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Old 2013-11-16, 01:33 PM   #1
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Default 04 05 sti Tailight swap for 07sti?

Anyone wanna trade 04/05 sti tail lights with me for my 07's? Mine are in perfect condition and I will trade for 04/05's that are in great condition as well..........
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Old 2013-11-16, 01:34 PM   #2
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Can text or email me as well. 775-843-4804.
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Old 2013-11-16, 01:35 PM   #3
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Or if anyone has any 04/05's for sale I would consider buying them if they are in good condition.....
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Old 2013-11-16, 04:02 PM   #4
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

I might be willing to, but what is it worth to you? Giving up a bulb and adding ugly should be worth something.
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Old 2013-11-16, 05:21 PM   #5
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Are you referencing the 07's being uglier or the 04/05's? And what exactly do you mean by giving up a bulb exactly.............?
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Old 2013-11-16, 05:27 PM   #6
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

IIRC the '07 are only 4 bulb vs. 5 bulb '04.

And if the '04 didn't look way better, you wouldn't want them.
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Old 2013-11-16, 05:33 PM   #7
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Didn't know the bulb count was different..huh. Well actually I used a company called headlight armor to tint my tails and it looks pretty good but after looking at pictures I'm looking to switch it up and I would prefer red and rather than red tinting them I thought it would be easier to just swap with someone. What kinda deal are you looking to make on the swap?
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Old 2013-11-18, 10:18 AM   #8
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So basically Dean, you wanted to just make a few stupid comments on my thread that does me no good and you have no desire to I wrong here haha? If this is true thanks but no thanks for piping in and wasting my time ; ) great help pal!
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Old 2013-11-18, 04:55 PM   #9
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Old 2013-11-18, 09:49 PM   #10
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

No, I wanted some cash. Feel free to go spend $300+ for new ones.

You clearly think the '04s look better and honestly expect someone to just trade for the ugly ones for free?
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Old 2013-11-18, 09:55 PM   #11
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I'm still waiting for you to name your price there Dean.........that's usually how deals work. Unless you would like me to start? Not usually how it goes but I'm not a conventional type of guy so I can dig it.
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Old 2013-11-18, 09:56 PM   #12
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By the way there Deany....ugly is a matter of opinion ; )
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Old 2013-11-18, 10:45 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Brandong View Post
So basically Dean, you wanted to just make a few stupid comments on my thread that does me no good and you have no desire to I wrong here haha? If this is true thanks but no thanks for piping in and wasting my time ; ) great help pal!
Just so we're clear, you called Dean out because it took him more than 2 days to reply to you on a forum that gets like only 1 post every 2 days, thus shooting yourself in the foot for making a deal. Then you went and started a childish thread to pick a fight.

I'm the guy that been fighting with dean on this forum for a decade, and even I think that's ridiculous. But you know, good luck with your sale/swap.
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Old 2013-11-19, 07:58 AM   #14
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Oh Sperry, I was just burning Dean's ass a little bit and trying to have some fun with the guy. He obviously didn't want to trade in the first place that's why I was just giving the guy a little shit for it geesh lighten up bull dog or at least find a sense of humor. I honestly can easily afford to buy the 04 tails and wouldn't be offended in the slightest if someone didn't want to trade. Is it always so serious on here? Something intended to be funny turned into 16 year old school yard drama by the person who in reality should be the most level headed and open minded person on here? Is this how it always is on here? No one can crack a joke unless they are an admin? If I say something truly offending then please if you feel like sticking up for someone by all means but acting irrationally and emotionally isn't for grown men Sperry. It's for Facebook and Twitter not car sites. Car sites are for men who can take a joke and give one.
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Old 2013-11-19, 08:31 AM   #15
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

You just don't get it. I don't care what my car looks like as long as it goes around corners well. I was totally serious. Any money I can get out of it just goes back into it in the form of tires, motors or whatever. Heck, I've even thought about selling the STI and buying Scott's Frankensubbie, but think it may be cursed.

