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Old 2010-01-08, 01:02 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by MattR View Post
...Cory's price at Nissan is still the best...
Keep this in mind, if you can wait 3 days or so for stock order!
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Old 2010-01-08, 01:15 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
That's still accurate. You can order them from Nissan. I got at least one of mine from Kragen using the SKF part number. Napa tries to sell you the wrong one. I don't think they're that much more expensive through Nissan though. If you can wait a couple days for them to come in.

Repack the bearing with Mobil-1 Synthetic red grease, also available from Kragen.
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Old 2010-04-09, 03:04 PM   #53
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my friend needs the nissan part number do you guys know which one to use?
Originally Posted by Dean View Post

NTN part# 4T-CR1-0823 On the box(4T-CR1-0823CS113#01[J100]) AKA Nissan Prt#: 4021-016-E00 (Original), 40210-94N00 (New, not sure it is identical) SKF part no. FW105

funny how day by day nothing changes, but when i look back everything is different
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Old 2010-04-12, 06:28 AM   #54
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Old 2010-04-12, 06:38 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV View Post
Next time you have one of these in your hand, see if there are any other markings on the box/bearing, would you?
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Old 2011-04-24, 09:32 PM   #56
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Bump for updates in first post.
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Old 2011-10-05, 08:26 AM   #57
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any updates that i should know besides the one in 1st page. geting ready to do them on my car again (should know by now). is the nissan one the best ones still?
funny how day by day nothing changes, but when i look back everything is different
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Old 2011-10-05, 08:28 AM   #58
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"pedal on the right"

Again? is this your 2nd time replacing front wheel bearings? how many miles are on your car? think i have 128K miles and I recently replaced my front left (still have a slight vibration i need to figure out)
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Old 2011-10-05, 09:21 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
Again? is this your 2nd time replacing front wheel bearings? how many miles are on your car? think i have 128K miles and I recently replaced my front left (still have a slight vibration i need to figure out)
Silvio tracks the snot out of his car... I would expect him to be going through bearings on an '04 faster than most.

There's a reason the '05+ STis got the much better unit hubs... the car can just generate too much force on the older 5x100 hubs at the race track.

Silvio, make sure you're also repacking the new bearings with some good grease so they last a bit longer. Oh, and if you're not running brake ducts, you might want to get some to keep the heat out of the bearings as much as possible, since that's what kills them the most.
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Old 2011-10-05, 09:28 AM   #60
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Below is what I had done on both fronts and have put 40K or so miles them since.

Originally Posted by cody View Post
That's still accurate. You can order them from Nissan. I got at least one of mine from Kragen using the SKF part number. Napa tries to sell you the wrong one. I don't think they're that much more expensive through Nissan though. If you can wait a couple days for them to come in.

Repack the bearing with Mobil-1 Synthetic red grease, also available from Kragen.
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Old 2011-10-17, 10:54 AM   #61
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I tried the nissan dealers around here in sac and they all are out for 5 days (coming from eastcoast).
so i tried the skf number and does not come up. i called kragen and the dont carry skf nor does carques, napa is the one that told me the # would not come up anybody got any ideas i really need to fix them by this weekend
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Old 2011-10-17, 11:00 AM   #62
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Maybe try a different Kragen/O'reily's. They had no problem looking it up by SKF when I did mine. Maybe you just got somebody unfamiliar with how to do that.
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Old 2011-10-17, 11:06 AM   #63
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Order the timken from summit. Link in first post. Probably be there tomorrow if coming from sparks.
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Old 2011-10-17, 11:14 AM   #64
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so i checked the skf # on the actual skf website and it does not exist wonder if they discontinued it.
and i just checked summit and is out of stock till the 31st. looks like I'm S**t out of luck.
thanks for quick respond.
funny how day by day nothing changes, but when i look back everything is different
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Old 2011-10-21, 02:56 PM   #65
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When Kragen turned into O'reilly's they stopped carrying the SKF brand of bearings. I believe they now carry National, but they should have been able to interchange the SKF part number.
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Old 2011-10-24, 07:36 AM   #66
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has anybody heard anything about national bearings. i still havent got any. summit is out till sometime in nov. skf part does not exist anymore. nissan has change the bearing so i dont know if i can trust it. I found the national ones and it said it uses steel tipe unlike the subaru ones.
funny how day by day nothing changes, but when i look back everything is different
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Old 2011-10-24, 02:34 PM   #67
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Dude, the Nissan, SKF and Timken bearings are all over the web for under $40 and any half decent parts supplier should be able to source any of them with all the part numbers in the first post...

Search better or find a better parts house.

I can't speak to the specs on the National bearings. If they cross only to the ones listed, they are probably the same. If they also/only cross to the stock bearing, they are probably NOT the "upgraded" bearing.
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Old 2011-11-03, 08:34 AM   #68
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so i finally got my bearing skf changed part number from fw105 to fw176 (its the only one that crosses when i put in the first number).

is mobil 1 synthetic grease the same as mobil 1 red synthetic grease? for some reason i cant find the red syn grease.

