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Old 2014-06-26, 01:46 PM   #1
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Default Engine management for 2.5 N/A Rally motor

I'm in the Planning phase of the next version of my rally car.

In all honestly its probably gonna be pretty close to what Kevin Made.

I already have a short block done ..

My old STI block sti crank with sti rods and 12:1 pistons (crew chief and AIMs picked them out)

I'll be using my Gorilla hood scoop cold air intake , and we have the 06 rs intake manifold (the HUGE one that flow tested @ 302 CFM a channel in that nasioc flow test thread)

and my crew chief (Tom Scalzi) was talking to Ken at Delta cams, and they both seem obsessed with me finding 2005 NA SOHC Heads , with the T or Z casting. I guess Ken said something about a special cam or some custom cam he came up with and hasn't sold to anyone else. But i sorta suspect its their 3000 grind cam

I guess Tom and AIMs already figured out a good +1 valve & spring package that will work with those cams

I kind of want to just re-use my heads (99 EJ251) as the nasioc head flow database shows them flowing really well also with a P&P. But seeing how I won't really be spending any money or making progress until 2015, I might as well look for those special heads.

Anywho what should i be looking for engine management / ECU wise?

Kevin suggested a 2005 RS ECU.
Pros It can run all my lights and stuff, and be smog -able
Cons ??? Will it be tune-able enough (seemed to work fine for Kevin)

I plan to mostly run 91 octane , but having a separate tune for race gas (even if just 96) would be really great. esp for some hotter rallies closer to sea level ..

What other options are there?

I need to be able to smog my car, the Chassis is a 1993 , so i could claim OB1 and take the sniffer & idle test . I plan to run Cats so i think that would work fine.

I'm just planning at the moment (or trying to) , i'm not ready to buy anything , though I have been actively trying to Trade for parts my rebuild will need.
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Last edited by A1337STI; 2014-06-26 at 01:49 PM.
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Old 2014-07-04, 08:16 AM   #2
Real Name: Matt Taylor
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The 2005+ N.A. ECUs are tunable with Romraider freeware and a Tactrix cable. They have plenty of flexibility for your application.
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