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Old 2007-09-21, 07:38 AM   #401
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If anybody wants skate. for the 360 I'm selling it. I put it on CL but if anyone wants it here (doubtful) it's yers.
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Old 2007-09-21, 08:33 AM   #402
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Deal, did somebody say Deal? Oh, Dean, yeah that's me.

Does this mean the Tony Hawk series has nothing to fear from this title?

I thought it was getting good reviews.
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Old 2007-09-24, 01:32 PM   #403
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Why is Halo 3 getting so much buzz? It's showing up on my Google news!? If Halo 3 is 100 times better than Halo 2, it's still half the game that Halflife 2 was... (say that 5 times fast).

Why all the hype for a descent shooter on an awful platform for shooters (the PC w/ a mouse and keyboard is the only way to play a FPS IMO). Are there really so few games out there for the 360?
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Old 2007-09-24, 01:36 PM   #404
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Halo=Mario for microsoft. It's cool because it's Halo, not because it's good.
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Old 2007-09-24, 01:37 PM   #405
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Halo was the shit. Halo 2 was decent with good online play. Halo 3 is getting so much hype because it will be conclusion of the story and its the same great multi player that we have grown to love. I mean who the hell doesn't like linking up xbox consoles with your friends and having a halo party. Sure it might fall short in some aspects compared to other FPS games but its still solid.
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Old 2007-09-24, 01:49 PM   #406
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Halo was the shit. Halo 2 was decent with good online play. Halo 3 is getting so much hype because it will be conclusion of the story and its the same great multi player that we have grown to love. I mean who the hell doesn't like linking up xbox consoles with your friends and having a halo party. Sure it might fall short in some aspects compared to other FPS games but its still solid.
I didn't like linking up xbox consoles with friends for halo parties.

But, that's probably cause we are bigger geeks than that, and would have real LAN parties instead
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Old 2007-09-24, 01:50 PM   #407
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Originally Posted by nKoan View Post
I didn't like linking up xbox consoles with friends for halo parties.

But, that's probably cause we are bigger geeks than that, and would have real LAN parties instead
Real lan parties were reserved for source.
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Old 2007-09-24, 02:13 PM   #408
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Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba View Post
If anybody wants skate. for the 360 I'm selling it. I put it on CL but if anyone wants it here (doubtful) it's yers.
Ugh I bought it on the 20th. That's what I get for not reading the forums.
I think it's an awesome game. Really innovative controls and I seem to be playing it all the time even though I already beat it.
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Old 2007-09-24, 05:40 PM   #409
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Originally Posted by BAN SUVS View Post
Halo=Mario for microsoft. It's cool because it's Halo, not because it's good.
Yup. Like the Matrix, once you've seen the first two, you've gotta see the third one, even if it turns up SUCKING ASS.
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Old 2007-09-24, 11:30 PM   #410
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I am not buying or playing Halo 3. I only got part-way through each of the first two before deciding that there were better games to spend time on (and I should note that I did not actually buy Halo 2 - I received a copy gratis from MS at launch). They're not terrible. . . just overrated, and weak in comparison to a title such as Half-Life.

Halo succeeded because it was a better FPS than had previously been available on a console, and it simply oozed mass-market appeal, from the sci-fi tale to the multiplayer focus. It was something for Xbox adopters to latch on to - the "killer launch app." Some have likened its instant success to that of Star Wars. The comparison is flawed, as there's no way that Halo will find that kind of widespread recognition, but it's simply another case of the right material being made on the right medium at the right time.

What really bothers me is that as I write this, Halo 3 is not out yet. Despite this, a poll on IGN asking users for their early choice for Game of the Year already has Halo 3 winning at nearly 40%. Bioshock is in second at 34%. This makes me want to hurt people.

So what will I do while I'm NOT playing Halo? Same thing I've always done: play better games.

Orange Box hits xb360 in two weeks!
Tomb Raider Anniversary on xb360 in a month.
Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect for the holidays!
I need to finish Bioshock.
I'm still only 22% in to Metroid Prime 3.
Forza 2 always beckons.
I could put a little more time in to Oblivion and clean up my remaining misc quests.
I just finished the 0% Corruption ending on Overlord and would like to see the Full Corruption ending.
I felt like backtracking today and started mopping up a couple of left-over, unfinished titles from last-gen: Fable Lost Chapters (finished the original, but never got around to checking out the new content) and Eternal Darkness (I'm determined to overcome my wussiness this time).
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Last edited by M3n2c3; 2007-09-24 at 11:37 PM.
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Old 2007-09-26, 09:21 AM   #411
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OMGZ TEH HALOZ IS OUT!!>!>! IT's sooo amazing they should just stop making video games im gonna sell aLL MY GAMES BUT THIS ONE NOTHING CAN COMPARE!>!!>

