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Old 2009-03-23, 06:20 PM   #1
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Thumbs down a RANT and a RAVE

Let's get the preface out of the way.
Long story shortened.
We met some folks when we first moved up Thanks to the car club. This girl I never really liked from the start, but her man was and is still cool.We hung out, tolerated her. This girl is a slut. Rubs up on everyone elses man, looking to jump ships. She finds someone stupid enough to believe all her lies, moves out of her boyfriend of five years' house whom she cheated on, into this other kids house. They get married. I say they should slow down. I find out what kind of girl she is. They steal our property. I email, ask for it back. Tell them if they don't give it back, I will be forced to report it stolen, which I do not wish to do. I file my belongings stolen. It's a felony. I file harassment.Last friday. Today at work I get SERVED in front of EVERYONE a restraining order. Courtesy of her. It's only a temporary, because she has not one single valid reason for it. I file another harassment charge. I find out my boyfriend was not the only boyfriend out of the group that she was all over. I also found out the only person who ever stuck up for her she had tried to seduce, and he likes her. I was all worried, because of the threats of being sniped from a hilltop. But when we were all friends I outshot him. He told us he was a navy seal, that's a lie. He also said he was a cop. Lie as well. Now that I am not longer scared in the slightest, I'd like some of your input. I'm sorry to include the drama, I am usually a VERY drama free person. I can't stoop down to their level, but I can cover my own ass. She already tried to put orders on her ex, they fell through when he appealed them( he is totally innocent as well). I don't know what this girls problem is. I need to vent. The immaturity of some people just makes me HOTT. If she has a problem, man I wish she would just settle it with me.All I said in the email I sent her was that if she returned my belongings, she would never hear from me again. If not, I would report them stolen. I know who the better person is. I WILL NOT BE AFRAID.I can't be baited either. THAT GIRL IS A SUCCUBUS!!!! Just looking for a new host like the little parasite she is. And here is the total of property they have damaged or stolen.
1. Advan RS Rim. Curbed. (600$)
2. 500 dollar red FURLA Purse( Italian leather, FROM Italy)
3. A key card for our complex that costs 100 frikkin dollars to replace.

So far they have just been running and hiding. Not even just from me. They pissed off someone else to, they keep changing their numbers, adresses. He took the stickers off of his white evo 10 because he is such a pansy he thinks someone is going to waste their time coming after him. I have never experienced people before with such a lack of integrity, or dignity. They are filth suckers. Creating nothing but blackness to feed off of. Am I wrong? Am I out of line? Do I deserve to be violated and harassed like this??? I can't believe I was so blinded to allow people like this into my life. If anyone else cares to rant, or rave, join in. I just had to take a xanax to keep from blowing my top! This immature stuff gets me so mad!!!

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Old 2009-03-23, 06:23 PM   #2
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Excuse my spelling errors I can't really see through the rage.
I do not have a record. Do not want one. I'm just a good girl in a bad world.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:29 PM   #3
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I wouldn't ever be afraid of anyone ever touching you. If anyone even slaps you, all you need to do is call the cops and they will be up at the jail that night. Do you have any proof those belongings are yours? Like the other 3 wheels or a receipt for the purse? I doubt you will be able to recover the card unless they find she has the other items and decide a search is in order to find the card. Her filing a restraining order AFTER you reported your stuff stolen makes her look guilty. I have had lots of experience with this kind of scum, most recently being my sisters ex-husband who is currently in prison.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:35 PM   #4
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All I have is my boyfriend as a witness, and proof. I was very afraid because I thought he was an officer and that he could just abuse his powers however. We have all the wheels. I have my aunt as a witness of giving me the bag, and you can look it up online. That purse was 500 ON CLEARANCE. I have one other friend that may or may not stick up for me. I have never met people so low before. This is both of their doing. He took the card, She took the purse, He curbed the wheel. They are just....... despicable. I don't plan on getting my belongings back. I don't want to go to court, and pay a lawyer. I hope it will be over after this. I really do. I don't have room for this in my life. All I want is to work to play and be friends and friendly.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:35 PM   #5
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Oh, probably the best advice I can give you. There are 2 things you never want to do. NEVER meet her in person or talk to her on the phone without a witness present. Never threaten her no matter how mad you get.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:39 PM   #6
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I would never threaten her. I don't need to. I would never see her. She is 86d from my place of work. So is he. I never want anything to do with her ever again. I know they are trying to bait me into doing something but they are all wrong, because I'm not like them. She can't think outside of her box long enough to realize. She is basically just confirming that she is in the wrong. Digging her own hole.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:40 PM   #7
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So you told the cops that she stole your stuff and they never did anything?
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:42 PM   #8
SoCal LS-L
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Just make sure to keep records of any and all contact you have with her or her dude, such as that email, in case anything else happens. And if its just your property thats making you go through all this, sometimes unfortunately its best to just forget about it and walk away... consider it a small price to pay to get this C word out of your life for good. Dont stress, she will get whats coming to her soon.... people with that personality type always F themselves big sooner or later.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:42 PM   #9
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They are " investigating" clearly doing nothing.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:44 PM   #10
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Thanks for the support. I have saved and taken pictures of everything that was emailed. I have never once threatened her. I won't. Of course I have my own thoughts but they will go away. I really think she will f herself, and he will too. I just hope that the situation does not get elevated anymore. It seems I can't even touch the level of evil that she is at.
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Old 2009-03-23, 06:46 PM   #11
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As far as belongings if I had known all this was coming, I would just pay for the new gate card and get a new powder coating. The purse was ugly as sh.. but it was leverage for my gate card.
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Old 2009-03-23, 07:05 PM   #12
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She is where my Gene police comments comes from. grr. but, ah. I feel better. Thank the Xanax gods. I'm going to have a beer, forget she exists. And make better choices with who I befriend or let in my house. She tried to seduce my boyfriend in MY OWN HOUSE. Wow. Some people should never have pulled the goalie.
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Old 2009-03-23, 07:29 PM   #13
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I am so confused by this thread.
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Old 2009-03-23, 07:40 PM   #14
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How is it confusing to you?
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Old 2009-03-23, 07:48 PM   #15
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Old 2009-03-23, 07:50 PM   #16
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hehe. Basically I decided to rant instead of run out of my house all mad. I hate people trying to ruin my livelihood, mess with my job. The boss doesn't really have a high opinion of you when you get served at work.