I had not had time to go look at what they were worth and have a life, so had not responded yet and I was honestly asking what they were worth to you. So, today, they are worth probably 100-200% more than what I would have said before you decided to be a smart ass. So, $150. Now put up or politely decline and move on.
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Old 2013-11-19, 10:01 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Brandong View Post
Oh Sperry, I was just burning Dean's ass a little bit and trying to have some fun with the guy. He obviously didn't want to trade in the first place that's why I was just giving the guy a little shit for it geesh lighten up bull dog or at least find a sense of humor. I honestly can easily afford to buy the 04 tails and wouldn't be offended in the slightest if someone didn't want to trade. Is it always so serious on here? Something intended to be funny turned into 16 year old school yard drama by the person who in reality should be the most level headed and open minded person on here? Is this how it always is on here? No one can crack a joke unless they are an admin? If I say something truly offending then please if you feel like sticking up for someone by all means but acting irrationally and emotionally isn't for grown men Sperry. It's for Facebook and Twitter not car sites. Car sites are for men who can take a joke and give one.
Talk about setting off my bullshit detector. People making a joke don't start flamewar threads directed towards someone, butthurt people do. I've been around forums long enough to know the difference.

And I have been level headed. I closed your pointless thread, but left this one open on the off chance anyone wants to trade with you. And it's not like you're getting points or a ban.

But it doesn't matter what I think... your posts are here for everyone to make their own minds up about. If everyone else thinks you were joking, well then no harm no foul. But The guy you were "joking" with has now doubled his trade price because you overreacted. So don't worry about my sense of humor. Worry about the sense of humor of the guy you're "joking" with.
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Old 2013-11-19, 10:11 AM   #17
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Well Dean I still wouldn't mind paying you a "fair" price for a trade like $80. Assuming that the tail lights are in good condition still...........? Would you mind meeting up sometime so that I can check them out or post a picture of them? That is assuming that you agree to the price terms.........
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Old 2013-11-19, 10:27 AM   #18
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In response to Sperry. I'm not worried about what either of you guys think or anyone for that matter. I'm not here to offend anyone but some people like you are easily offended anyway it seems. I don't know you personally but by what you say you are obviously good at "assuming" things. You see there is a certain disconnect with technology that ommits actual human expression which leads to misconception ie social networking drama. So if you assume anything whilst not talking with someone face to face or being there in person then you're being foolish if you really think you know what someones intentions really are. Even in person it's hard enough to see through peoples "bullshit". Yet you seem to think that you can do that through a computer screen lol. Seriously? Do you think this is the Matrix and you are Neo haha? I don't profess to be wise but I'm far from a fool Sperry and I know that you are not either but don't go assuming that you know my motives or anything about me until you have met and known me for a while there buddy. You can respond how you wish and will but I have nothing further to say to you unless you are indeed going to have some words of real logic and open mindedness for me. Until then I leave you with thoughts of respect and positivity.
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Old 2013-11-19, 11:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Brandong View Post
In response to Sperry. I'm not worried about what either of you guys think or anyone for that matter. I'm not here to offend anyone but some people like you are easily offended anyway it seems. I don't know you personally but by what you say you are obviously good at "assuming" things. You see there is a certain disconnect with technology that ommits actual human expression which leads to misconception ie social networking drama. So if you assume anything whilst not talking with someone face to face or being there in person then you're being foolish if you really think you know what someones intentions really are. Even in person it's hard enough to see through peoples "bullshit". Yet you seem to think that you can do that through a computer screen lol. Seriously? Do you think this is the Matrix and you are Neo haha? I don't profess to be wise but I'm far from a fool Sperry and I know that you are not either but don't go assuming that you know my motives or anything about me until you have met and known me for a while there buddy. You can respond how you wish and will but I have nothing further to say to you unless you are indeed going to have some words of real logic and open mindedness for me. Until then I leave you with thoughts of respect and positivity.
You make great points about the limitations of the printed word to express detailed intent/sentiment. Which is why *you* should be more careful when trying to "joke" with people you don't personally know. It's not *my* issue that you look like you're picking a fight. That's *your* fault for trying to joke around in a medium that prevents easy determination of your motive.

