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Old 2010-07-12, 04:26 PM   #26
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That sucks Scott, good luck.
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Old 2010-07-12, 05:48 PM   #27
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Personally I would go above and beyond in order to exact my vengeance on such an asshole.

Call the Silver Legacy pretending to be from the insurance company and ask for the tape, or bribe someone from your insurance company. What about the RPD, someone there is bound to be on the take. I wonder what format it's in?

I just filled out an application on the Silver Lagacy's website. If I get an interview I'll try to gain access to the security offices, or at least get a lay out of the restricted area, we can proceed further with more information. I need a pen cam. PM me the details about where the car was parked, and the time frame.

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Old 2010-07-12, 06:54 PM   #28
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But -- it's free to write something in Craigslist Rants and I think there are other websites -- perhaps getting more sets of eyes out for this creep.

"Seeking information or witnesses: Red Subaru SVX at the Silver Legacy parking lot on 7/10/10 was sideswiped in its parking space. Appears to be white or silver paint left behind, and culprit car may show damage on left front bumper. Please respond if you saw, or know about this incident."

Hit-and-runners should NOT get away with it.
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Old 2010-07-12, 07:53 PM   #29
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You would also have to post pictures so that people actually know what an SVX looks like. I think this calls for a .gif reenactment.
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Old 2010-07-12, 10:46 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Yeah, that's what the guy I talked to said. But he wouldn't release the video "without a subpoena". My guess is they probably would release it to an insurance company though, which is why he told me to file with my insurance and have them call the casino.
Can you just ask him to review the tape and look for a license plate on the car that hit you? That way he can at least tell you if it's worth going through the hassle of trying to get it.
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Old 2010-07-15, 02:34 PM   #31
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Ouch, that sucks dude. Good luck.
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Old 2010-07-16, 03:17 PM   #32
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Yes, I'll fix it for you. Again.

Oh man, craps.

I would definitely see if the SL Sec. people would work with you more. Like JC's suggestion. Sometimes it is a matter of the right approach to the right supervisor.
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Old 2010-07-17, 05:59 PM   #33
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Sorry to hear Scott. That sucks.
Does it have a motor..............Does it have a motor?
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Old 2010-07-23, 07:32 PM   #34
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If you have some questions as to how insurance would handle it, let me know. First off, it would be considered collision. Secondly, it would be a Not-At-Fault accident and your rate would not be affected.

Basically, you would just have to fork up your collision deductible and the rest would be fixed with no damage to your insurance.

But hit me up if you want to talk about it some more. If you remember, my Suby was hit-and-run in the old 4th turn parking lot during one of the meets. I just had to pay my collision deductible and it was all fixed.
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Old 2010-07-26, 11:35 AM   #35
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Dude, That sucks. I don't know if it is too late now, but call the cops. In hit and run with property damage, they should be able to get tapes for their investigation.

What I have learned in last couple of years is to _always_ call the cops in any sort of accident, even if there is no apparent damage.

(I had a woman rear-end my wrx, there was not very much damage so we didn't call cops, just exchange insurance. After two conversations with her insurance regarding fixing my car, she began to claim it was _my_ fault she _rear ended_ ME! If the cops had been there, they would have assigned fault on the police report, and I would have been able to have her fix my bumper... Always call the cops!)
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Old 2010-07-26, 12:22 PM   #36
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Well, the damage isn't very noticeable... in fact, just the rain on the car has washed away most of the evidence it was hit. So, I'm not bothering to follow through with this. I just don't care enough to fight the fight and be angry over it until it's repaired. I've got enough drama in my life with plain old day-to-day nonsense.

Now, if the paint job Gilson's did a few years back were holding up well, then I'd probably sing a different tune... but as it is, the whole front-end of the car needs paint because it's already sandblasted off. Getting the bumper and fender touched up if/when I ever get around to getting the rest of the paint done won't be all that much more.
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