Last edited by wildfirefli; 2009-03-23 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 2009-03-23, 08:02 PM   #17
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Should never have pulled the goalie? Im not familiar with that euphamism and 6 times out of seven it seals their loss anyways (see Avalanche this season). Basically all you can do on the boss thing is tell him/her what happened and assure them it wont be affecting you since this person is no longer in your life. Most bosses will be supportive and on your side, unless they happen to be total douche baggins.
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Old 2009-03-23, 08:23 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by SoCal LS-L View Post
Just make sure to keep records of any and all contact you have with her or her dude, such as that email, in case anything else happens. And if its just your property thats making you go through all this, sometimes unfortunately its best to just forget about it and walk away... consider it a small price to pay to get this C word out of your life for good. Dont stress, she will get whats coming to her soon.... people with that personality type always F themselves big sooner or later.
Sage advice here. ^

Make sure to document everything, and keep filing reports w/ the cops every time you're harassed. Be the squeaky wheel as they say and the cops will eventually act. Make sure to mention all the crap about the guy claiming to be a cop, a navy seal, a sniper, etc. Cops do actually take threats like that seriously.
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Old 2009-03-23, 09:47 PM   #19
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Yeah I wrote that into the report. I've pretty much written off my belongings. He even called up my landlady and was trying to get our address. Thank goodness she is cool! But not cool enough that she wouldn't enjoy making me pay for the card anyway. Eh. Thanks again for the support! And I'm squeaky clean
i'll make sure they get off their a.. and do something.
Especially after I have to pay them and arm and a leg for bullsh.. like beverage cards and fingerprints ( which were already done in vegas) while they take my money and don't do anything for me. I'm not going to court over this. I've wasted enough time with useless people.

another note
Anyone here do MMA?? I need a good gym.. I've got a lot of potential and I never give up. Looking to get back into it. Plus it helps me forget all the stupid people. The ones who cut me off, don't believe in coloring ( or driving) in the lines and it's just all around good discipline. I love to fight ( in a controlled environment with a willing partner) and I've had my a.. kicked by people bigger than the ones messing with me right now. LOLS.. so trivial. I'm moving on!!! Also. Anyone with horses needing to be ridden. I'm your girl. I'm also down to observe or help with any kind of mechanical activity. I need to learn. get dirty. smell like oil. Something.

You know what though, the cops don't seem to be taking me very seriously?
Usually when someone says they want to snipe you from a hilltop you tend to take them pretty seriously?
I'd be more scared if I thought he could hit a target though hahaha.
I can shoot clays with my shotgun and .40 HK with both hands.
That pus.. can't top that.
sleepy time for the tired girl
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Old 2009-03-23, 09:56 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
I wouldn't ever be afraid of anyone ever touching you. If anyone even slaps you, all you need to do is call the cops and they will be up at the jail that night. Do you have any proof those belongings are yours? Like the other 3 wheels or a receipt for the purse? I doubt you will be able to recover the card unless they find she has the other items and decide a search is in order to find the card. Her filing a restraining order AFTER you reported your stuff stolen makes her look guilty. I have had lots of experience with this kind of scum, most recently being my sisters ex-husband who is currently in prison.
I don't mean to get off topic, but he's in PRISON? Hahaha what a douche. For what?

Last time I saw him he came into my starbucks, and I was on the register, and he recognized me, and all he wanted was a coffee, and I just said "sup". and i put the coffee down, and he just walked off and didnt pay, like the whore he is.
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Old 2009-03-23, 09:58 PM   #21
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That is a good question. I want to know who, what when too!!! me me me!
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Old 2009-03-23, 10:41 PM   #22
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That really sucks. I didn't know you were out for that much. But you know what I say. Karma's a bitch!
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Old 2009-03-23, 10:44 PM   #23
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It will be!
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Old 2009-03-24, 07:49 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by wildfirefli View Post
another note
Anyone here do MMA?? I need a good gym.. I've got a lot of potential and I never give up. Looking to get back into it. Plus it helps me forget all the stupid people. The ones who cut me off, don't believe in coloring ( or driving) in the lines and it's just all around good discipline. I love to fight ( in a controlled environment with a willing partner) and I've had my a.. kicked by people bigger than the ones messing with me right now. LOLS.. so trivial. I'm moving on!!! Also. Anyone with horses needing to be ridden. I'm your girl. I'm also down to observe or help with any kind of mechanical activity. I need to learn. get dirty. smell like oil. Something.
Sorry to hear about your ordeal. It is never any fun to be the victim of someone's b.s. However this off topic post is kind of funny. You're in the middle of a heated rant and then you mention that you're looking for a mixed martial arts gym. Sounds kind of like you want to kick someone's ass.
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Old 2009-03-24, 08:31 AM   #25
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There is nothing that feels better than flipping a tractor tire when your mad. If you go over to the Double Diamond gym they have like 8 tires on the side of the building for the Parisi speed school. Find a smaller one and flip it over, you will feel great.
"A power nap is when you sleep on someone who is weaker than you." - Dimitri Martin
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