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Old 2005-05-26, 05:44 AM   #1
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Question Speed trap signal?

I saw a speed trap yesterday on Double R Blvd close to IGT on the down hill section to Longley Ln. What to do to warn the driver here? Back in my country when we see the speed trap, we warn driver on other side by flashing our headlight to oncoming car.
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Old 2005-05-26, 08:01 AM   #2
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I do that too (if I won't be seen from behind doing so).

But - remember that internet story that was going around about a gang initiation rite, where if someone flashed their lights at a gang member, the gang member would chase them down?
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Old 2005-05-26, 08:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by dknv
I do that too (if I won't be seen from behind doing so).

But - remember that internet story that was going around about a gang initiation rite, where if someone flashed their lights at a gang member, the gang member would chase them down?
I dont think the gang bangers here are into that stuff . Word from the streets is that it must be at night and the gang member would have to drive with his lights off so that others would be kind and flash them to turn on there lights on, then he may proceed to beat you down. If this was to happen near a speed trap I would just drive back to the officer.

Personally I flash oncoming traffic if I pass a NHP or I tap my breaks if the NHP is infront of me. Either way I protect myself first others after
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Old 2005-05-26, 08:47 AM   #4
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Um.... technically a speed trap is when an officer times a car over a known distance, calculates their average speed, and pulls them over if it's over the limit. As far as I know, it's not legal to ticket a car due to average speed, only due to a directly observed speed.

Are you talking about a cop hiding w/ radar or something? I don't bother to warn others about cops... in fact when some idiot in her giant SUV that's too busy talking on the phone and arguing w/ her kids to pay attention to the speed limit gets pulled over by a cop that is sitting in plain sight, it makes my week. Do I speed? Sure, all the time... but I don't go so fast that it attracts attention, and I drive safely... if you're too stupid to be able to do the same, you deserve a ticket.

<-- semi-reformed jackass driver who's had his share of tickets and doesn't plan on getting anymore
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Old 2005-05-26, 11:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by sperry
...I don't bother to warn others about cops... in fact when some idiot in her giant SUV that's too busy talking on the phone and arguing w/ her kids to pay attention to the speed limit gets pulled over by a cop that is sitting in plain sight, it makes my week.
Now that's the sperry we know and love... Cussing out Biotches is SUVs...
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Old 2005-05-27, 08:05 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by zpeed
I saw a speed trap yesterday on Double R Blvd close to IGT on the down hill section to Longley Ln. What to do to warn the driver here? Back in my country when we see the speed trap, we warn driver on other side by flashing our headlight to oncoming car.
Yeah I got busted by that speed trap 2 weeks ago. It sucks cause my radar detector always picks up a false signal at the top of that hill and so I ignored it when I shouldn't have. I wasn't driving that fast, or at least it didn't seem so at the time; came up over the hill and there was a couple of semi's heading the opposite direction comming up the hill in the other lane and they were in front of that little street that runs next to Arrow Electronics so I couldn't see the bike cop until they past... and there he was with gun straight out waiting for me...radar pegged! I nailed the brakes and quickly dropped to 35 but it was too late. He only wrote me for 1-10 over, said I was clocked at 62mph. Wrong place at the wrong time...
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Old 2005-05-27, 08:50 AM   #7
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Yeah, chock one up for me too, got popped in the "bowl" last night, 75 in a 50 zone, construction zone I might add, but the officer didn't double the fine so it is $130, sucks, but could've been worse. Whatever.
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Old 2005-05-27, 11:57 AM   #8
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dang that sucks I like to think when I get a ticket the money goes to a good cause - like maybe fixing the roads
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Old 2005-05-27, 01:05 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by MikeSTI
dang that sucks I like to think when I get a ticket the money goes to a good cause - like maybe fixing the roads
or to send the mayor on vacation
Can anybody fly this thing?

Last edited by bruspeed; 2005-05-27 at 01:07 PM. Reason: stupid smiweys
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Old 2005-05-27, 01:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by MikeSTI
dang that sucks I like to think when I get a ticket the money goes to a good cause - like maybe fixing the roads

I heard from a Judge the other day that the money from trafic tickets is distributed in two ways. First if you pay your fine(forfeight bail) and don't go to court the money goes to the general fund for the state. If you go to court and pay your fine the money goes to the schools. He encouraged everyone to go to court just so the fine money would be used for something good.

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Old 2005-05-27, 01:46 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MikeSTI
dang that sucks I like to think when I get a ticket the money goes to a good cause - like maybe fixing the roads
Yeah right.. it just goes into the general fund where it gets pissed away like every other tax.
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Old 2005-05-29, 02:58 PM   #12
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Sperry nailed it on the head with what a speed trap really is. A lot of people see more than one cop in one spot and assume "SPEED TRAP!!" Just a word of advice, most cops work in pairs or groups. You usually only see one because the other one is taking notes or is writing a ticket somewhere out of the roadway. It makes it easier to chase two cars going the same speed, but the biggest reason is it makes is easier go to coffee together when you're done

I don't know how the money is distributed in Nevada for tickets, but in California, you have a fine plus a court fee. The court fee pays for the court costs. The fine itself goes straight to the county and/or city the ticket was written in. Highway patrol cops employed by the state write the most tickets and the state doesn't get any of the money for it. Their salary is paid by registration fees, which is why the Highway Patrol focuses on registration violations so much.
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