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Old 2009-05-07, 01:34 PM   #1
sti deede
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Default About to pull the trigger on a 3rd car.

The house we bought last summer is blessed with much driveway space, and what better way to use it than with vehicles. We've been looking for a 3rd vehicle just in case another vehicle breaks down. This has been on going for a couple of months now. Thanks to hotwheels making a 510 model, I have been craving one. I have found and awesome one on craigslist that we will be checking out tonight:

Josh showed some of the Web-i-nex buddies and they all approve of this aquistion. Mr. Burciaga even volunteered to cut vinyl to made it like a BRE Datsun like this:

It has been quote a process to select my next vehicle. I went through several possible solutions. I wanted to keep it in a budget of 5-8K, so we wouldn't need to finance it. That immediately takes my dream of getting another STI off the plate. I know I only want a Japanese make vehicle. Definately no American.

Historically I've really just followed the newer cars and forgot about the older cars, so I don't have much of a recollection of the high points. Shame on me for being a consumer. I know i don't like the aesthetics of the 80's and early 90's cars, too many angles and sharp edges. I perfer a chunky vehicle with no hatch backs. I'm learning about the different characteristics of old cars, which helps to make them more interesting. Thinking outside of the box like this has been fun, because I'm learning to appreciate old things.

So being realistic, the following is a list of cars that I thought about:

Older BMW 3 series, good handling, and more expensive to repair
Miata, good handling, fits like a glove, but I've never been a convertible or 2 seater car person.
XB, cheap, but not cheap enough. They are silly looking and customizable. Requires much suspension work to hook around in. This would require lots of vinyl to make fun.
Old 70's Celica, nice, fun character, good for a swap. Not much a of a select to purchase from - would happily choose this as well as the 510.
MR2 early 90's - nice looking, but very much a ricer fly boy car, that could only get me into trouble.
S2000 - fun, good learning car, still out of my price point.

Soul-less cars:
Standard Camry, newer corollas, maximas, altima, hondas,

If anyone has any feedback I'd love to hear it. I'm pretty sure that a 510 will be my next car as I am in love with it!
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Old 2009-05-07, 01:44 PM   #2
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That 510 is sweet, but certainly not a "just in case another vehicle breaks down" car... it's probably going to be the car that's broken down. Also, I wouldn't keep it in the driveway... the 510 should be garaged 1) to keep it from getting stolen and 2) to protect it from the elements.

FYI: the Benson Bros. in Carson have a pair of 510's in that race livery that race out of their shop. They look like very fun cars... super stripped-down, lightweight, with hi-revving little motors!
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Old 2009-05-07, 02:22 PM   #3
sti deede
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Both the driveway comment and the backup car comment are more an excuse to get another fun car. I'm bored of driving the monster truck, unless I'm driving over something. Plus in reality half the work week I commute by bicycle, so it's not too critical. Having another vehicle would be more of a fun novelty. I think it will bring back some of the joy that driving my STi gave me. Granted Josh has a Forester that's faster than my old car, but it's still not mine and I only occasionally get to drive it so I'm not all that familiar with it.

You are right about the garage Scott. The car will spend the night in it and I park in a garage at work too, so it should have lots of protection.
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Old 2009-05-07, 02:56 PM   #4
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Haha, this is a funny topic, cause I'm right there too! My "third" car is the white Legacy, because I wanted something really fun to drive. That way I can keep the miles off of our green Impreza and allow the wife to daily drive the red Legacy wagon. If something breaks down, then we are still OK.

I'm expecting to swap or at least replace the motor in the red wagon in the near term, although it still runs fabulous right now. There is also the possibility that I blow the bottom end in the white Legacy, just because of the high miles, but it might run for a while as well, there are lots of them in the mid-200k range.

Either way, I am also thinking about another car this year so that I can have 3 running and one project at any given time. Believe it or not, the 510 and an 80's 3-series BMW are on my short list as well. The beemers are freaking cheap and everywhere right now. They are also pretty simple with RWD and a straight 6.

However, with a better budget I would buy Scott's car first!
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Old 2009-05-08, 07:45 AM   #5
sti deede
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Updates: Missed out on the purchase of the one I posted, but I just found another 2.
One is a 4-door 1973 from the original owner. It's so clean.

The other is 1969 2-door project car that was been in the garage for 30 years. It's a beautiful blank canvas, complete with mega fenders.

Also for funny factor I saw this. Which would require some corrective surgery to make right again.

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Old 2009-05-08, 07:56 AM   #6
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Not a 510, but the Corolla actually looks like it has been really well prepared. repaint the hood and you are done.

Knock offs are not uncommon for that period and those ram air scoops and body kit tell me it was well prepared at some point in it's life. That rear spoiler may be functional as well! It may have been a race car at one point.

I would blast around in that one in a minute. (after hood repaint) What is it a picture of anyway?
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Last edited by Dean; 2009-05-08 at 08:02 AM.
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Old 2009-05-08, 08:31 AM   #7
sti deede
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1 It's a 1973 Toyota Corolla.
Here's the Craigslist for additional info.
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Old 2009-05-08, 08:42 AM   #8
Nick Koan
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Ooh, a mango.

Damn, I would love an old corolla like that. But, the same thing about 510s also applies to the mango corolla.
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Old 2009-05-08, 08:47 AM   #9
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Oooh, the original owner one looks so clean!
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Old 2009-05-08, 11:11 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by sti deede View Post
1 It's a 1973 Toyota Corolla.
Here's the Craigslist for additional info.
I would love to drive that thing around. Chewbacca on the the hood and everything.
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Old 2009-05-08, 11:45 AM   #11
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

The Corolla looks really clean. Not sure it is worth $4750 though, maybe $2750.
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