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Old 2008-06-06, 11:19 AM   #1
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Default I think les Schwab put a boo boo on my wheels.

I went to les schwab this morning to have nails/screws taken out of 2 of my tires. I have been picking them up a lot lately because of construction by my house. I called a few days ago and they said "bring it on in, we fix those for free" so I said cool. Anyways, they fixed them and then said "thats $24." so I said ok and assumed that the guy on the phone was saying that new customers get flats fixed for free. I had been there before so I figured I had to pay. I don't even care about that.

So I get home and start to wash my car. As I clean my wheels I noticed that there has been a chunk taken out of each of the 2 wheels that they fixed. The indentation is roughly 1/2" on each wheel and is located on the lip. I know for a fact that the wheels were not like that before I took them in. I assume I can't do anything since I already left the place but here are the pics anyways. I am posting them so Cory or anyone else who has mounted tires can see if this is something that les schwab would have done.

Front wheel: Also notice there is a mark that is not on the lip but is the same 1/2" in size, and very close in location to where the mark on the lip is.

Rear wheel:

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Old 2008-06-06, 12:04 PM   #2
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Wow, your camera gives good macro. Sorry to hear your wheels were damaged. Always check that shit before you leave in the future.
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Old 2008-06-06, 12:11 PM   #3
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I just went back to les schwab and the guy was really nice and didn't try to give me any bs. He said that he is going to call Sierra Wheel Repair and see what he can do. Oh, and the camera is just a 7.2mp casio exilim from costco. Its usually what I use because I can never figure out how to use my wifes d2x.
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Old 2008-06-06, 12:36 PM   #4
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Yep, that's the result of either some NooB not knowing what the fuck he was doing, or a POS tire machine not designed to handle low profile tires. Definitely.
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Old 2008-06-06, 12:39 PM   #5
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That damage looks like it was caused by wheel weights (at least the 4th picture down looks that way to me). It probably wasn't Les Schwab that damaged it, it was who ever hammered on the weights they just took off in order to re-balance the wheel after the tire repair.

Unless of course you've never had those hammer on weights and have always used the sticker type.
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Old 2008-06-06, 12:41 PM   #6
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^yeah there have never been the hammer weights.
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Old 2008-06-06, 12:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV View Post
Yep, that's the result of either some NooB not knowing what the fuck he was doing, or a POS tire machine not designed to handle low profile tires. Definitely.
Les Schwab sells like 24" rims. They really should have the equipment and know-how to deal with 40 series tires on 17" rims.

'Course, I'll never bring my car to Les Schwab after getting a giant bowl of attitude when I asked if they could mount some snow tires and was basically told I'm some sort of asshole for wanting to pay them money to mount tires I didn't buy from them.
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Old 2008-06-07, 12:49 PM   #8
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Man, that kinda least it wasn't BIG O, they massacred my stock BBS wheels, I went there thinking that they would be gentle with them....assuming they HAD the right equipment to do the job correctly, they put several scratches about 3-4 inches long on them and then said they weren't responsible for damage after they finished with the car...I politely told them that I wasn't responsible for PAYING them, Les Schwab is the best at dealing with that stuff though and will usually replace them or make sure that the situation is corrected and you are satisified, I have a couple of friends that work for LS and they have the right Equipment, like cory probably was a FNG (fucking new guy) so...... when you wanna do the interior swap on the STI?
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Old 2008-06-07, 07:49 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Les Schwab sells like 24" rims. They really should have the equipment and know-how to deal with 40 series tires on 17" rims...
I'd like to think so too, but that REALLY looks like the marks left from that cross bar you use to pull the tire bead over the machine head...

i've left those same marks on wheels in the past myself.
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Old 2008-06-07, 08:54 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV View Post
I'd like to think so too, but that REALLY looks like the marks left from that cross bar you use to pull the tire bead over the machine head...

i've left those same marks on wheels in the past myself.
You're probably right. I'm just saying that they should have the right equipment... which makes this operator error.
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Old 2008-06-07, 10:38 PM   #11
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Damn, that sucks! I am thinking LS is not going to get any of my business anymore. My lugnuts were on so tight I thought the stud was going to break when I went to rotate my tires. Make sure you re-torque your lugnuts, I just had some tires balanced and none of the lugnuts were torqued evenly.
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Old 2008-06-08, 08:34 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
'Course, I'll never bring my car to Les Schwab after getting a giant bowl of attitude when I asked if they could mount some snow tires and was basically told I'm some sort of asshole for wanting to pay them money to mount tires I didn't buy from them.
Heck yah. The whole "fix flats free to attract customers" sounded great in the boardroom, but in practice as their service goes downhill this policy sucks. I would prefer that they charge me and shut up, but noooooooo.

So, I may have to take this nail down to the local garage and probably get my wheels screwed up instead.
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Old 2008-06-09, 06:02 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by WRXlerate View Post
Damn, that sucks! I am thinking LS is not going to get any of my business anymore. My lugnuts were on so tight I thought the stud was going to break when I went to rotate my tires. Make sure you re-torque your lugnuts, I just had some tires balanced and none of the lugnuts were torqued evenly.

this happend to me as well. One was on so tight i snapped my wheel stud trying to take it off. Not only did this happend once, but twice.
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Old 2008-06-09, 06:10 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ScottyS View Post
Heck yah. The whole "fix flats free to attract customers" sounded great in the boardroom, but in practice as their service goes downhill this policy sucks. I would prefer that they charge me and shut up, but noooooooo.

So, I may have to take this nail down to the local garage and probably get my wheels screwed up instead.
they do fix flats for free, if you buy the tires there. I think the guy on the phone from LS assumed the OP did purchase the tires there. I took a tire that i didn't buy from there one time and they did it for free but told me to come back to them when i needed new tires.

I've always had good luck with LS, well the one on oddie and silverada, then again it's the assistant store manager that works on my car 80% of the time.
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Old 2008-06-09, 06:11 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by AWDlaunch View Post
they do fix flats for free, if you buy the tires there. I think the guy on the phone from LS assumed the OP did purchase the tires there. I took a tire that i didn't buy from there one time and they did it for free but told me to come back to them when i needed new tires.

I've always had good luck with LS, well the one on oddie and silverada, then again it's the assistant store manager that works on my car 80% of the time.
forgot about the wheel stud incidents.
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