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Old 2006-02-06, 10:28 PM   #451
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Alright... having Alan and Gary breathing down my neck is great positive stress... I got into the 1 minute flat range!

Here's the in car video for you snipers to analyze and use against me.

I think a 1'00.5xx is possible if I can run the same lap and hit all my apexes... you'll note in the video that I'm not using all the track. I don't think a 0' is possible, at least not for me... my hat's off to anyone that gets under 1 minute... that's a hell of a flying lap.
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Old 2006-02-07, 01:21 AM   #452
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One last one for the night, I eeked out a tiny bit more... now it's time to go to bed!
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Old 2006-02-07, 07:14 AM   #453
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is that the jap version of tourist trophy?
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Old 2006-02-07, 07:39 AM   #454
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I guess I won't penalize you for going off the track in both tunnels Scott. Nice lap Mang.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2006-02-07, 08:09 AM   #455
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If there is pavement but it's off track that's not two wheels on the track.
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Old 2006-02-07, 08:13 AM   #456
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If that is any indication how much better you drive with a steering wheel setup, I wont have to turn my license in!
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Old 2006-02-07, 08:15 AM   #457
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I don't think I care too much because I haven't attempted this challenge at all yet, but it's noteworthy to point out (redundant).
-No shortcuts (keep 2 wheels on track at all times except when jumping)
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Old 2006-02-07, 09:20 AM   #458
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I don't think I care too much because I haven't attempted this challenge at all yet, but it's noteworthy to point out (redundant).
Are burms counted as the track? or is the track defined by painted lines or is the track just any non-dirt/grass area? Do the pits count as track? What about access roads?
What if I jump over a shortcut?
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Old 2006-02-07, 09:23 AM   #459
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You can jump shit on-track. The track is basically the road, not the pavement on the other side of burms, or the pavement on the inside of turns.
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Old 2006-02-07, 09:25 AM   #460
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I think the track is the primary surface, and any red and white striped burms. I don't think pitting is an advantage since there's a speed limit. Jumping over a shortcut is okay as long as your wheels are always above "track" as defined above.
Slow and low, that is the tempo.
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Old 2006-02-07, 09:34 AM   #461
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Does that mean Spizzle's lap is null and void? I mean we had to learn what was a no no and what isn't somehow right?

Yep right.

No I don't care, too much Counter-Strike and RE4 lately.
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Old 2006-02-07, 09:58 AM   #462
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Have to ask Gary about this one but during a race/ qualifying lap, you can run off the track if you want to (sometimes not tha fastest way around I'm sure), as long as your not cutting across corners. If you can get a faster time by utilizing the curbs or the pavement on the other side of a curb I say go for it. In GT4 it usually slows your speed when you drop a tire off the curb so there's probably not a huge advantage. And I highly doubt that's the reason Sperry's times are so good, he's just very precise and has his apexes down perfect. I would imagine too that if you have a good steering wheel and pedal set-up, it allows for more smooth control of the car, ie. smooth steering input, smooth acceleration, and especially comes in handy when trail braking and coming off the brake pedal, you can do it smoothly instead of the on/off gas and brake buttons on the controller. I'd like to get one but with PS3 right around the corner I don't want to waste the cash, that and setting up a steering wheel and pedal is a pain unless you have, like Gary, an actual chair and frame set-up so that you can sit proper. My wife would kill, I'd never leave the plasma...haha.
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Old 2006-02-07, 10:56 AM   #463
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I guess that's what I get for taking the time to capture and post my in-car video to help people lower their times.

I guarentee in a race, *every* car would be using the line I'm using. It's not like I'm ditching through the dirt to cut off the corner, which is what I understand was the intent of the rule. I've got 2 wheels on the paved surface at all times, and I'm not cutting across the grass to get to the paved surface like I could at a track like Fuji 2005.