I just did this job last year with no problems finding parts i dind trust the nissan bearing cause the changed the desing when they changed part # an i hope it wasnt the same case for skf, i did not go for timken cause they are all backorder for at least 2 weeks. Im trying to have the car fixed so i can make it to the scca banquet
funny how day by day nothing changes, but when i look back everything is different
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Old 2011-11-03, 08:49 AM   #69
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Sheesh, glad I already did both of mine. Hope I don't have to reinvent the wheel [bearing?] too when they go out again on me. Hope to see you at the banquet, Dude.
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Old 2011-11-03, 09:19 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by szucchet View Post
so i finally got my bearing skf changed part number from fw105 to fw176 (its the only one that crosses when i put in the first number).

is mobil 1 synthetic grease the same as mobil 1 red synthetic grease? for some reason i cant find the red syn grease.

I just did this job last year with no problems finding parts i dind trust the nissan bearing cause the changed the desing when they changed part # an i hope it wasnt the same case for skf, i did not go for timken cause they are all backorder for at least 2 weeks. Im trying to have the car fixed so i can make it to the scca banquet
The FW176 is not a number change, it is the stock equivalent, not the "Nissan". Can't answer the grease question. Go ask in one of the original threads maybe.
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Old 2012-04-30, 10:41 AM   #71
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Well I was telling a few people about this over the weekend so I thought I would give some links. LIC Motorsports in the Bay Area (Novato) is making a conversion to run the newer 05+ bearing/hub for 02-07 WRX, 04-08 FXT, and 04 STi. Looks a little expensive from the get go, but would be good for the long run I would think.

Here is a post from Noah at LIC with their knuckle options (which you would also need for the bearing swap) and also the bearing/hub at the bottom:

Originally Posted by LICmotorsports View Post
LIC Motorsports has worked long and hard to bring these to market but finally they have arrived. There is a slew of options to choose from in regards to what will work best for your application, be sure to review all options below.

Here is a quick breakdown of the options.

-5x114.3 to 5x100 applications (no geometry correction)
-5x114.3 to 5x100 applications (geometry corrected)
-5x114.3 (geometry corrected)
-5x114.3 bearings to 5x100 lug conversion

First Option

The LIC Motorsports 5x114.3 modified knuckles for 5x100 applications is designed for people looking to upgrade there front wheel bearings but aren't wanting to upgrade everything else (axles, transmission, struts, etc...) to STi.

These modified knuckle's have been filled, redrilled, and precision CNC machined to fit the 5x100 strut housings. In addition the knuckle has been trimmed where the brake calipers mount, that way more aftermarket brake applications will fit universally with it.

The knuckle's are sold in pairs and come bare (Please review the available configurations for the correct product for your needs).

Available in 5 Configurations

-Knuckles Only (kit includes: Left and Right Knuckles ONLY)
-Bearings + Bolts for 5x114.3 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left/Right Knuckles, x2 Wheel Bearings, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts)
-Bearings + Bolts for 5x100 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left/Right Knuckles, x2 Wheel Bearings modified to accept 5x100 rotors/wheels, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts)
Complete Package for 5x114.3 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left/Right Knuckles, x2 Wheel Bearings, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts, x4 Brake Caliper Bolts, x2 Axle Nuts, x1 set of LIC Motorsports ABS/Speedo Ring Spacers. Must put in comments section when checking out what size you need: either 8mm or 6mm)
-Complete Package for 5x100 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left/Right Knuckles, x2 Wheel Bearings modified to accept 5x100 rotors/wheels, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts, x4 Brake Caliper Bolts, x2 Axle Nuts, x1 set of LIC Motorsports ABS/Speedo Ring Spacers. Must put in comments section when checking out what size you need: either 8mm or 6mm)

Second Option

The LIC Motorsports modified and geometry corrected 5x114.3 knuckles for 5x100 applications is designed for people looking to upgrade their front wheel bearings, roll centers, and bump steer geometry from having a lowered vehicle but at the same time aren't wanting to upgrade everything else that goes with it (axles, transmission, struts, etc...) to STi.

The geometry corrected and modified knuckles have been filled, redrilled, and precision CNC machined to fit the 5x100 strut housings. In addition the knuckle has been trimmed where the brake calipers mount, that way more aftermarket brake applications will fit universally with it. The roll center/bump steer area has been corrected and will accommodate vehicles 1.5” lower from stock all the way down to 4” lower than stock and still maintain proper geometry throughout. *if wanted to rebump steer the car it can easily be done with adjustment of different spacers. Current configuration is what LIC Motorsports has found to work best*

Available in 5 Configurations

-Knuckles Only (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware)
-Bearings + Bolts for 5x114.3 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware, x2 Wheel Bearings, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts)
-Bearings + Bolts for 5x100 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware, x2 Wheel Bearings modified to accept 5x100 rotors/wheels, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts)
-Complete Package for 5x114.3 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware, x2 Wheel Bearings, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts, x2 Axle Nuts, x1 set of LIC Motorsports ABS/Speedo Ring Spacers. Must put in comments section when checking out what size you need: either 8mm or 6mm)
-Complete Package for 5x100 Lug Pattern (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware, x2 Wheel Bearings modified to accept 5x100 rotors/wheels, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts, x2 Axle Nuts, x1 set of LIC Motorsports ABS/Speedo Ring Spacers. Must put in comments section when checking out what size you need: either 8mm or 6mm)

Third Option

The LIC Motorsports modified and geometry corrected 5x114.3 knuckles is designed for people looking to upgrade their front roll centers/bump steer geometry from having a lowered vehicle.

