serious than that. "I'm running for real. I really want to win. I want to make California the brightest star on the planet." Specifically, Angelyne spoke of being concerned about economic equality ("We're still living under rules of the 1500s"), pot holes (too many "flying rocks on the windshield" of her Corvette) and frivolous lawsuits (too many of those, too). As governor, she said she'd send "professional investigators into every field and find out what's going on" with state funds. Angelyne, who did not vote for governor in last fall's election, previously ran for a city council seat during Hollywood's unsuccessful secession effort. "This [campaign for governor] is so much easier only because I didn't know anything at the time," she said.

Mary Carey
The 22-year-old adult film star of Hot Showers 6, among other titles, stumped for signatures outside Los Angeles City Hall Tuesday, City News Service said. Per the wire service, Carey favors a tax on breast-implant procedures and a "porno-for-pistols" program, whereby gun owners would be encouraged to trade in their weapons for porno movies. Angelyne referred to Carey's prospective campaign as "utter nonsense."

Brian Flemming
The coauthor of the off-Broadway hit Bat Boy: The Musical said Tuesday he has "an extremely simple platform": If elected, he won't serve. Instead, the 37-year-old Los Angeles filmmaker said he would resign, appointing Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, a fellow Democrat, as his, and Davis', successor. Opposed in principle to the recall ("a right-wing extremist coup attempt"), Flemming views his candidacy as a backup plan for voters. He does not view it as a joke. "If you vote for the Terminator, you're going to get the Terminator," Flemming said. "If you vote for me, you're going to get the lieutenant governor."
So, let me get this straight, in the running: An arian action hero, a child star midget, a porn mogul, a talk-show hostest who had to divorce her gay husband, a professional valley-girl, a porn star, and a guy who has said he will resign if you elect him.

Unbelieveable.... I always said I didn't like career politicians, but if this is the alternative... jebus. That state needs some regular people... if you added "Mike Donaldson, a retired fire fighter and president of his local 4h club" to the running, he'd win in a landslide.

Thank god I live in Nevada now.
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Old 2003-08-07, 10:25 AM   #2
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OMFG!! That is hilarious. I am going to have all my family in California to vote for the porn star
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Old 2003-08-07, 10:40 AM   #3
The Doink
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The way out is through

I'm surprised this election is going to involve some sort of competition and then have the voters vote OFF each loser one at a time.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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Old 2003-08-07, 10:49 AM   #4
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FUCKING A!!! I am fucking moving.. I've said it before.. and I'll say it again.. as soon as my contract is up.. IM OUT OF FUCKING CALIFORNIA!!!
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Old 2003-08-07, 01:58 PM   #5
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CAN someone please get a hold of MIKE TYSON and ask him if HE wants to run ???
LOL.. The other White Meat ... lol
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Old 2003-08-07, 01:59 PM   #6
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without hard work, nothing grows but weeds

He can have my EAR.. ummm i mean my VOTE .. LMAO
LOL.. The other White Meat ... lol
subaru(STi) is a boys car, mitsubishi(evo) is a man's car - Jeremy (Top Gear)

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Old 2003-08-07, 03:29 PM   #7
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Yeah seriously... could you imagine his speeches? "and motherfucka, i guna knock you out" in his typical baby voice...
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Old 2003-08-08, 04:23 PM   #8
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I like Arianna Huffington, some her articles rule.
Anjali? Anjali?

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