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Old 2009-10-28, 09:28 PM   #1
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Class: AS / CRS PerfStock
"pedal on the right"
Default Stock 1.8 block, free internals worth modding?


Well the California Rally Series has an interesting rule for the Performance Stock class.

I have to keep a stock block, stock intake and exhaust manifold, but my internals are free. Would 2.2 internals fit inside? I heard from a subaru tech (so probably wrong) that the 2.2 and 1.8 share the same block and the 2.2 is basically a factory stroker kit for the 1.8 ... meaning i could swap the crank (and pistons?) over and have a 2.2 but i'de be on the 1.8 block. and since the intake and exhaust manifold are the same, i should have full 2.2 power. (149 versus 110) . It would make my car a monster, (for that class)

seeing how my motor is just about dead... i might want to ponder this now.

i had 1 cylinder with low compression. then did 2 days of rally with virtually no exhaust. (about 4" per side) after the first day one of the other teams said it sounded like i was running on 3. i drove it home over 2 days. after i stoped for a night and went to drive it in the morning it felt way down on power and stalled a few times. now i'm HP limited to about 43 up 431, and maybe 53 up spooner if i want to ride 3rd gear at 5600 all the way ...

I think i'm going to go with a $400 motor from D&L tested at 150 compression across the board, but i'm not certain yet...



oh after International Rally new york was finished (didn't go ) i'm 2nd place for production 2wd, and 3rd for open 2wd. i'm irked cause had i gone i only would have had to finish to win 2wd (and only start to win prod 2wd ) .. maybe next year...
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Old 2009-10-29, 06:30 AM   #2
Kevin M
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Piston diameter is different, but you might be able to use a 2.2 crank and rods with 1.8 pistons.

A $400 motor that you can reasonably expect to be in good shape is a good deal. I'd start there.
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Old 2009-10-30, 11:03 AM   #3
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I don't know the CRS rules but if non-turbo Imprezas and classified under the blanket term "NOC" and you're allowed to mix match parts within the NOC cars you might as well upgrade to a 2.2. Or if you want to make things interesting, put a 2.2 block on 1.8 heads and get like an 11-some-odd compression ratio.
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Old 2009-11-01, 06:15 AM   #4
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"pedal on the right"

oh ya, knowing the rules would help , here is CRS P-Stock class :
1. Internal parts are free with the following exceptions:
1. Stock block must be retained in the stock location.
2. Dome-topped pistons are not allowed unless they were stock on the specific body.
2. The stock induction system meaning the intake manifold, carburetor, or fuel injection system and exhaust manifold must be retained. However the stock intake and exhaust manifolds may be modified. The stock carburetor may be rejetted. The choke mechanism may be removed or fixed open.
3. The rest of the exhaust system is free, but must include a suitable muffler.
4. The air filter and housing is free.
5. The ignition system must be of stock design with the following exception. Breaker points may be replaced by an electronic trigger that remains in the distributor and does not include an MSD style ignition system.
6. Motor mounts are unrestricted as long as they remain in the stock location.
7. Engine oil coolers, transmission coolers, and radiators may be added or upgraded.
8. Fuel pumps and pressure regulators are unrestricted.
9. Four cylinder, piston type engines equipped with carburetors ... (not applicable)
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Old 2009-11-01, 08:50 AM   #5
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I looked in to the rules and classification a bit and didn't find a specific class for your car aside from S4. With that being said, if they clump all 4WD cars together and you have to keep the stock block for your specific car (unlike the update/backdate rule in solo 2 for NOC Imprezas) then I think you're SOL.

To get clarification on the internals I suggest searching over at RS25. I don't have the answers for you, sorry.

I'm going to shoot you a PM about CRS
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Old 2009-11-01, 09:02 AM   #6
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Wait, I overlooked the entire update/backdate section

The way I'm reading it is as long as you don't use bits off of the USDM or JDM WRX, STi, or 2.5 RS then the rest of the Impreza fleet is at your disposal.
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