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Old 2006-03-09, 06:32 PM   #51
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Thanks to those SECCS Members that were there to represent us. I too feel awful that I was unable to make it. Franz will always be remembered.
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Old 2006-03-22, 12:07 PM   #52
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The way out is through

I electronically transferred our donation to Franz's memorial account today. We raised $850, thank you so much to everyone that contributed.
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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Old 2006-03-22, 03:03 PM   #53
Seņor Cheap Bastarde
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Any word on the video?
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Old 2006-03-31, 08:59 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Dean
Any word on the video?
I called the guys last week, but no word back. I will talk to Kim to see if she might have gotten a copy.
Captain Murphy: I dub thee Sir Phobos, Knight of Mars, beater of ass. Be a hitter, babe.
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Old 2007-02-28, 08:38 PM   #55
Sid Vanderpool
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Guys I was just informed by Debbie Kerswill (dknv) that you had not seen this yet. This is what I posted on 03/06/06 on my own forums along with the finished video.

As we turn another page in the book of life I bring you Franz...

It is for moments like this that we were all created in such a way that we never run out of tears. Tears that weep for Franz who not only was my friend, I considered him my brother. There have been very few people in my life that are as close as Franz was to me. My friendship with Franz began in 1989 at the DJ Times LA convention and as with the others that were there grew into a very close almost family-like group of friends. The sadness I feel right now is greater than any sadness I have ever felt. I can barely put into words the loss I feel right now. If it was not for my focus and energies being directed at helping Kim and Amber in anyway I can, I do not think I would feel like doing anything, talking to anyone, or even writing this.

Franz was to me, the perfect friend. He would share something precious with me called time. The reason I call it precious is because time we now know was something that Franz had very little of. No matter when I would call, if I needed to talk, he had time for me. He could be in the middle of a car club meeting, on his way to his firefighters job or even at an event, he would take the call. When I needed help at a trade show, he would arrange it so he could be there for me. Just last year he put behind him his fear of flying so he could join Paige and I in Atlantic City where he discovered a whole new world. More on this later.

Almost every year Paige and I make a pilgrimage to California to see some of the people that we have known for so long. Back not long ago when he and Kim lived in the mountains of Tahoe. Paige and I started making a "pitstop" to see Franz and Kim. One night, a year or so after Amber was born, it was very late so he invited us to stay on his sleeper sofa. Later the next day, he told me how I was one of only a few DJs that had ever had a "sleepover" in his house. He made me feel special. I never had the heart to tell him how uncomfortable the sofa-sleeper was and how we really did not sleep much.

Over the years, our relationship blossomed from friends to more of brothers. He was always trying to get me to do things that I really did not feel like doing, not for his benefit, but for mine. Like loose weight, workout, take the family camping, live life.When I would mention something like a raft river trip or a family vacation he would say, "Go for it!" or "Do it!". He was always positive and bright in his advice. Franz always had a good story to tell. They ran from how he loved his car and how fast he could go to how the wind tore up some antenna he placed up on some mountain... to his younger days of chowing three Tommy Burgers. I loved to listen to then all.

Family first. That was always the way it was for Franz. There was not a time I did not speak with him on the phone that he didn't mention Amber or Kim. Amber was his pride and joy. He would rant about her skills on the piano. He loved to listen to her play. He was at one time trying to figure out how a baby grand piano from Costco would fit into his living room, then came to the conclusion Amber is doing just fine on her keyboard for now. The love that Franz had for Kim rivaled the love I feel for Paige. Franz would fall on the sword for her. Recently in Las Vegas, Franz was telling me of how he was thinking of leaving the DJ business and finding a job with insurance so Kim and Amber would be covered. He said, "Even if it is a state job working at the DMV, I will have good insurance and not have to worry."

In Vegas when I found out it would be his 40th birthday I asked if he was going to have a party and he told me he has a tradition of spending his birthday with his family. Once again, this year he had a hefty credit he was going to use up at the NorthStar resort. He went on about how Kim and Amber loved shopping up there and if it turned out like last year's credit, they would all be coming home with almost a new wardrobe. Franz had planned on doing some snowboarding while up there, but mostly it was time to spend with the "girls".

