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Old 2006-02-24, 07:57 AM   #1
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Default Black Cory is sad

One of our techs here at Nissan, a guy named Wayne, got really sick out of the blue over the course of this week, and passed away last night. Everybody here is pretty shaken up by this, including myself. Last Thursday, he seemed like everything was just fine. He went to the Dr. over the weekend with a stomach ache, and just fell rapidly out of health. He was around 60 yrs.

I dunno if this is the place to talk about it, but I'm just kinda bothered and wanted to talk a bit, so I figured I might do it with people who I consider friends.

He will be missed. He was an awesome guy.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:16 AM   #2
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Dude that sucks. It must be hard for you because it was so sudden. A lot of the guys there have lost a lot of friends over the years. My Dad lost a good friend there and when Fred Streeter died he just gets really shaken up when these things happen. Maybe I should give him a call.Sorry bro.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:23 AM   #3
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Man, that sucks. I know a few people that have been sick like that in recent weeks, but not with the same degree. Sorry to hear about his passing.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:31 AM   #4
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That sucks. Especially when it happens so quick like that.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:38 AM   #5
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Wow, that stinks. I think this is a good place to talk about it. Better then keeping it bottled up inside right? Dunno what to say except we are here if you need us.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:53 AM   #6
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Sorry to hear that.

It is pretty unusual to just get sick and die a week later. What was the actual illness?
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Old 2006-02-24, 09:06 AM   #7
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

That's a bummer. Hang in there. Not the same obviously, but having just recently lost my grandmother, I've been out of it a little also. It's kind of tough.

I've also had two of my coworkers die in the past 3 years. Both in that general age range.

The thing I've taken away from the experience is to try and take better care of myself so hopefully something like that doesn't happen to me. Eat a little better, excercise a little more, get your blod pressure, and cholesterol checked, etc... Think of it as preventative maintenance for yourself.

And remember to enjoy yourself in your spare time. If you feel like it, and knew him well enough to know what he liked, go out and do that in his memory. I'd be happy to join you, even though I fired you as my used tire guy.
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Old 2006-02-24, 09:57 AM   #8
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It was really sudden. He was just the same old dude last Thursday! Nothing different! He didn't come to work on Friday because of a stomach ache, and his wife took him to the Dr. on Sun when it hadn't gone away. By Tuesday, he had been diagnosed with diabetes, which was out of the blue, and had pneumonia (sp?). He had a small heart attack on Wednesday, and his blood pressure was terribly low all day yesterday. He just kinda went to sleep yesterday evening, and didn't wake up today. It's nice to know that it was peaceful, if nothing else.

Thanks for listening to me guys. He was a good friend. I called him "uncle Wayne" because that's the kinda friend he was to me. One of those older guys that's been everywhere you're going, and is willing to give you any advice he has on any topic you need.

Shawn, Rob doesn't seem too shaken up right now, but a little absent minded. I'd be willing to say he's likely holding back. A call would prob. be a good idea, just to hear from you would be good I'm sure.
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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Old 2006-02-24, 10:04 AM   #9
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That really sucks...makes me appreciate my health...and the health of my loved ones.

I guess you gotta live life to its fullest as much as you can since you never know what tomorrow will bring.
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Old 2006-02-24, 11:03 AM   #10
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Cory -- that totally sucks, I liked wayne, one of the friendliest guys in your shop there, I havent been around the shop lately so I hadnt heard until just now. I will swing by a little later see how things are going around there. I am terribly sorry to hear about waynes passing.
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Old 2006-02-24, 11:06 AM   #11
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That sucks man... best thing to do is make sure to keep him memory alive, especially with those that knew him. Talk with the rest of the techs, remember the good times, and the funny shit that went down, have a laugh and a beer in his memory.
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Old 2006-02-24, 12:12 PM   #12
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Thats too bad. Sorry to hear about that. Its weird that things like that can happen so quickly.
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Old 2006-02-24, 12:20 PM   #13
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Dean-O, you wouldn't have heard, he just passed last night.

it really has taken everybody off guard, happening so quickly. It's not like he had been sick for a while or anything. It really sucked having to clean up his work area/tool box, and pack up all of his personal effects. Just depressing. What's really worrying everybody around here though is his wife. She's alone now, and that's no good. I don't believe they have any family here locally.

We will definitely keep the good memories alive. Again, I appreciate everyone's concern. Thanks guys.
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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Old 2006-02-24, 12:50 PM   #14
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sucks bro
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Old 2006-02-24, 02:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV
Dean-O, you wouldn't have heard, he just passed last night.
I saw that after I posted, I tried to call you earlier, but Keone put me on hold and I couldnt wait. I feel for ya man, thats a tough thing, I am sure the mood is rather somber. Hopefully Nissan has some kind of plan for this sort of thing, and I am sure TW will help his wife anyway he can. If you get any info on his wifes plans, funeral etc. Let me know.
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Old 2006-02-24, 04:00 PM   #16
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Sorry to hear about this. We always expect that the people in our life will be around forever. Life is a precious thing.
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Old 2006-02-24, 08:01 PM   #17
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I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me.

Cory, sorry to hear about Wayne, I'm sure I've met him at least once out of all the times that I had been by your shop. I can't imagine how hard it must be to look in the general direction that his work area is and him not being there.
What Scott said really makes the most sense, celebrate his life, let his wife mourn her loss, but be available for her if she wants/needs it. Talk to her about the good times too.

Bro, you have many shoulders to cry on and too many pairs of ears that are willing to listen. Take full advantage, as most of us on hear would drop anything to help you out as needed. You know I will. It would only take me 2 hours to get to Reno if you said the word.
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Old 2006-02-24, 09:13 PM   #18
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Sorry to hear about the loss. Life should always be appreciated every moment. We had a similar loss two years ago, and it is so difficult to accept they are gone. Hang in there.
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Old 2006-02-24, 10:19 PM   #19
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Cory --- that's no fun, man. Especially when it's not easily explained. Here's hoping it positively helps you in some way....
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Old 2006-02-25, 01:07 PM   #20
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Hey Cory,

I haven't met you yet, but wanted to offer my sympathies and concern.

In times like these, it's good to share your feelings with brothers (& sisters) in spirit. seccs is here for you.

(Maybe I better be careful how I word that... )
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Old 2006-02-25, 01:20 PM   #21
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Cory thats rough man. Just like everyone said we are here for you.
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Old 2006-02-26, 04:24 PM   #22
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I appreciate it everyone. It's just good to get it off your chest when you're upset. Thank you everybody for listening and sympathising with me. I really do appreciate it! I'm very glad to be a part of a group of people who actually look out for and care for one-another.
"...these condoms have a topical anesthetic to reduce sensitivity, so you can last longer. What a paradox. You can't feel a thing, but you can f*ck for HOURS..."
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