The geometry corrected knuckles are precision CNC machined/modified to accommodate these often over looked but necessary changes. In addition the knuckle has been trimmed where the brake calipers mount, that way more aftermarket brake applications will fit universally with it. The roll center/bump steer area has been corrected and will accommodate vehicles 1.5” lower from stock all the way down to 4” lower than stock and still maintain proper geometry throughout. *if wanted to rebump steer the car it can easily be done with adjustment of different spacers. Current configuration is what LIC Motorsports has found to work best*

Available in 2 Configurations

- Knuckles Only (kit includes: Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware)
- Complete Package (kit includes:Left and Right Geometry Corrected Knuckles + Geometry Hardware, x2 Wheel Bearings, x8 Wheel Bearing Bolts, x2 Axle Nuts)

All these application specific knuckles can be found in our LIC Motorsports + Knuckles Catalog: LIC Motorsports + Knuckles Catalog | Buy Online at!

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________

Just released!

LIC Motorsports 5x114.3 to 5x100 Bearing/Hub Conversion*

LIC Motorsports has been working long and hard to bring these 5x114.3 to 5x100 conversion Bearings/Hubs to the marketplace. Ever since the release of the custom modified knuckles back in early 2011, the demand has been made and it is now available.

Commonly folks whom track their cars are trying to upgrade the bearings b/c the older style stuff just has too much failure under harsher conditions. These OEM 05+ STi bearing/hub assemblies have been machined down to fit the WRX and 04 STi. The lug pattern has been changed/drilled to 5x100 and outer OD has been trimmed to accommodate the smaller ID in those rotors. This is a perfect way to do things in stages and avoid the step of having to get rid of the current 5x100 wheels/rotors. These bearings still require the use of 05+ Knuckles (be sure to check out all the optoins LIC Motorsports has available in the "Knuckles Catalog", which cover's everyone's needs to be able to run these units).


-Fitment: 02-07 WRX, 04-08 FXT, 04 STi
-Will require the use of LIC Motorsports 6mm or 8mm ABS/Speedo Ring Spacer
-ARP Extended Studs can be substitued
-Sold in pairs only (Quanity 2)

These can be found in our Bearings/Hubs Catalog: LIC Motorsports + Bearings/Hubs Catalog | Buy Online at!

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Old 2012-04-30, 12:09 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by k-dogg39 View Post
Well I was telling a few people about this over the weekend so I thought I would give some links. LIC Motorsports in the Bay Area (Novato) is making a conversion to run the newer 05+ bearing/hub for 02-07 WRX, 04-08 FXT, and 04 STi. Looks a little expensive from the get go, but would be good for the long run I would think.

Here is a post from Noah at LIC with their knuckle options (which you would also need for the bearing swap) and also the bearing/hub at the bottom:

Wow, I dig their audacity on those roll-center adjustments. Not so sure I'd like a non-booted rod-end thought on a street car. I've been running the Whiteline roll-center kit w/o issue (so far)... much simpler than those complicated knuckles. But if I were doing my 5x114.3 conversion today, I'd probably opt for something like this.
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Old 2012-05-05, 05:40 PM   #73
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I'd be wary of those welds onto the knuckle. Depending on the material used for the knuckle, whether it was cast or forged, what procedures the welder is using, etc. - that can either be successful or a Really Bad Idea.

I've worked for more than one small aftermarket company. Trust me, none of them have a great wealth of knowledge in materials engineering. They also don't typically have a lot of resources to analyze what they're doing, let alone perform actual long term durability testing (think: fatigue failure) on what they've designed.
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Old 2014-10-20, 11:05 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
Sheesh, glad I already did both of mine. Hope I don't have to reinvent the wheel [bearing?] too when they go out again on me. Hope to see you at the banquet, Dude.
Front Right is making a "Wump wump wump..." noise that gets louder when I turn left, and that's the side that was done preemptively (by Cory with the Nissan bearing (I think it was the equivalent I got from Kragen) and Mobil-1 Red Grease that I gave him) at KSpeed. The FL was done in Fernley by Auto Docs...and Cory did the other side after that, before realigning it since Auto Doc's royally screwed the alignment. Funny that the side Auto Docs did is the one that lasted longer.

I got around 59K miles/5 years/2 HPDEs at Sears Point/5 seasons of Autocross out of it.
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Old 2014-10-20, 11:12 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by cody View Post
Hey Dean, I believe it should read CR1, not CRI, above.

And FW105 has been superseded by FW176 according to NAPA. I probably have a FW176 on the left and I definitely have a FW105 on the right since that's how the box was labeled.
Only 60K miles.
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