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Old 2010-01-05, 01:51 PM   #1
Ms Heatha
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Default Need Help with either ECU or tuning programs

I went to a buddy's house the other night to put a regular (somewhat) stock map on my ECU. Here are our issues.

We initially pulled the map off to look at and see how really f'd it was. We found out that I have a EDM ECU. My friend then spent the next couple of days making adjustsments on it. When we went to rewrite my map, it wouldn't let us. We used 3 different programs: Enginuity, OpenECU (I think that's what it was called.), and RomRaider. We even updated his software for EDM. Still won't work.

If you guys could see what my map looks like at the moment, you'd shit yourselves. (the ECU sat for a couple years.) Im suprised my car even runs. Do I need a different ECU? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 2010-01-05, 02:29 PM   #2
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IIRC, Enginuity and RomRaider are the exact same thing... they just changed the name. And it's just a map editor that uses OpenECU (which is just an ECU I/O library, not an editor) for reading/writing to the ECU. But that said, I don't think there's any other software out there to try. You just need to be absolutely sure you've got the correct ECU definition for your ECU in the OpenECU program or you could kill the ECU.

The ECU definition tells the software where the different tables are stored in the ECU's memory. If you've got the wrong definition and read the maps, you're going to get a ton of nonsense when you go to look at it in RomRaider. Worse yet, if you write with the wrong ECU definition, I but you could permanently jack up the ECU if the hardware is different enough from the ECU you think you're writing to.

How do you know you've got an EDM ECU? Do you know the history of the ECU? It's it plausible that you got one from Europe? I'd be more likely to believe you have a newer USDM ECU or something incompatible w/ the 16-bit 03WRX ECU rather than something EDM, unless you know that's where it came from. Unfortunately, I don't know the best way to figure out what's what... but I thought the S/N on the ECU would be able to tell you accurately.

Anyway, if worst comes to worst, I've got the original '02 WRX ECU out of my car just sitting on a shelf. It's got an ECUTek license installed on it, but I'm guessing that's easily overwriteable by RomRaider. If you decide you need an ECU, feel free to PM me an offer. I was asking $200 for it, but I'd take less if you're in dire need.
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Old 2010-01-05, 02:47 PM   #3
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Stupid question... I have to ask because I have done it myself with my old WRX...

Are you connecting the green diagnostic jumpers as well as shorting the two programming pins/installing a shorted connector? I assume you have a bug eye ECU which requires both to flash with anything but a real time COBB map AFAIK.

Does ROM Raider see the ECU? Are you sure the cable has the programming pin hot?
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Last edited by Dean; 2010-01-05 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:03 PM   #4
Ms Heatha
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I got the ECU from Kevin where it sat in his garage for a loooong time. He doesn't recall where he got it from. When we originally pulled the map off, I remember reading somewhere on there that it was EDM. But please keep in mind, I have absolutely no experience with this stuff. I've just been looking over dude's shoulder as he was fiddling with it. (he tried to explain as he went.) If no one else can help, I'll definatley snatch up that ECU from you sperry. I think we're going to try again tomorrow, and see if maybe we can't put it on his WRX. If we can with his, then its an ECU issue right?
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:11 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ms Heatha View Post
I got the ECU from Kevin where it sat in his garage for a loooong time. He doesn't recall where he got it from. When we originally pulled the map off, I remember reading somewhere on there that it was EDM. But please keep in mind, I have absolutely no experience with this stuff. I've just been looking over dude's shoulder as he was fiddling with it. (he tried to explain as he went.) If no one else can help, I'll definatley snatch up that ECU from you sperry. I think we're going to try again tomorrow, and see if maybe we can't put it on his WRX. If we can with his, then its an ECU issue right?
If it works in another car, you can probably be sure there's something up with the wiring on yours and the ECU is fine. But if the ECU really is an EDM ECU, who knows if it'll work in a US WRX... there very well could be some minor wiring differences between USDM and EDM. You're going to need to pick the brains of the experts... I'd start looking on NASIOC... someone over there probably knows what's up.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:15 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dean View Post
Stupid question... I have to ask because I have done it myself with my old WRX...

Are you connecting the green diagnostic jumpers as well as shorting the two programming pins/installing a shorted connector? I assume you have a bug eye ECU which requires both to flash with anything but a real time COBB map AFAIK.