As a moderator here, it's my job to close threads that look like they're out of line. So stop posting threads that look that way, regardless of your supposed actual benign intents. Or expect/accept the backlash you're getting, unless of course you feel bad about your posts appearing so far out of line from your intent. But since I've seen zero remorse, I'm pretty sure my initial assessment was spot on. People that honestly make a joke that gets taken wrong don't respond with "I don't care what you think of me", "you should learn to take a joke", "you're just assuming what I meant", they apologize for being misinterpreted. But hey, feel free to keep up the indignation/martyr act.
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Old 2013-11-19, 01:51 PM   #20
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Old 2013-11-19, 02:47 PM   #21
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Yes I do apologize Sperry you're right.....but I apologize for a different reason entirely. You see if your intentions are aligned with playful or good intent then you never have anything to apologize for when the offended party is operating from an emotional, egotistical, and defensive state of mind. I apologize for you taking what I said the wrong way not for what my intentions said. You see the problem with the world today is everyone wants to blame someone else instead of looking to themselves as to how they could've been at fault. Example. If people didn't take small things so seriously such as yourself and kept an open mind about things such as this and weren't so defensive then the so called situation would have never came about as to whether I was actually not joking. See you're the kind of guilty until proven innocent type guy in this particular circumstance and I rather like the humanitarian less governmental approach of innocent until proven guilty. So if you would have just asked me if I was joking out not instead of jumping the gun then you would have been what I would call a wise person in that circumstance. However you didn't and made yourself look like an ass who just wants to dictate rather then appropriate a forum. There's some butter for your popcorn Cody haha
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Old 2013-11-19, 02:51 PM   #22
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Just because you run a forum doesn't mean you're always right pal ; ) and I do say that with respect to all that you have done for the community and everyone involved. I do give credit where credit is due and you guys do deserve credit for doing a great job for sure!
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Old 2013-11-19, 02:56 PM   #23
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But I will always stick up for myself and others when good intentions were the driving force. It's old school Robin Hood I know but it's a fading necessity that the universe needs to restore a more positive energy to our collective consciousness ; ) and telling it the way that it is is part of that and so is accepting the truth when it's told in a humble manor not just reacting defensively. Fyi.
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Old 2013-11-19, 04:45 PM   #24
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Wait, so you go and start this thread, and I'm the self-righteous Sheriff of Nottingham? Maybe I forgot the part of the story where Robin Hood was somewhere between a sarcastic jokester (at best) or a smarmy, ill intending, douchebag (at worst).

And this...

Yes I do apologize Sperry you're right.....but I apologize for a different reason entirely. You see if your intentions are aligned with playful or good intent then you never have anything to apologize for when the offended party is operating from an emotional, egotistical, and defensive state of mind. patently false. First, if you truly don't intend to offend, and accidentally do (even if the person offended is operating in a poor state of mind), then of course you should apologize. (Clearly you're not married.) It's one thing to make an offensive joke on purpose, knowing you're being offensive. But only an utter douche would make a good-humored joke (not that your joke was at all good humored as you seem to argue it was), accidentally offend someone, then blame them for being offended. And for the record, it's not me you should be apologizing to, it's Dean, the guy you went off the rails to specifically call out, simply for not replying to your post soon enough.

Now certainly, running this forum doesn't make me right all the time. But in this case, I'm absolutely, positively, 100% sure you were being a butthurt whiner that's since been backpedaling about how you were "just joking around". The line of nonsense you've been trying to feed me is from some unbelievable alternate reality.

I mean seriously... this may be the most ironic statement ever posted on this forum:

I apologize for you taking what I said the wrong way not for what my intentions said. You see the problem with the world today is everyone wants to blame someone else instead of looking to themselves as to how they could've been at fault.
You blame me for taking your statements at face value, then in the next sentence spout off about how people need to stop blaming other people and look inwards at how they could be at fault? Are you kidding me? Does your brain hurt from the mental gymnastics you must have to do to keep that sort of doublethink from causing an aneurism?

Try taking this next statement with "positive energy" and without "reacting defensively": just drop it. Consider this issue over and done with, and move on. I know I'm tired of replying to this silliness. At the very least, please send me a PM if you'd like to discuss it further.
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Old 2013-11-19, 05:16 PM   #25
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Well although I agree to disagree with you Sperry (philosophically and spiritually we clearly do not seeing things from the same view haha) ive enjoyed the debate and maybe ill call you some random Saturday night when I have nothing to do and instead of go on a date we can go on a debate ; ) lol! Those are my final words for you Sperry ill PM you later pal.....that was a joke by the way in case you didn't get it ; )
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