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Old 2011-06-30, 03:21 PM   #1
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Default WTB: Rally spares (GC stuff)

figured i'de make 1 thread, since i'll have a non stop request list ..

I really need a new drive shaft , the bushings in mine are way bad,
anyone have a spare one they want to sell? $40 ish ?

i still owe Cory $20 for some brake lines he lent / sold me

I could use some spare AWD Rear hubs (disc)

and i could use a spare shell , Title holding GC , can be super ugly and stripped (i don't want to have to chase down corner lights, doors and windows) but it can be very stripped out, interior and power train.
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Old 2011-06-30, 08:19 PM   #2
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If you get an extra-super stripped down wagon shell, I have two good doors, the hatch, and all glass on that shell in CA still. Stock lights all around aren't all that expensive.
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Old 2011-07-01, 08:49 PM   #3
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Pretty sure the GD and GC manual driveshafts are interchangeable? If they are I have a 2004 wrx driveshaft sitting in my garage. Let me know. Thanks
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Old 2011-07-05, 03:35 PM   #4
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Ryan, Assuming your drive shaft is the same as mine, how much do you want for it? $50, $40 ?
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Old 2011-07-05, 04:38 PM   #5
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I'll take $40 for it. You can take it and match it up to be sure, if it won't work I'll take it back. Don't even have a 5 speed anymore so it is just dead weight in my garage. Let me know! Thanks
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Old 2011-07-06, 07:45 AM   #6
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Old 2011-08-08, 01:50 PM   #7
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Anyone have a gas door? mine got broken during refueling at NNR (still haven't figured out how my crew did that one) LOL
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Old 2011-08-08, 03:22 PM   #8
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Cory, just put a 4g63 in it.

I'm bummed I wasn't active on here when my 94 bit the dust. She was junky and ugly and amazing but would have had some parts for you :-/
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Old 2011-08-29, 09:54 AM   #9
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Does anyone have have some exhaust stuff they would like to sell? Looking for Cheap & Quiet with being cheap very important.

Also does anyone have any stock coilovers i could Borrow or Buy? I destroyed my drivers rear at Gorman, got a loaner to finish the event but i need to get it back to the owner this week. I'm just going to drive over to my crew chiefs once, and then back and leave it parked until I find a suitable rally replacement (or some pick n pull spares that i might have to use at my next rally)
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Old 2011-08-29, 10:34 AM   #10
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Sorry, I have to derail this thread.

Alex, I like you and I really respect how well you are doing, but at some point you are going to have to step up your support equipment to the level of your competition and stop relying on the kindness of others to get you home.

Bragging that you were the only one in X years to drive to an event, win overall and drive home is not really that great of an accomplishment. Winning overall is, but driving to and from and relying on all the tools, spares, and help of others is not.

IMHO you need to seriously consider having your own rig and trailer full of all the equipment, spares, etc. equal to your level of performance.

At some point, it will be kind of like the boy who cried wolf and people will just stop wanting to help you. I can only go by what you have posted about your past events, but you appear to be much more of a burden to the Rally community than a contributor to it. That was fine when you were a noob, but you are not any more. Maybe I am completely wrong and half the cars competing finish with the spares out of your trunk, but I kind of doubt it.

If money is tight, you could probably get a rig, trailer and some spares for what your STI is worth.
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Old 2011-08-29, 01:46 PM   #11
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I've loaned out / given quite a few spares at rally events. @ Idaho just this year i helped 3 other teams with spares and borrowed nothing from others. one team needed an end link and a rear track arm. and other team got a spare rotor , brake caliper and rotor, with yet an other team getting some fluids.

At north nevada this year I made some sacrifices to help out other teams, an other team was driving to the event so i met him the weekend before and put his spares into my storage unit. I then packed all of his spares first, and then my stuff. I had a lot of crew back out on me at the last minute (2 were sick, 1 ??) which resulted in not enough cargo room, so I drove out to the rally on my rally tires and made an extra trip to drop off my service vehicle at the service park. i had planned on using that time to swap onto my brand new rally tires. so i ran 1/2 the first day on worn out , 20% tread left tires, all so that J.Burke would have his service rig waiting for him in the service park.

It was J.burke who loaned me a coilover at Gorman this past weekend .. hmm when i first read your post i more took it to heart, but now really thinking my season over, I don't feel that its a 1-way street. I do realize that i haven't ever posted on here about me helping others, i always leave those parts of my stories out, but i can see in the absence of ever mentioning those how i probably appear ... interesting

(good thing you posted that actually) thanks

At Mendocino i bought food and delivered food to other teams because I had no repairs to be made during service

at gorman I gave out some gear oil to a team who had some issue (don't recall exactly)

in years past I've given other teams a ride for recce (even class competitors), actually i got a sportsmanship award for that.

