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Old 2011-05-05, 08:27 PM   #1
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Default Fuel pump issue... need help

Ok so i installed a Walbro 255lpm pump a few weeks ago. Install seemed to go just fine, when i first started the car after install the check engine light was on and cruise control light was flashing. I later read on iwsti to re-disconnect the battery and reset the ECU. Did that and wala problem fixed. The car has since then been running great... Until today. I was driving to the bay area when about half way there my check engine light came on and my cruise control light was flashing. I was on my way to get the code read, when luckily i was pulling into a gas station when my car just stalled out (im just glad it didnt do it on the freeway). At first i was like oops i stalled, then when i tried to start the car back up it was a no go. I noticed that when i turned the key into the on position i did not hear my fuel pump prime, so i figure it has something to do with that. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what the problem is, or has this happened to anyone else? My car is currently sitting at a shop, but wanted to get any possible feedback. Thanks.. Hopefully everything will be fixed so i can get back to reno so Kspeed can put in my new goodies.
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Old 2011-05-05, 09:28 PM   #2
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My best guess is just that you ended up with a bum fuel pump.
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Old 2011-05-06, 07:29 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Subie_Steve View Post
Ok so i installed a Walbro 255lpm pump a few weeks ago. Install seemed to go just fine, when i first started the car after install the check engine light was on and cruise control light was flashing. I later read on iwsti to re-disconnect the battery and reset the ECU. Did that and wala problem fixed. The car has since then been running great... Until today. I was driving to the bay area when about half way there my check engine light came on and my cruise control light was flashing. I was on my way to get the code read, when luckily i was pulling into a gas station when my car just stalled out (im just glad it didnt do it on the freeway). At first i was like oops i stalled, then when i tried to start the car back up it was a no go. I noticed that when i turned the key into the on position i did not hear my fuel pump prime, so i figure it has something to do with that. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what the problem is, or has this happened to anyone else? My car is currently sitting at a shop, but wanted to get any possible feedback. Thanks.. Hopefully everything will be fixed so i can get back to reno so Kspeed can put in my new goodies.
Find out what the CEL is. Probably a lean code, but maybe it will give some insight into the problem.

Besides a bad fuel pump, there is a chance that the level sender is screwed up. The ECU shuts down the fuel pump when the fuel level drops to near empty to protect the pump from overheating. Try filling it up with gas and see if it starts. Seen this before a time or two.
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Old 2011-05-06, 07:56 AM   #4
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Yep, my FXT will basically shut down not far below 1/4 tank on the gauge. Gives me the flashing CEL, reduces power severely, then will fail to start. If adding fuel doesn't solve the issue, then I would be inclined to think Scott's right and your new pump was bad.
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Old 2011-05-06, 02:59 PM   #5
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I added fuel and it still would not work. The car only barely started idled really badly and then died (i think it was just running off the residual that was in the lines. Yeah i am waiting to hear back from the shop as to which code/s were thrown. Im just hoping its nothing major. I read in some other articles that when people were installing the walbro the power and negative wires were not matched (if for some reason, i dont think did, but if they were switched my car would not have ran fine for over 200 miles first right?).I guess this has happened to a few other people and nobody really has a definite answer for why and how it happens. Thanks for the input.
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Old 2011-05-11, 08:47 AM   #6
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So whats the word on your car?
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Old 2011-05-11, 11:40 AM   #7
KSpeed Auto
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Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice View Post
So whats the word on your car?
It is running now. Was a bad fuel pump.

It's getting a 20G-XT and supporting mods put on as I type this.
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Old 2011-05-11, 01:01 PM   #8
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