Franz had a charisma about him that instantly made him everyone's friend. He knew what to say and when to say it. His smile was infectious as seen in all of the photos of him. The guy just couldn't take a bad photo. The quality of the type of person Franz was is relevant to the wide river of friends he had that flowed constantly. I always knew Franz was diverse in his interests, but I never really thought of those interests spawning so many friends. He participated in a car club, ham radio, volunteer firefighters and recently helped start the Reno ADJA chapter for local DJs in Reno expanding his friendship circle even more. He was always true to his friends.

One moment that stands out was when we all were in Las Vegas right after 9/11. He saw that at New York New York a makeshift memorial was setup where firefighters and policemen from around the country and world had placed their t-shirts on the iron fence as a sign of solidarity. I watched as tears welled up in his eyes. Later in the day, I believe he visited the front of the casino to lay one of his Tahoe Fire Department T-shirts on the memorial for his fallen firefighter brothers.

Never stop learning or discovering new things. That was something Franz was the poster child for. He always wanted to learn from people and when he found out something new, he would greet it with a Franzism like, "How bout that?".

Last year right after the convention in Atlantic City Franz, Paige and I stayed just outside of Philadelphia and rode the Septa (train) into town. Franz was like a little kid. From what I could tell he had never been on a train before. He had a grin ear to ear and just had to have his picture taken by the train and in the train station. Upon arrival in the big city, we sat and ate dinner at Maggianos. When it came to food, Franz was the king. This guy could put it away and never gain a pound. He picked the New York Steak Contadina-Style, the largest meal on the menu. They brought his huge steak covered with peppers and decorated with various sausages. The man sat there with a glass of wine and ate it all then said he felt like going for a walk.

We decided to take a walk to Pat's and Ginos Cheese Steak places to get a few photos. On this walk, you could see his eyes widen and we talked of the history and stories the streets in that town could say if they could speak. He said one of these days he would like to bring Kim and Amber out there on vacation, that both of them would drink in the history. Maybe take them to see the Liberty Bell and maybe even Washington DC if it was not that far away. It was just a 2 mile walk and when we got there, Franz began entertaining the idea of having a cheese steak, but then since there was the two different places, said he would have to have one from each place so he bagged the idea.

Speaking of conventions. Franz assisted me with three NAMM shows and a few DJ trade shows. It was funny at the last NAMM show, he got all in a tissy because he had forgotten his hairspray and mousse and had to go buy some. He was such a girly boy. Not a hair out of place and always wanting to look perfect. He came up to me at one show and offered me some hand lotion out of a small bottle and said when shaking hands you don't want them to be rough and calloused. Once again, I told him he was such a girly boy and next he would want me to get a manicure. He said Kim give him manicures all the time- they were fun. He was always one to admire the female form. At conventions if he saw a pretty girl with nice breasts, he would smile and say, " How bout that?" with a smile and raise of his brow.

I am sorry it took me so much time to write this as it has been so hard for me to place into words the emotions and thoughts that have been going through me over the past few days. I will never ever forget Franz and the love I have for him and his family will never go away. I will always think of Kim as my sister and Amber as my daughter. That is the way it should be for true friends. Even though Franz has left us on Earth I still have the feeling he is with us and always will be. In my own way, I know he has become a part of the lives of everyone he met and that part will carry on making us all better people.

Love is something we all take for granted. The love of a friend, a spouse, your children, your family... We always forget that when we look into that persons eyes... when they say goodbye... it might be the last time we ever see them again. Tell them you love them. Give them a hug. It's that little extra effort that will make the difference in your life and in theirs.

Please remember if you wish to contribute to help Kim and Amber here is the bank information:

Franz Seifert Memorial Fund for Kim and Amber Seifert
Wells Fargo Bank
Account Number: 3827249347

Wells Fargo Bank
497 S. Meadows Parkway
Reno, NV 89521

If you would like a copy of this video on DVD just email me at

Last edited by Sid Vanderpool; 2007-02-28 at 08:42 PM.
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Old 2007-02-28, 09:34 PM   #56
Kevin M
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Thank you Sid! We are all glad to have seen this.
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Old 2007-03-01, 11:23 AM   #57
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Thank you so much, Sid! This video is an incredible tribute to an incredible person. When I see Franz's face, I remember how he cracked me up, how he could be a smartass, but yet he was also very kind, very thoughtful, a truly good person I was lucky to know. Tomorrow will have been 1 year since he left us...

Remember to hug your loved ones, and recognize that life doesn't give you forever to let them know how much you care about them and how much you appreciate them.
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