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Old 2011-02-11, 10:10 AM   #1
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Default RS : 98 transmission, 99 motor, 01 ecu

So as the title says, I'm attempting to use a bunch of different year parts.

From the research i've done (not enough) the 2001 ECU requires a MAP (manifold Air Pressure) sensor that my 99 motor does not have, I've been told that the 99 intake manifold has a Freeze Plug where the 00/01 manifold has a MAP sensor.

I think the Mass Air Flow Sensor is the same ? but i've been unable to confirm that

I'm guessing i need a new "dash harness" because my 93 has an ODB1 and the 01 ECU is ODB2 so i'll probably need a new gauge cluster too right ? But the rear section of my harness should be good for lights, signals, hazards. i've read somewhere the rear defroster may not be compatible (93 harness to 01 )

I've yet to find any info about if the ECU is gonna care the transmission is a 98. i know my 93 transmission has a reverse sensor, and i think it Might have a neutral position sensor, but I'm not certain. I believe the 98 transmission went to an electronic speedo sensor / cable, where as my 93 is mechanical.
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Old 2011-02-11, 10:15 AM   #2
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Mass Air Flow = MAF. MAF != MAP. The MAF sensor is the one in the intake just after the air filter that measures air flow (as the name would indicate). MAP sensors tend to be in the intake manifold itself, and measures Manifold Absolute Pressure... i.e. mechanically it's the same as a boost sensor on a turbo car.

Many MAF cars *also* have a MAP, and I know Subaru played around with either/or/both on the Impreza over the years, but I have no idea which cars have which.
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Old 2011-02-11, 11:12 AM   #3
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Ya you are very very right subaru kept changing how they did their air sensors on the RS
the 1999 (only) got an Air Flow Meter And a MAF sensor according to Suba Performance in Denver (also looking at what air metering parts are available for what years)

and Ryan @ suba performance has seen a lot of cars come with with drive-ability issues when the AFM sensor goes out. he "highly" recommended i not use that sensor in my rally car. He suggested updating to an 00/01 which he said "went back to a MAP" or "went to a MAP"

my original plan was to use my 99 ecu and find a 99 harness, but after hearing about this i decided to "udpate" to an 01 harness and MAP sensor as update/backdates are free in my rally class as long as the parts are from the same body style.

So ya i believe my motor has both, i haven't actually seen my motor bought it shipped to my crew chiefs for $475 (came fully dressed, and with a free sub frame, and borla headers) then it went straight to AIMS for a rebuild.

funny side story the seller made it sound like the motor was pretty bad, AIMS said it was beautiful and still had some factory cross hatching left on the cylinder walls. it did have some minor damage to the timing cover and a bit of time cover plastic was going around with the belt (the horrible noises the seller told me about)
so now i have a "brand new" 1999 motor with Delta cams (stage 1) Woot!
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Old 2011-02-11, 11:41 AM   #4
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The '01 ECU is not expecting a MAF sensor, but you will need the appropriate MAP sensor in the appropriate location. The bigger question is, what wiring is in between the ECU and the engine? If the bulkhead and engine harnesses (and for simplicity, the complete intake manifold plus fueling) are not '01 also, you have a TON of wire tracing, repinning, and splicing to do.
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Old 2011-02-11, 02:02 PM   #5
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wiring = bad

so is $180 shipped for an engine and dash harness a good deal? i think he has the "rear" section too
hmm maybe i should just buy a complete harness and have less money AND less car issues

seller is calling it a dash harness, he has the complete chassis harness and says there's 3 sections,
engine, dash, rear .... guess an extra $100 is well worth avoiding wiring , or possibly damaging the motor with some fuel pump issues or what not .. ?

you happen have any 2.2 wiring that would be compatible and you want to sell?
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Last edited by A1337STI; 2011-02-11 at 02:08 PM.
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Old 2011-02-11, 02:30 PM   #6
Kevin M
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I would absolutely buy all that wiring. So much easier than merging harnesses.
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Old 2011-02-11, 03:53 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by A1337STI View Post
wiring = bad

so is $180 shipped for an engine and dash harness a good deal? i think he has the "rear" section too
hmm maybe i should just buy a complete harness and have less money AND less car issues

seller is calling it a dash harness, he has the complete chassis harness and says there's 3 sections,
engine, dash, rear .... guess an extra $100 is well worth avoiding wiring , or possibly damaging the motor with some fuel pump issues or what not .. ?

you happen have any 2.2 wiring that would be compatible and you want to sell?
Heh, all I have are the complete heads and intake manifold (with all sensors, fuel, and wiring) from a running '99 2.2 motor.

Whatever you do, get ALL of the wiring from one year. Preferably, get all of the wiring, intake manifold, sensors, and heads from the same year.

And yeah, without a lot of cutting and splicing, a dash swap from the same year/gen would be a good idea.

Supposedly you can swap electronic/mechanical senders from the tranny back and forth, although I have never tried it.
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Old 2011-02-15, 09:11 AM   #8
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good to know. i'll keep nasioc searching / ebaying ..

if this guy with the 01 harness would just get back to me. ugh
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