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Old 2010-10-10, 08:29 AM   #1
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Question Accessport or Open source?

OK... first off, hello all. Im new to the fourm and somewhat new to the RENO scca...
I drive a 05sti with a few mods, and am currently running a accessport base map(provided with accessport). Yet, i dont think im really squeezing any juice outta the car. My cars peak boost is somewhere around 12.5 and 14.0lbs depending on what gear its in when i "stomp" on it... And quite frankly, ive "babied" the car for the last 40,000 miles other then a few scca solo events =P... Anywho, i want more out of the car. Running my accessport has kept me from throwing CE's and having to reset my ecu... But i know my accessport has alot more potential then what im getting from it.. HELP!? Im somewhat looking for someone to put a custom map or a few custom maps on the accessports "map storage" or w.e. Any adivise on who to call, who i can call, who to talk to, or even to get rid of the accessport and go with a open source.. Phone numbers? Answers? Anyone willing to help!? I would like to stay local (Reno, Nv) and help someone else who might need the quick small cash....
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Old 2010-10-10, 09:43 AM   #2
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Matt at KSpeed.

AP should be fine. Nothing really wrong with the Cobb maps as long as you have the mods to support them. Stage 1 is not much of a boost if that is what you are running.

Lower gears have lower targets. You should really only see max boost in 3rd and 4th gears.

Do you have the mods to support Stage 2?

If you are having trouble reaching boost targets, there's a mapp for that.
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Old 2010-10-10, 11:21 AM   #3
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A custom tune will get you better performance and safety, assuming a good tuner. AP or OS, doesn't matter. Might as well stick with the AP since you already have it...or sell it and buy the $100+ cable you'll need for OS data logging/map switching, etc. But you'll lose the convenience of the AP...which may not matter to you.

If I needed a retune, I'd call Ed at EQ Tuning in Fairfield, CA every time. My car has been amazing with his tunes.
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Old 2010-10-11, 07:30 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by bebell108 View Post
OK... first off, hello all. Im new to the fourm and somewhat new to the RENO scca...
I drive a 05sti with a few mods, and am currently running a accessport base map(provided with accessport). Yet, i dont think im really squeezing any juice outta the car. My cars peak boost is somewhere around 12.5 and 14.0lbs depending on what gear its in when i "stomp" on it... And quite frankly, ive "babied" the car for the last 40,000 miles other then a few scca solo events =P... Anywho, i want more out of the car. Running my accessport has kept me from throwing CE's and having to reset my ecu... But i know my accessport has alot more potential then what im getting from it.. HELP!? Im somewhat looking for someone to put a custom map or a few custom maps on the accessports "map storage" or w.e. Any adivise on who to call, who i can call, who to talk to, or even to get rid of the accessport and go with a open source.. Phone numbers? Answers? Anyone willing to help!? I would like to stay local (Reno, Nv) and help someone else who might need the quick small cash....
The only advantages to Accessport over open source is the map switching and maybe the logging/monitoring capabilities IMO.

12-14psi is not much boost, especially if you have an aftermarket downpipe. Keep in mind a couple things though - lower gears do not have time to build full boost, and the ECU runs lower boost at elevation than at sea level. Often off-the-shelf maps do not boost properly up here at elevation either.

I have a shop in Sparks called KSpeed Automotive and can do an open source tunes or V2 AccessPort tunes. It takes about 2 hours, and I make a base map, get the car hitting target boost, check the fueling, check for knock and adjust timing accordingly. Give us a call - 284-1011 or stop by - 1009 Greg St.
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Old 2010-10-11, 01:21 PM   #5
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Open ecu ie ecuflash give you complete access to the ecu. Including if you have certain smog things removed it allows you to "pass" them in an obd test.
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Old 2010-10-11, 01:36 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by murphy View Post
Open ecu ie ecuflash give you complete access to the ecu. Including if you have certain smog things removed it allows you to "pass" them in an obd test.
Unless things have changed recently, that OBD-II pass workaround only works on the older 16-bit ECUs... so 2003 or older.
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Old 2010-10-11, 03:17 PM   #7
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Other way around Scott- 2002 and later (2005 and later for NA) have forced OBDII readiness enabled, except some of the very new ones that aren't fully cracked yet.
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Old 2010-10-11, 03:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Kevin M View Post
Other way around Scott- 2002 and later (2005 and later for NA) have forced OBDII readiness enabled, except some of the very new ones that aren't fully cracked yet.
Um, I'm not sure what you're saying... so, let me rephrase:

For the WRX/STi, ONLY the 2002/2003 16-bit ECUs can be set to pass ODB-II smog checks. On newer WRX/STi ECUs you can prevent some of the CELs from activating, but the self tests still need to pass in order to pass smog.

That is, unless they've since located and hacked the proper registers in the newer 32-bit DBW ECUs in the year or so since I last screwed around with RomRaider.
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Old 2010-10-11, 04:18 PM   #9
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My Forester, with 32bit ECU, has that capability. I'm reasonably certain most of the other 32 bit ECUs are cracked too.
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Old 2010-10-11, 04:21 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Um, I'm not sure what you're saying... so, let me rephrase:

For the WRX/STi, ONLY the 2002/2003 16-bit ECUs can be set to pass ODB-II smog checks. On newer WRX/STi ECUs you can prevent some of the CELs from activating, but the self tests still need to pass in order to pass smog.

That is, unless they've since located and hacked the proper registers in the newer 32-bit DBW ECUs in the year or so since I last screwed around with RomRaider.
Romraider now has an option on 32bit ECUs to "force pass readiness monitors", so there is no pesky wait time after resetting the ECU. I don't think that makes it pass smog by itself though. The offending CELs still need to be disabled.

Last edited by knucklesplitter; 2010-10-11 at 04:30 PM.
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Old 2010-10-13, 12:11 PM   #11
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Old 2010-10-14, 11:54 AM   #12
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Yes Scott later versions of ecufash allow you to see the force pass for the obd2 tests. A friend of mine tuned a later mod. STI (05?) he saw that all the emmissions and other testable functions were force passed. That persons engine was actually pretty messed up. I don't look to much into the subie stuff for ecu flash anymore so I'm not sure if anyone is writing in XML file upgrades like they do for the evo. But ecuflash is best bang for the buck...ITS FREE!!! cable costs around $100.
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