Does ROM Raider see the ECU? Are you sure the cable has the programming pin hot?
Yes, the green connectors are connected. The programs are showing that it is connected and has some short of communication with the car. I haven't checked to see if there is power to the cable. And no, not a stupid question, especially when it pertains to muah.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:19 PM   #7
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BTW: what's the error when writing to the ECU?

If you're getting an incorrect voltage error, it's a common issue w/ '02 WRX's that can be compensated for by powering one of the jumpers directly off the battery. I had to come up w/ a semi-elaborate means of routing power from the dash lights through a potmeter into the jumper to get my ECU to write.

There's a ton of info on NASIOC about the issue you and your friend that's doing the update should read.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
If it works in another car, you can probably be sure there's something up with the wiring on yours and the ECU is fine. But if the ECU really is an EDM ECU, who knows if it'll work in a US WRX... there very well could be some minor wiring differences between USDM and EDM. You're going to need to pick the brains of the experts... I'd start looking on NASIOC... someone over there probably knows what's up.

The only things I had to re-wire were things like headlights, controls for my heater and stereo, wipers. I never touched anything on the harness that had to do with ECU, OBD2, injectors, etc. It all plugged right in. But, i'll check for power on those connectors tonight. I was aleardy going to rip out my carpet so I could get every single number off of that ECU. But I'll check NASIOC too.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:22 PM   #9
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There is another jumper connector that has to be plugged in for the 02/03 WRX ECU also. This is what Dean is talking about. If it is not plugged in you can still communicate and read the ECU but it will not flash a new map without it.

Also regarding Scott's ECU with the Ecutek license... the newer Ecutek programming locks the ECU from being accessed and changed using ECUflash/Romraider. I do not know if Scott's is like this.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:22 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
BTW: what's the error when writing to the ECU?

If you're getting an incorrect voltage error, it's a common issue w/ '02 WRX's that can be compensated for by powering one of the jumpers directly off the battery. I had to come up w/ a semi-elaborate means of routing power from the dash lights through a potmeter into the jumper to get my ECU to write.

There's a ton of info on NASIOC about the issue you and your friend that's doing the update should read.
It was saying that there was a kernal definition error or something like that.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:24 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
BTW: what's the error when writing to the ECU?

If you're getting an incorrect voltage error, it's a common issue w/ '02 WRX's that can be compensated for by powering one of the jumpers directly off the battery. I had to come up w/ a semi-elaborate means of routing power from the dash lights through a potmeter into the jumper to get my ECU to write.

There's a ton of info on NASIOC about the issue you and your friend that's doing the update should read.
I've made this work by jumping the jumper connector straight to the battery.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:24 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
There is another jumper connector that has to be plugged in for the 02/03 WRX ECU also. This is what Dean is talking about. If it is not plugged in you can still communicate and read the ECU but it will not flash a new map without it.

Also regarding Scott's ECU with the Ecutek license... the newer Ecutek programming locks the ECU from being accessed and changed using ECUflash/Romraider. I do not know if Scott's is like this.
Is the jumper connector green. I had those 2 plugged into each other. There's another?
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:26 PM   #13
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"Programming voltage is out of range" would be the error Scott is talking about... I think.
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:29 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Ms Heatha View Post
Is the jumper connector green. I had those 2 plugged into each other. There's another?
It's white or blue (depending on model year)and is not part of the car. In other words you have to have one to plug in:
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Old 2010-01-05, 03:33 PM   #15
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I have those jumpers BTW if you need to borrow one. I also can take a look at your ECU. Can't promise that I can fix it though.
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Old 2010-01-05, 04:29 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by knucklesplitter View Post
There is another jumper connector that has to be plugged in for the 02/03 WRX ECU also. This is what Dean is talking about. If it is not plugged in you can still communicate and read the ECU but it will not flash a new map without it.

Also regarding Scott's ECU with the Ecutek license... the newer Ecutek programming locks the ECU from being accessed and changed using ECUflash/Romraider. I do not know if Scott's is like this.
My ECUTek license is from 2002 IIRC. I would think it's old enough to be able to simply flash a stock WRX image over the whole thing and start fresh, but who knows for sure w/o trying.
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Old 2010-01-05, 05:41 PM   #17
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Wow, thanks everyone for following up on my comment. I was only gone for a few hours.

I would also suggest that you have someone who knows about the non-green jumper connector/block we are talking about and the power issues to do your tuning.

If the harness came with the ECU from the same car, then it should be fine, no matter if it is EDM or USDM. only if the two do not match would ther be a basic issue. Not sure if the maps are interchangeable though, but would think they would be.
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