So you guys tell me, what's the intent of the rule? To prevent cheating on the tracks where corner cutting/wall riding makes a huge difference, or to allow nit-picking of someone's lap when they use all the available paved run-off? IMO, if it's paved and I don't have to leave the pavement to get there, it's part of the prepared racing surface.

How 'bout those of you that are complaining post up some times. As far as I can tell no one that's posted a time is complaning about my line. Plus, my video has been up for about a week... if anyone had a problem with my line, why wait till Tuesday to say something?
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:04 AM   #464
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Because this challenge is number 47 on my list of things to do. It doesn't really matter, I was just asking because I don't think I see racers do that, but then again this is a game, which is why it doesn't matter.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:10 AM   #465
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Because this challenge is number 47 on my list of things to do. It doesn't really matter, I was just asking because I don't think I see racers do that, but then again this is a game, which is why it doesn't matter.
A race driver will use every last bit of tarmac, and then some.

Take a look at the final hairpin at Sears Point during the NASCAR race... the cars are completely inside of the curbing and inches from the barrels.

...actually, just watch GarySheehan's in-car at that very corner!
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:17 AM   #466
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yeah but 2 tires are still inside the curb. If you use that standard, last hairpin on your lap all 4 tires are outside the curbing.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:22 AM   #467
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
yeah but 2 tires are still inside the curb. If you use that standard, last hairpin on your lap all 4 tires are outside the curbing.
Look closer... the car is completely inside the curbing.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:29 AM   #468
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HAHA, I just noticed this.
Here's the in car video for you snipers to analyze and use against me.
I mean the line, I saw the video but that's funny what you said. I think we aren't on the same level, as far as I see, the red and white goes all the way under your car, from right to left, in two seperate sections.
I dunno, is this inside still (meaning the left side of the car is still touching the track)? Or outside?
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Last edited by sperry; 2006-02-07 at 11:33 AM.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:32 AM   #469
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But then also, we can just say whatever is pavement counts, which would end all of this!
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:39 AM   #470
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I admit, I am driving completely over the curb to use the pavement on the other side.

What I disagree with it that this is somehow driving "off the track", since I am not leaving the prepared surface. If Polyphony is gonna pave it in the game, I'm gonna drive on it.

Now, if Gary and Alan aren't using that pavement and if they feel that it's an unfair advantage for me to use that line, since they're actually taking time to compete, I'll go run some laps tonight 10 inches further left to keep my tires in contact with the painted curb.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:45 AM   #471
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That's what I'm saying! Let's just say if it's paved drive on it. I'm just glad we got on the same level. Every new game needs to have it's rules and exceptions ironed out before running perfect.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:45 AM   #472
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love the quote "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Originally Posted by bemani
Okay here's my time for this challenge. 1'01.237

I'm not going to do more laps since I just got this in the mail, and I got to waste 2 hours watching Petter Solberg crash into a snow bank or however he's going to retire this time in Sweden ;P

Is that Tourist Trophy game for Japanese PS2's only or will it work on US models? Is it a good game? I bought the Isle of Mann Motorcycle game and it sucked.
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Old 2006-02-07, 11:51 AM   #473
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Originally Posted by dustinr
Is that Tourist Trophy game for Japanese PS2's only or will it work on US models? Is it a good game? I bought the Isle of Mann Motorcycle game and it sucked.
Alan's got a JDM PS2... TT isn't out yet in the US, but it should be here soon, IIRC.
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Old 2006-02-07, 12:07 PM   #474
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I'm good with Scott's using the pavement outside the exit curbing in the tunnel. It's realistic and I've done it myself on-track, and it is legal.

If it's unpaved, I'd say as long as you've got the inside wheels on the apex curbing, it's also legal. Very apparent in BTCC.

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Old 2006-02-07, 12:11 PM   #475
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Default down to a 1:01.1 during a morning session after changing the gearing. Still need to spend some more time with the gears to get the times down. You guys are hauling the mail!

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