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Old 2007-09-26, 10:12 AM   #412
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I think its kind of gay that master chief is not the only spartan. I think that made him cool being the only one.
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Old 2007-09-26, 02:53 PM   #413
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I agree that playing a FPS on a console is not as ideal as on a PC. But I am still considering Orange Box for PS3 rather than just HL2:EP2 for the PC. I don't have any good reasons though. Hmmmm.
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Old 2007-09-26, 03:40 PM   #414
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Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3 View Post
I agree that playing a FPS on a console is not as ideal as on a PC. But I am still considering Orange Box for PS3 rather than just HL2:EP2 for the PC. I don't have any good reasons though. Hmmmm.
I'll be getting it for xb360 for a few reasons:
1) the xb360 will lay down slightly better graphics at 1080i than my desktop PC is capable of
2) I have a better setup downstairs for the 360 than I do upstairs for the PC (42' DLP and 5.1 audio vs. 17" LCD and 4.1 audio), and I can't play games upstairs in the evening as it'll wake the boy. . .
3) Achievements are kinda fun.

Given the situation, I'm able to cope with the controller versus a mouse. I also played HL2 when it was released for original Xbox, and it played well with a controller.
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Old 2007-09-26, 04:03 PM   #415
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I still want to play Halo3... Too bad I just mailed out checks for bills that included enough money to buy the game AND the 360... damn bills...
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Old 2007-09-26, 04:04 PM   #416
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Cory, I told you, if you buy halo 3 I'll let you steal my 360....... For a little while.
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Old 2007-09-26, 04:08 PM   #417
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The problem would be the whole "giving it back" part... I may take you up on that tho!

I really just needed a place to complain about how much I dish out in stupid bills in a half month...
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Old 2007-09-26, 05:43 PM   #418
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Originally Posted by sperry View Post
Why all the hype for a descent shooter on an awful platform for shooters (the PC w/ a mouse and keyboard is the only way to play a FPS IMO).

Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3 View Post
I agree that playing a FPS on a console is not as ideal as on a PC.
Just because you bitches suck with a controller, its still no reason to hate on console FPS games.
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Old 2007-09-26, 08:38 PM   #419
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Just because you bitches suck with a controller, its still no reason to hate on console FPS games.
not ideal is not equal to I suck.

I actually like how Time splitters did the controls for the PS2. I have HL1 for PS2 also.
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Old 2007-09-27, 12:03 AM   #420
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Id like to know who the person is who sets the standard for "this is Ideal, this is not" because I don't know how a controller is lacking vs a mouse and keyboard. You use both hands and most every finger. etc. etc. etc. and a controller can utilize both thumbs which a keyboard mouse combo really cant.
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Old 2007-09-27, 07:11 AM   #421
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Well, you can be a ton more precise with mouse/keyboard. Controllers just feel like cludges if you are any good with mouse/keyboard. You also can't turn around quickly with a controller in most games.

Luckily most console FPS games have taken these limitation into their design, and they minimize the impact of these shortcomings by designing around them.
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Old 2007-09-27, 07:38 AM   #422
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Originally Posted by MPREZIV View Post
I still want to play Halo3... Too bad I just mailed out checks for bills that included enough money to buy the game AND the 360... damn bills...
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Old 2007-09-27, 07:59 AM   #423
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Id like to know who the person is who sets the standard for "this is Ideal, this is not" because I don't know how a controller is lacking vs a mouse and keyboard. You use both hands and most every finger. etc. etc. etc. and a controller can utilize both thumbs which a keyboard mouse combo really cant.
Like mentioned above it is the mouse precision/control/speed that gives you an edge over an analog stick.
Similar to why I prefer using the touch pad on my laptop rather than the keyboard 'tit'.

When I'm talking about my opinions I am the one who decides what is ideal.

The best setup, IMHO, would be some combination of a platform controller and a mouse.

Maybe a Aircraft sim type of throttle controller for the left hand and a multi-button mouse for the right hand. Because right handed people are ideal.
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Old 2007-09-27, 09:02 AM   #424
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
Just because you bitches suck with a controller, its still no reason to hate on console FPS games.
Let's see... the first time I played Halo multiplayer, I think I got like 20 straight kills. That's when I decided "what's the point?".

And Dan, here's what I use for my left hand on the PC:

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Old 2007-09-27, 09:40 AM   #425
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Ahh, the good old console vs PC debates. . . futility in action.
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