Honestly this is the biggest difference between rally and other motor sports, in rally , the rally community really really helps each other out a LOT more than in other motor sports. Gorman last year the #2 team gave the #1 team a rear track arm, after they bent their on the first stage, and the jackson rally team ended up winning. I know those sorta things happen from time to time at the trace track, but not on a regular basis, probably not every race. but every rally (or almost) one team helps out an other team. and actually that was one of the ideas behind was the idea of every service person at a rally, helping out every team.

Anyone at a rally can ask anyone whose a member of Dirtyimpreza for help, and help will be given. (that's how we roll)

But, at the same time, Yes i do want to stop needing help from others, and start helping others out more. Your point (generalized) is dead on. I need to be more self reliant now that I'm no longer a noob.

I'm not willing to sell my STI. that's just not on the table. BUT i could easily , easily afford loan payments on a truck , and find a suitable trailer for $2k ish . I'll be thinking about how much of a season I will be doing in 2012.

happen to have any struts for sale?
Fighting uphill battles, one bullet at a time!

Last edited by A1337STI; 2011-08-29 at 02:31 PM. Reason: late thinking
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Old 2011-08-29, 08:07 PM   #12
Kevin M
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How much does Betsy weigh Alex?
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Old 2011-08-29, 08:19 PM   #13
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just push the brake pedal.

Originally Posted by Dean View Post
Sorry, I have to derail this thread.

Alex, I like you and I really respect how well you are doing, but at some point you are going to have to step up your support equipment to the level of your competition and stop relying on the kindness of others to get you home.

Bragging that you were the only one in X years to drive to an event, win overall and drive home is not really that great of an accomplishment. Winning overall is, but driving to and from and relying on all the tools, spares, and help of others is not.

IMHO you need to seriously consider having your own rig and trailer full of all the equipment, spares, etc. equal to your level of performance.

At some point, it will be kind of like the boy who cried wolf and people will just stop wanting to help you. I can only go by what you have posted about your past events, but you appear to be much more of a burden to the Rally community than a contributor to it. That was fine when you were a noob, but you are not any more. Maybe I am completely wrong and half the cars competing finish with the spares out of your trunk, but I kind of doubt it.

If money is tight, you could probably get a rig, trailer and some spares for what your STI is worth.
Internet arguments are lame. That is the most cowardly call out I've ever seen or heard. Dude you are such a chicken crap of a man to step on Alex like that. Seriously how do you come up with that bunk?

Not to keep a really awesome internet fire going, but you've clearly never asked for anything from him. Alex is the first to reciprocate a favor. Alex didn't mention he found a 02-05 wrx transmission for that burke guy 3 days after getting home from the loaned coilover. Not bad for a quick turn around on a favor.
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Old 2011-08-29, 08:40 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by rubberbiscuitt View Post
Internet arguments are lame. That is the most cowardly call out I've ever seen or heard. Dude you are such a chicken crap of a man to step on Alex like that. Seriously how do you come up with that bunk?

Not to keep a really awesome internet fire going, but you've clearly never asked for anything from him. Alex is the first to reciprocate a favor. Alex didn't mention he found a 02-05 wrx transmission for that burke guy 3 days after getting home from the loaned coilover. Not bad for a quick turn around on a favor.
Sure, calling out RenoSCCA's chief instructor, the guy that has almost literally written the book on helping out others for no benefit by putting in 100's and 100's of hours teaching people to drive whilst not even turning the wheel of his own car seems like taking the high road.

Alex may be Santa Clause giving away toys to all the children at xmas, but on this board every other thread he starts is one looking for cheap/free parts. We also know he doesn't trailer to events, when at the level he's competing at, he should be towing and hauling a pretty complete set of spares. So take a look at the situation from Dean's perspective before starting shit up that appeared to be resolved between Alex and Dean already.

Really, the only internet fight here is the one you just tried to start.
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Old 2011-08-30, 10:15 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by rubberbiscuitt View Post
Internet arguments are lame. That is the most cowardly call out I've ever seen or heard. Dude you are such a chicken crap of a man to step on Alex like that. Seriously how do you come up with that bunk?
..chicken crap?

You're being a real poo-poo meany head with all that potty mouth, mister.
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Old 2011-08-30, 11:18 AM   #16
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Wow... the rare and wonderful moderator septalpost to a closed thread!
Is you is, or is you ain't, my con-stit-u-ints?
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Old 2011-08-30, 12:09 PM   #17
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Yeah, with authority!
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Old 2011-09-01, 03:54 PM   #18
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Holy shit..

I posted that from my phone. It displayed as a single post, at the time..
"None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you.. you're locked in here with me."
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